posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Not sure if any of you read, but it's a very good website with people much smarter than me making compelling, lucid and sometimes
over-my-head cases about the economy and the stock market.
I was trolling through some economic prediction articles and came across
across this one written in December on what is to be
expected on the economy in 2011. And damn if half the predictions haven't already come true. To me, that means the other half are probably going
to happen.
Now, don't get your panties in a wad. This writer isn't saying there will be nuclear war or that we'll be roving around an economic desolate wasteland
while Tina Turner puts us in a steel cage to fight to the death. But predictions that commodity prices and global social unrest will rise dramatically
have happened. The EU is now facing the music with its debt issues, as he predicted months before the latest Wall Street freefall. And the US will
hover near recession, which is clearly the case at the moment.
It's a good read.
Now, I'll probably side with many of you on here to say that 2012 and 2013 will only worsen and lead to a climatic global conflageration. My guess is
it will be sparked by an Iran/Israel confrontation that puts a dramatic hold on oil supplies, prompting other world powers to intervene. Still, the
writer doesn't go there.
edit on 8/19/2011 by behindthescenes because: (no reason given)