posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 05:22 PM
Dreams are kind of like computer software simulations. In waking life, we have our senses. You might have heard of them.. possibly used them at one
point. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. This data is collected from your interaction with the outside world and processed into what we percieve as
reality. When you dream, there is no active sensory input. Instead the raw data that you might have collected throughout the day, week, etc, is
combined with your subconcious to create a simulation.
Imagine a NASA training flight sim. Real in every way besides the fact that you are there. Data is supplied to the computers and the computer can't
distinguish it from a real situation. Such is our brain. When this false sensory data is processed by your brain, you percieve reality while you
sleep. Since the analytical portion of the brain is asleep, strange occurances and absurd explanations seem completely rational.
Now imagine if the data your subconcience creates is intercepted by some sort of chip in your brain. (tin foil hats anyone?) The stream can be
disected into the 5 senses and crudely displayed on a monitor. It seems good in theory, but I am a firm believer that reality is tailored individual
to every person. Based on your experiences, memories, and eccentricities, each of sees the world differently. The missing link is the subconcious
mind. With the same sensory data, each brain would probably interpret it differently. (Kind of the effect where when you come to a place for the first
time, it seems foreign, but when you live there for a while, it seems so familiar that you can't imagine it looking foreign at all).
There are so many subtleties involved to our perception of reality and dreams that I doubt we will have anything like this for at LEAST 20 years ( 20
years = the barrier of no return )
Now the ethical dilemma that wrtworthy brought up. I too would feel terribly violated if someone were to invade my dreams. They are personal and hold
a lot of meaning with me.
our dreams are out last escape from the totalitarian society that being created, keep our dreams private, for our children's children, give them the
freedom we have!
Good point.. though I struggle with the grammar
This is our last resort to live out our fantasies in a world that is starting to look deviod of wonder and magic. Treasure your dreams, cherish them
and you wont regret it.