I recently read an article which speaks of the possible breakthough in Cancer treatment using some of the main Mdma ingredients from the party-going
ravers drug of choice...... ECSTASY!!
( Quoted )
A modified version of MDMA - commonly known as ecstasy - could help with treatment for blood cancer, scientists have claimed.
Newly-published research from scientists at the University of Birmingham shows significant success in "redesigning the designer drug" for potential
use as a cancer-killing agent in the treatment of leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.
The new work builds on the scientists' discovery six years ago that more than half of the cancers in white blood cells they looked at responded in
the test tube to the growth-suppressing properties of psychotropic drugs.
These included amphetamine derivatives such as ecstasy and weight-loss pills and anti-depressants such as fluoxetine, the generic term for prozac.
Ecstasy Drug Offers Blood Cancer Hope
This is great news Pro-health speaking!!
It just goes to show there are many substances out there which can have a benefit on human health.....
....If only it makes it by the FDA , Government , Scientists , Advisors , Spin Doctors etc.....
Another main susbstance that springs to mind is the so called Devil Weed...lol... Cannabis.
So many positive uses, yet the negative propoganda it recieves denotes it from any pharmaceutical use....
In the UK at least.... Certain counties are realising the Pot war ..... Is a Fake War !!! (like afghanistan and iraq)
Lies and manipulation are what hide positivity in this world we live in.
Anyways... I have jumped from subject to subject....
I am sure there will be some good input from ATS readers.
The findings are a step in the right direction ....what are your thoughts on Ecstasy and Cannabis Laws / health giving properties / Government stances
/ benefits you may have experienced or heard stories about (M.S etc)
Thanks for reading and look forward to the replies.