posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:51 PM
I had, in the past, been inclined to give in to the idea that because he was not 'mainstream' Ron Paul was not electable. But, then, the newcomer
from Illinois wasn't mainstream either - until the mainstream made him a glorious celebrity.
The more I hear the assertion that Ron Paul can't win, the more I'm certain he should.
I don't think it is wise to expect earth-shattering paradigm shifts from a Paul administration. But I am very confident that for the first time in
generations, America will be engaged in a public dialogue that has been long overdue... one about Americans... instead of about American elites.
Above and beyond all other candidates, Dr. Paul has an intelligible ideal; whereas his "peers" (a term which can only be used superficially) are all
about the exact same floor show they've been peddling for 50 years.
The democrat/republican cabal has played the American people for long enough; stoking fear and pandering to safety... it has gotten us where we are
today.... Dr. Paul's traditional conservative approach can no longer be said to apply to the 'mainstream' republicans, who have largely abandoned
conservative ideals for a 'one party' ponzi scheme.
My one regret is the certainty that the republicans and democrats entrenched in the system will apply there usual ham-handed treachery against the
executive's agenda ... Not for the benefit of America, but instead for her elites, whom they defend with the vigor we expected them to apply to our
people... and this might translate into the same passive resistance that plagues Obama today.
But you never know, America is certainly not as deeply asleep as it was in the recent past... and in the end, it is we who make the difference... our
politicians are supposed to be our servants... I wonder how they would object to that being thrust upon them after so many years of being