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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

Yeah video didn't say God cut off communications but governments did.
Thanks for playing though

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by wardk28
reply to post by Heartisblack

Yeah video didn't say God cut off communications but governments did.
Thanks for playing though

I'm wasn't talking about the first vid, I was talking about the dude babbling about the tribulation.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:56 AM
I'm sorry, i normally just ignore the predictions and prophecies boards because, without being rude, it’s just not my thing. That’s not to say that the topic doesn’t interest me... but there are to many "I had a dream so beware" threads.

So, I just skim read or ignore the threads altogether. And that is my point!!!

I DO NOT break into people's threads and start trolling with negative unconstructive comments. You people, with all your comments on fairy sky gods and pixie dust, do realise that ATS is alternative forums for discussing conspiracies, UFO's, mythical creatures, prophecies etc... don’t you?? Judging by your condescending tones I would have thought you had the intelligence to realise that!

That not to say that you cannot disagree with people views, it’s just the manner in which you do it that helps to either elevate ATS above other forums or drag it down into the gutter with many of the other boards which have good topics but descend into...

"Your gay"
"your mom"
"F you"

If you want to simply mock others beliefs why not join one of the many sport forums that often descend into ignorant insults and sarcasm?

This is ATS... its motto is “Deny Ignorance”... Deny Ignorance does not mean mocking and bullying those who you think are ignorant... It means constructively disagreeing with them; and if you can’t do that, simply move on!!

To the OP... sorry but i don’t really buy into the videos either. These sorts of people are two a penny and are often just money making machines that prey on the weak. I've had first hand experience with such con artists but, to be fair, I have obviously never met them ALL and so cannot completely write off all of them. I am a Christian but I distance myself from such people who I believe use religion/beliefs/ideas as a way to manipulate people and extort money. Just my opinion.


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:59 AM
Religious context is irrelevant. Premotions / precognition could still be a real human ability, likely tapped into by belief in the supernatural, god or ether or whatever else. If you had done the slightest bit of research into psychic phenomenon you'd have known this as a possibility.

No one cares how much you hate religion, feel free to stuff it, at your earliest convenience. If you're so high-minded, as you atheists constantly try to pass yourselves off, by all means get out of this thread and stay out permanently. Or out of these forums for that matter. Your negativity contributes nothing other than once again proving how worthless your beliefs really are.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by Muckster
I'm sorry, i normally just ignore the predictions and prophecies boards because, without being rude, it’s just not my thing. That’s not to say that the topic doesn’t interest me... but there are to many "I had a dream so beware" threads.

So, I just skim read or ignore the threads altogether. And that is my point!!!

I DO NOT break into people's threads and start trolling with negative unconstructive comments. You people, with all your comments on fairy sky gods and pixie dust, do realise that ATS is alternative forums for discussing conspiracies, UFO's, mythical creatures, prophecies etc... don’t you?? Judging by your condescending tones I would have thought you had the intelligence to realise that!

That not to say that you cannot disagree with people views, it’s just the manner in which you do it that helps to either elevate ATS above other forums or drag it down into the gutter with many of the other boards which have good topics but descend into...

"Your gay"
"your mom"
"F you"

If you want to simply mock others beliefs why not join one of the many sport forums that often descend into ignorant insults and sarcasm?

This is ATS... its motto is “Deny Ignorance”... Deny Ignorance does not mean mocking and bullying those who you think are ignorant... It means constructively disagreeing with them; and if you can’t do that, simply move on!!

To the OP... sorry but i don’t really buy into the videos either. These sorts of people are two a penny and are often just money making machines that prey on the weak. I've had first hand experience with such con artists but, to be fair, I have obviously never met them ALL and so cannot completely write off all of them. I am a Christian but I distance myself from such people who I believe use religion/beliefs/ideas as a way to manipulate people and extort money. Just my opinion.


An excellent response.

I appreciate the time you took to give a more constructive view. I too am very wary of people that try and make money out of this kind of stuff. To my knowledge, the gentleman in the video concerning the tribulation made no money from spreading his message. He did not write a book on the subject.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Muckster

Very good sir. Its almost like people go out of their way to do a search of any words containing God or Christ in threads and come in just to comment on how Christianity sucks and we are all stupid. Whether or not the ideas in the thread are valid, the thread is not about if you believe in a "magic man in the sky". Obviously these people have some deep rooted issues with Christianity. If so, bashing it in every thread containing God isn't going to make that go away.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by XplanetX

To my knowledge, the gentleman in the video concerning the tribulation made no money from spreading his message. He did not write a book on the subject.

That’s cool and certainly gives the gentleman more credibility in my eyes. Maybe he is just a dude who had a dream and wants to spread the message, maybe it is even a message from God... i really can’t say for sure... The only reason I am sceptical is because I have seen so many claims like this over the years; thousands of them. None that gave a date have ever come true and the others are normally so vague that they could mean anything.

My own personal religious views is that something is coming... but no one shall know the date and time... I prepare in my own way but try not to worry too much about what others say. However, if this guy is really making no money from this, kudos to him.


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by XplanetX
reply to post by ChristianJihad

Did you watch the videos?

See one snake oil salesman you've seen them all, $50 dollars for a blessed handkerchief to place under your pillow

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by ChristianJihad

Originally posted by XplanetX
reply to post by ChristianJihad

Did you watch the videos?

See one snake oil salesman you've seen them all, $50 dollars for a blessed handkerchief to place under your pillow

Thank you for indirectly answering my question. I now know that you have nothing to add to this discussion.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by XplanetX
2TH 2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

All of our communication devices will be shut off and I believe we are closing in on the date that this will take place.

Here is a dream from Ken Peters from the early 80's, he claims that in his dream all communication is shut down for two weeks. After this occurs we will have a new government called the 'new order'. There will be a new man on the scene that will lead this 'new order'.

edit on 19-8-2011 by XplanetX because: Had to remove duplicate video

edit on 19-8-2011 by XplanetX because: typo

I believe in a God but at least have your facts straight. FACTS

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Deja`Vu


Anyone that denies Jesus is an antichrist, but the bible definitely identifies the lawless one (The devil in the flesh).

There are many websites out there that are not biblical and are designed to mislead you. When in doubt, look into the scriptures yourself.

2TH 2:5 Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Muckster

What you say is true. It seems like people go out of their way to be rude. If they do not beleive what is before them that is fine with me But I see no reason for it to become a religion bashing ceremony. I Can't understand why people come in just to say I saw god written and am tired of seeing it. It is quite simple to change the page and not read it. Even simpler not to even comment on it. If they have something constructive that fine. I personally don't follow religion. But I will be the last one coming in a bashing people for theirs. It takes allot of courage to have faith in something(someone). I hope that all of you that do have faith Get exactly what you Believe you should get.
On the same note. I do not go around telling anyone with religion that they are wrong. Please do not call me the Antichrist or that I am going to Hell. That is just as uncalled for. Say you will pray for me.You want people to see your side of it and not mock your faith the last thing you should be doing is telling them they are going to hell. Or that they are evil. Say you will pray for them. You can't save anyone if you are beating them down.

As far As the OP goes. This is interesting to me as we have seen plenty of movies which shows what would happen if communications went out.. It trully would be hell on Earth Governments could not talk, States and cities Might have transit communications back and forth via Cars. But what happens to anyone with an emergency. No way to contact an ambulance. Riots and looters would be the least of the chaos.. Anyways it makes you think And for that I thank you to adding another sub Sit x To my growing list of Sit x preperations..


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:15 AM
thanks for posting this.

i really enjoyed it.

weirdly earlier today i saw a kid (goth/all in black), must have been about 16, sat on a wall, next to what looked like his mother.

in his hands was a small black book. i couldn't help but check the title. 'the satanic bible'

regardless of whether god exists or not, there's definitely an agenda to make the devil cool....

the people behind that effort worry me

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:22 PM
whouldn't it be because They "don't" refuse the truth? i'm an advant truth seeker, and all these religions are in the same catagory as santa clause to me. there is no truth what so ever in the bible or anywhere. the closest thing religion comes to is eye witness accounts of things happening they couldn't explain, so they made their own explanation.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by XplanetX

HALLELUIA 2 weeks of non intrusions...I will be thankful for this!

Seriously Maybe all the ceasing of communications will give me time to rejuvenate myself!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Muckster

I was just about to start typing and you said what I was thinking much better.
Everyone has their own beliefs and that is the beauty of free thought. No matter what, we as people will always have that. I think the key is to understand that what you believe might not be what someone else believes, and that in no way discredits their thoughts. The only way to find out who is right or wrong is to die. So the guy in the videos may be spot on, or he may be an idiot. Not for me to decide. But I believe God is there for assistance when asked and he isn't out to screw us in any way. We will do that all by ourselves with no outside help. Luckily, when I want to find a way out of the stupid box, I can ask him for directions and he shows me the door.

But then again, I may just be an idiot. But I am happy.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by XplanetX
I appreciate that many people do not believe in God.

All I ask is:

Please do not turn this into a 'christian bashing' or 'God bashing' thread.

If you do not believe in God, no problem, just move along.
edit on 19-8-2011 by XplanetX because: (no reason given)

Yeah man, I see that too.

One good thing if all communications will go down is we won't have to read that kind of people anymore.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by XplanetX

listen very carefully right now...

YOU.. and all other fundamentalist Christians need to get something understood....

When in situations of disaster, scarcity, and chaos... the ONLY 'one' who is going to 'do' evil or good.. is YOU... is our OWN MINDS within these animal bodies.. NOT some invisible dude with invisible horns... it is YOU who makes the decision to act like a savage or a saint.. GOT IT? ... NOT some boogeyman.

SATAN IS your animal body/mind ... in every one of us.. it is symbolic.

any power outage or other type of testing circumstance is there for YOU to make decisions and take //ahem// personal responsibility for yourself and your loved ones...


enough fear mongering... all you are doing is spreading FEAR and HATE which leads to SUFFERING.

get past the brainwashed christian fear-based mindset that is the reality the surface-perception of what the bible thumpers breed...

there are a great many things to learn from the bible.. but they are symbolic and practical

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by XplanetX

I had a dream once and in this dream the organized religion took a backseat to common sense and logic! The reason religion is losing it's appeal to people is the fanaticism is running rampant and many try pushing their views on everyone else. Everyone believes in something but that don't mean they need to share it with the world.

P.S. I only got sucked in to this because the title did not mention anything about the super natural.

edit on 19-8-2011 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:52 PM
Sometimes ATS makes me sick. Really. Aren't we supposed to be able to post here without the fear of being ridiculed? Aren't we supposed to be a forum for open discussion? I see so many BS threads, I mean really far out "Reptilians are eating your children via underground tunnels connected to their UFO's which happen to be a time machine connected to Buddha" threads all the time, and yet they don't get as many negative comments as these Christian threads do.

You all say that you're bashing this post because of the nonsense message of communications being cut. Yet many of you will trash a thread as long as it has "God" or "Christ" or "Christian" in them no matter what the content is. Many of you, like one of the very first responses to this thread didn't even look over the information being posted, instead you went straight into "Troll Attack Mode" and spouted off about "ignorant Christians".

How about next time, instead of mindlessly targeting such threads as these, you DON'T click on it? I don't see why you would EXCEPT to bash. You obviously could care less about the content!

It's more or less like you have a PERSONAL issue with Christians and Christianity so you decide to get PERSONAL and ruin entire threads with your nonsense.

I'm not a religious man, I know the evils Christianity has done throughout time JUST LIKE any other religion has done. That's no excuse to troll an innocent guys thread for just wanting to discuss something HE FEELS is important. Go create your own thread next time and quit being the ATS version of the NKVD.

You guys are like the thought police, "Oh no! He's thinking about God, GET HIM!".

Get over it and yourself.

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