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Lets Talk Over Unity And How To Achieve It

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by anumohi

Originally posted by john_bmth
reply to post by ken10

You brought up perpeptual motion in a thread about over unity. Unless you are talking about point orbits (which do not violate the laws of physics), attempting to assert perpeptual motion in any other context is incorrect. You even used the moon as an example of perpeptual motion (which it is not) and challenged me to demonstrate otherwise (which I did). So you need to clarify: what is the relevance of perpeptual point orbits in a thread about over unity?

take your discussion back to your thread here

you are polluting the information with negative interference

this thread is about positive creation

edit on 19-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

Just ignore the bully, he'll get bored and go away

This is not meant as sarcasm, the thread will be much more interesting and productive without people bickering with JohnB about stuff we all already debated a zillion times
edit on 19/8/11 by RogerT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by RogerT


You've started a good thread anumohi, now don't let the attack dogs put you on the defensive.

So, what's your plan friend?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 03:19 PM
well mostly my experiment components have been old used VCR/VHS heads, that way I'm not having to afford precision machining to get the same affects and actually they work perfect for my purposes. well along the way as i moved from experience to experience i found certain affects that were more promising that others and once i realized that pulling was way better than pushing i had an epiphany/a vision that resembled the helix. I came to realize that a vortexing funnel affect was the direction i needed to direct my focus on, so what i did was remove the the larger aluminum head from the brass inner rotor, then proceeded to install 3 -1/4 x 1/2 neodymium magnets in the face of the brass rotor at 45 degree angle evenly spaced around the circumference of the rotor, more or less kind of facing but opposite in a tight pattern as to create this vortexing kind of reminds you of the drive head at the bottom of a blender mixer, that's the general pattern. Ok, now once i offset drilled and installed the magnets and they were pressed and secured, i took a string of these same magnets and held the rotor drive in one hand and the magnet stack/string in the other hand and drew them to each other as to test the field affect.
success, what i found was is that the affect did in fact cause the rotor to partially spin freely without the breaking affect

Now here comes the cool part, as i was playing with this new affect i started thinking , hmmmm what if i created a special spring that would go on the outside of the rotor and pull one over turn and sharply pull to the center at a slight angle that had the correct tension and the correct angle and correct length, so when i drew from the center the next time it would draw the coil out and because it was a full revolution at its starting point, it would naturally spin on its own just because there was tension being drawn on it......and that's where I'm at. Ive had to build several coils springs using other coils of different styles and tensions but Ive concluded that i need a master spring maker, probably a watch and clock maker to make me exactly what is required, but just to let you know, the other springs did get me to the next step to see what is required

Ive already designed the next stages and will be waiting to see if i can generate 1.5 volts to run my lil leds with....PERPETUALLY

and thats what i'm up to

edit on 19-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:15 PM
So in conclusion to the above segment of this discussion, it only required 2 small neodymium magnets and a lobbing spring action to naturally cause a spinning affect, without defying or breaking the laws of physics. now as far as torque? if to spin under load i devised a gear reduction at the shaft that would allow for torque and not draw heat on the system because we know that any thermal affect could force it to hesitate or stop, and that's not what we are after, the other aspect I'm considering to increase its speed and power is on the opposing magnet that initiates the draw, i was thinking of creating a pumping affect to keep it constantly winding up, kind of like one of those kids push top toys that goes in and out and the more you push it the faster it goes , i was thinking of using one of those pen caster fishing reels to actuate the process, it just seemed like the perfect tool for the job and its already made...

edit on 19-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:02 PM
Every time I hear someone is working on a magnet motor it makes me think of correlated magnetics and their "programmable" magnets.

Something tells me that having a magnet that works like a gear could really help in a build like most magnet guys are working on.

correlated magnetics programmable magnets "gear magnets"

I think if a permanent magnet motor is ever made it will use this combined with Flynn's Parallel path technology that can "amplify" magnetic fields and be switched on and off at will.

parallel path magnetic research

I think between this and maybe some sort of metamaterial that can help block or deflect magnetic fields you could maybe come up with something workable.

Really though I think the correlated magnetics guy is onto something that could be seriously useful. So useful in fact that they appear to have stopped selling the magnetic gears already... who knows if they'll ever sell those again.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 02:45 PM

I have an idea for you.

WE should all (or those of us with serious interest anyway) make our own "Over Unity" Documentary!

The Documentary could reside in the Media section,

And it could have a corresponding Thread tacked to the top of the Science and Technology forum too.

The goal of the Documentary would be to demonstrate ATS members using "Over Unity" technology to power appliances and cars and things.

What do you think?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

I have an idea for you.

WE should all (or those of us with serious interest anyway) make our own "Over Unity" Documentary!

The Documentary could reside in the Media section,

And it could have a corresponding Thread tacked to the top of the Science and Technology forum too.

The goal of the Documentary would be to demonstrate ATS members using "Over Unity" technology to power appliances and cars and things.

What do you think?

I think that would be an excellent idea, once i get my project up and running to my satisfaction, I'm going to go back through and do a complete step by step of the materials that i used and their assembly and function on video, to show and prove that nothings impossible when you don't give up and allow your mind to expand

my entire goal is to only supply, store and use 12 volt, we need to quit wasting and downsize our comfort ,what i have found is that 12 volt can practically do the same thing as 110 with the current advances in technology, especially with the use of LED lighting and Peltier thermoelectric and microfans. I could write an entire how to on that subject. but first i need to finish my generator

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by anumohi


So you intend to open source this technology then?

What's your timeline for having a product ready to demonstrate?

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by anumohi

I have looked into several claims of overunity via permanent magnets and have found all of them to be wishful thinking except one, which was simple fraud. You might want to actually learn some physics so that you can expound your theories without inadvertently making a humor thread.

Dynotech motion technologies usa, as well as the north korean tech transfer div already have permanent magnet motors that generate in excess of 5 kw power.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection
Dynotech motion technologies usa, as well as the north korean tech transfer div already have permanent magnet motors that generate in excess of 5 kw power.

Danotek makes generators but they are alternative energy wind power and the like. Is there another company you are referring to?

I found this video from Australia but don't know how old it is. There are some plans to take advantage of the Casimir effect but the forces involved are very small.
edit on 8/21/2011 by pteridine because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by pteridine

Danotek makes generators but they are alternative energy wind power and the like. Is there another company you are referring to?
I was in communication with dan gizaw the owner of danotekmotion a couple of years ago, At the time they had a patent pending permanent magnet motor also on their website.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Am I reading this right? Permanent magnets are currently prviding free energy and are established as perpetual motion machines already.

Newton was wrong and everything in accepted physics is changing.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:13 PM
Here is the device that got me interested in the permanent magnet motors in the first place and although it does produce rotation with quite an amount of torque, it quickly discharges due to thermodynamics, but it did prove one major thing in the magnetic can

so i guess its up to me to take the next step in the quest for perfection, but they were close

edit on 21-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by anumohi


So you intend to open source this technology then?

What's your timeline for having a product ready to demonstrate?

as soon as i get my spring and run my test, and "IF"? successful, then i'll start documenting all my steps. as far as it being open source, I'm not really interested. if anyone reading what i wrote about my project desires to take advantage of my description, that's as open source as i will get, no one ever gave me anything so why should i write someone else ticket in life.

I'm not looking for investment,patents or awards. I'll just sell you all my products and move on to my next projects

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by anumohi
Here is the device that got me interested in the permanent magnet motors in the first place and although it does produce rotation with quite an amount of torque, it quickly discharges due to thermodynamics, but it did prove one major thing in the magnetic can

so i guess its up to me to take the next step in the quest for perfection, but they were close

edit on 21-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

Interesting video, have seen it a few times. So, there does not seem to be any load to resist the motion?

Based on what you see there is it possible to add a generator to it?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by habfan1968

Originally posted by anumohi
Here is the device that got me interested in the permanent magnet motors in the first place and although it does produce rotation with quite an amount of torque, it quickly discharges due to thermodynamics, but it did prove one major thing in the magnetic can

so i guess its up to me to take the next step in the quest for perfection, but they were close

edit on 21-8-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

Interesting video, have seen it a few times. So, there does not seem to be any load to resist the motion?

Based on what you see there is it possible to add a generator to it?

The problem they had was it would quickly discharge the magnets due to magnetic friction, but if you did hook up a 5k generator to it,it would run it for a very brief amount of time, maybe 5 minutes, then you would have to re-magnetize it. it wasn't a bad concept and you can't damage it, but you wouldn't get very much use out of it either unless you had some way to cool the magnets and recharge them while it was cycling. i built a tiny one but it taught me that i needed to look in another direction for the answer

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 03:52 AM
Hi Anumohi

As this is the thread NOT constrained by peer reviewed scientific literature (lol), here is some info:

2 days ago whilst in deep meditation, your thread came into my awareness. This was quite a surprise, ATS is not something I think about in these states!
I was presented with an image of magnets in a sinusoidal pattern, which then expanded to 2 sets of magnets in sine pattern interacting somehow.
This then expanded to 3 sets and the configuration became vortical (is that even a word? I mean in a vortex shape).
I saw also the DNA double helix, but this could have been my mind butting in.
I had a small impulse to construct it, but then a greater one to communicate to you instead.

Take it or leave it. Sometimes, information comes through in this way which is inspired and spot on, other times, it's just more garbage of the mind. I couldn't discern which one it was. Usually, there is a "You MUST do this" kind of energy to it when it's something specifically for me, but as it didn't have that much 'personal' feel to it I am passing it on, rather than just letting it go.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 06:42 PM
Not quite an overunity device...but maybe it *is* perpetual motion?

Here's the key to this one:
Efficient phase-change heating/cooling systems (say a refrigerator or household AC) generate as much as 3 watts of heat during the "compression" phase - which only requires *1* watt of energy.

Therefore, 100% heat-to-electricity would yield us 3:1 "overunity" (actually, the extra energy is heat energy absorbed by the coolant as it rises to room temperature).

But 100% is pretty tough to come by. How about 60%? (

Neat! I buy a JTEC unit (see link) and hook it up to my refrigerator. But, since my 'fridge doesn't need to cool all the time, I change the on/off circuitry to flip a valve...the cooling will run all the time, always generating electricity, even if it's not cooling the 'fridge.

But you know what? That's wasting energy...let's hook up a Stirling engine to run on the cold/room temp differential when the coolant is diverted from the refrigerator. Now I'm getting at least some (if not all) of my "compression energy" back...

So I use the output to charge some batteries, and now I have power to run my stove. (for example...I haven't done the math...and I'm not that good at math, anyway).

OR! We just hook the phase-change system directly up to a Stirling engine and generate power that way. Take your pick.

This does beg a question, though:
Since a Stirling engine (have I been spelling that right?) works from heat differentials, and the heart of phase-change technology is heat differentials, could we wrap *both* "ends" of the Stirling engine with phase-change hardware? Have the "compression chamber" be a tube/series of tubes that wrap around the "hot" side of the engine? Wouldn't that rob efficiency, because the Stirling engine would work by transferring heat from one side to the other?

Looking forward to what you-all have to say for this idea...

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by RogerT

Bully?? This site's motto is "Deny Ignorance". This thread is littered with ignorance yet no-one seems to give a darn
You think it's productive to have a discussion where people are getting elementary science flat out wrong? That's not a discussion, it's wilful basking in ignorance. It serves no purpose other than to let posters pat each other on the back and say "great work, champ!" when absolutely nothing is substantiated. What's the value in that?
edit on 7-9-2011 by john_bmth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by RogerT
As this is the thread NOT constrained by peer reviewed scientific literature (lol), here is some info:

Evidently not.

2 days ago whilst in deep meditation, your thread came into my awareness. This was quite a surprise, ATS is not something I think about in these states!
I was presented with an image of magnets in a sinusoidal pattern, which then expanded to 2 sets of magnets in sine pattern interacting somehow.
This then expanded to 3 sets and the configuration became vortical (is that even a word? I mean in a vortex shape).
I saw also the DNA double helix, but this could have been my mind butting in.
I had a small impulse to construct it, but then a greater one to communicate to you instead.

Take it or leave it. Sometimes, information comes through in this way which is inspired and spot on, other times, it's just more garbage of the mind. I couldn't discern which one it was. Usually, there is a "You MUST do this" kind of energy to it when it's something specifically for me, but as it didn't have that much 'personal' feel to it I am passing it on, rather than just letting it go.

...and this is why we have peer-reviewed science so people's pipe dreams aren't presented as research.

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