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“Tell me again why Barack Obama has been such a bad president?” Jonathan Alter writes in his column.
Alter tells us he’s not talking here about Obama as a tactician and communicator, and he’s not interested in hearing ad hominem attacks or about people’s generalized “disappointment.” (Neither am I.) He wants to know on a substantive basis why Obama should be judged to have failed so far.
* The unemployment rate stands at 9.1 percent v. 7.8 percent the month Obama took office.
* July marked the 30th consecutive month in which the unemployment rate was above the 8 percent level, the highest since the Great Depression.
* Since May 2009 — roughly 14 weeks into the Obama administration — the unemployment rate has been above 10 percent during three months, above 9 percent during 22 months, and above 8 percent during two months.
* Chronic unemployment is worse than during the Great Depression.
* The youth employment rate is at the lowest level since records were first kept in 1948.
* The share of the eligible population holding a job has declined to the lowest level since the early 1980s.
* The housing crisis is worse than in the Great Depression. (Home values are worth roughly one-third less than they were five years ago.)
* The rate of economic growth under Obama has been only slightly higher than the 1930s, the decade of the Great Depression. From the first quarter of 2010 through the first quarter of 2011, we experienced five consecutive quarters of slowing growth. America’s GDP for the second quarter of this year was a sickly 1.0 percent; in the first quarter, it was 0.4 percent.
* Fiscal year 2011 will mark the third straight year with deficits in excess of $1 trillion. Prior to the Obama presidency, we had never experienced a deficit in excess of $1 trillion.
* During the Obama presidency, America has increased its debt by $4 trillion.
That is to say, Obama has achieved in two-and-a-half years what it took George W. Bush two full terms in office to achieve — and Obama, when he was running for president, slammed Bush’s record as being “unpatriotic.”
* America saw its credit rating downgraded for the first time in history under the Obama presidency.
* Consumer confidence has plunged to the lowest level since the Carter presidency.
* The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Obama’s watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
* A record number of Americans now rely on the federal government’s food stamps program. More than 44.5 million Americans received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, a 12 percent increase from one year ago.
There is more that can be said, but you get the point.
Where did this guy deliver on his campaign promises?
Obama blew it. How, when, and on which bill or negotiation he blew it will vary from observer to observer. Democrats, progressives, and moderates all agree that Obama blew it on something or other (conservatives uniformly detested him from the beginning, and would argue he blew it on everything) -- whether it was caving to Republicans on the debt ceiling, failing to explain his health care bill to the public, or abandoning climate and clean energy legislation altogether. Yet there's one over-arching failure that has encompassed all of these smaller ones, and perhaps caused them: His failure to engage America with any sort of compelling narrative or explanation for his actions.
At this point, even his most ardent supporters are politely unleashing their frustrations on NPR and elsewhere, admitting that they have no idea who President Obama is or what he believes in anymore. It’s as if the events of the past month have thrown into sharp relief the inconsistencies he’s exhibited all along. The candidate who promised to close Guantanamo and the president who’s kept it open. The champion of the poor and middle class who took more campaign contributions from Wall Street than any of his fellow candidates. The leader who says he has ended the war in Iraq while preparing the public, through leaks and trial balloons, for the American military presence to last for years.
Originally posted by Grumpy20
It's the first driving principle of the multicultural religion: Blacks can do no wrong. White men can do nothing right.
White men = a manifestation of evil and moral depravity, Everyone else = morally superior beings linked by shared victimhood and unlimited entitlements designed to get even,
Moses the Raven Comments (3641)
NetworkerSuperuserModeratorCommented on:
U.S. Adds Zero New Jobs In August As Jobless Rate Stuck At 9.1 Percent
“Stimulus - Failed
Green Jobs - Failed
Tax Increases - Failed
Obama Care - Failed
Cap and Trade - Failed
Bailouts – Failed
Transparency - Failed
World Likes us more - Failed
Wars - Failed
Deficit reduction - Failed
Lowering the National Debt – Failed”
Originally posted by The Sword
The "affirmative action" President?
And 6 flags?
Never has blatant racism been allowed to run amok on ATS than it is doing right at this moment.
... the suggestion, which we hear more and more of these days, that opposition to President Obama is based on racist views.
At the outset of his administration, some of us predicted this would happen once Obama encountered rough political waters. Still, this needs to be said: to hurl the charge of racism without any evidence is slanderous.
The GOP’s opposition to Obama is rooted in profound political and philosophical disagreements; Republicans believe he is championing policies injurious to our nation. They may be wrong, but that does not make them malevolent.
And to accuse people of racism in such a casual, promiscuous and reckless manner ultimately has the effect of draining the charge of its potency. Genuine racism is a terrible thing, which is why it should be reserved for the real deal rather than used as a clumsy and transparently ideological club.
Where his detractors lose credibility in this thread is with the affirmative action nonsense. It's clearly racist and frankly, it shouldn't be tolerated.
Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by jdub297
Where did this guy deliver on his campaign promises?
He offered the change that we can believe in.
But the problem is, we didn't know what kind of change, we just ass-umed that it would be good. But instead, it was a giant flushing sound. Down into the sewer of despair.
All the spinning in the world can’t spin away the trend of Scott Brown, the Tea Party victory of November 2010, and now the Turner earthquake.
Many Democrats are awakening to the reality that their party has been hijacked by a radicalism completely unfamiliar to their parents’ and grandparents’ Democratic Party.
Originally posted by jdub297
There are only 2 parts of your reply that I need to quote: "The media [are] not liberal." "Obama is not leftist."
Thanks for your contributions to objective reason and evaluation.
I realize this is a late reply, but I took a break from the slobbering dumbassery that has been characterizing ATS for about a year now.
The bankruptcy of solar-panel maker Solyndra neatly encapsulates the economic, political and intellectual bankruptcy of Barack Obama’s Big Idea. It was the president’s intention back in 2009 to begin centrally reorganizing the U.S. economy around the supposed climate-change crisis.
To what end? Well, Obama claimed his election would mark “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” But that was just the cover story. At its core, Obamanomics is about the top-down redistribution of wealth and income. Government spending on various “green” subsidies and programs, along with a cap-and-trade system to limit carbon emissions, would enrich key Democrat constituencies: lawyers, public sector unions, academia and non-profits.
Oh, and Wall Street, too. Who was the exclusive financial adviser to Solyndra when it was trying to secure the $535 million loan from Washington? Goldman Sachs. And had the cap-and-trade scheme been enacted, big banks stood ready to reap billions from the trading of carbon emission credits.
No wonder many Democratic strategists predicted their party’s 2008 landslide win would usher in a generation of political dominance. Obamanomics, essentially, would divert taxpayer dollars to the Green Lobby – and then into the campaign coffers of the Democratic Party.