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And the scales fell from their eyes: Recognizing the failure of the "Affirmative Action President"

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:07 PM
Bottom line is that we ae being led by a moron that wont sit down and shut up....real bad ju-ju

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
reply to post by Daedal

It is about class. A war is being waged against the middle class and poor.

Poverty does not have a skin color. Whites, blacks, hispanics etc are all apart of the welfare system, receive SS, medicare-caid, and are on unemployment. Families that were once middle class are now homeless and that spans across every race.

It won't be until we're all in the same tent city, standing in the same soup line, will the racist garbage stop. It's holding everyone back.

I do agree that it is the racist ideology that is holding back the unity of mankind.And yes all races are subject too failure of the monetary policies currently in place.But when things start to dissolve at a more rapid pace and the Entitlement programs are shaved,don't believe that all people are then going to unite under some common enemy metaphor.
I lived in the South,here in the US for some time.And one thing is certain.The Hispanics stick to their own kind,and the African Americans,they are the same way.
I think that it is Whites who have adopted the idea that all people are equal,maybe in a court of law,yes.But as far as abilities and capabilities,it is different.Each race has it's strong points in comparison to others.
I guess an easy way to look at it is I have a dog,a Beagle,great rabbit hunter,but sucks at running sheep like my Australian Shepard.Same thing,their all dogs,but each is unique it's it's own right.
I am not trying to depict myself as being racist,and if it appears that way,my apologies.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by jdub297

"There is definitely something wrong with the guy."

And what that is, we will never, ever (like the college transcripts; Passport records; Illinois State Senate calendars, files; real estate transfer info on the Chicago manse; reason for turn in of his and Michelle's IL state law license) his medical records are triple top secret.

The scar on the side of head (a childhood injury? some type of cranial surgery? accident or illness?).

At best the pressure has gotten to him; at worst case...something is organically wrong (and 'they' keep him propped up). The consistent lateness in meeting the Administration OWN timeline for media appearances just sets off all kind of alarms with me. Panic attacks and nuke codes don't seem like a good mix.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by jdub297
The term applied to Barack is wrong; I could care less what you say about the knave Bush.

You do not understand affirmative action or you deny reality. AA is not a recruiters job, it is a lowering of standards. Or elimination of them, outright.
Your choice of support for one man over the other is telling, and expected.

Shouting out your beliefs does not make them true, but it reveals your quivering desperation..

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by ararisq
You are all wrong.

Oh? Sorry to have disabused you from your delusions.
Obama is incompetent.
A white person with Obama's "credentials" would never have been elected.
Prove otherwise.

Progressives want a single payer health care system—like Canada.

So does Obama, but he won't come out and say it. He'd rather "back-dorr" it into existence by driving private insurers out of the market with outrageous regulations. Thus far, they are hanging in there, calling his bluff.
His stupid ploy was so inept, Sebelius had to start handing out "waivers" from day-one. When the count topped 1,500 waivers to Obama-loyal organizations, it became to obvious to deny, so they stopped altogether. What a failure!

They want a government jobs program like FDR did in the depression

I know. Isn't is sad that Obama spent $1.3 Trillion on "stimulus" and incentives yet only helped public employee unions?
I'd be pissed too, if I was a progressive/liberal/democrat and had place all my hope for change in this imbecile who hold the office.
Too bad that he knows his limitations and instead of helping the electorate, he decided to ensure his re-election by using all that money to buy loyalty from the recipients.
Jobs? He'll get to that ,"When Congress comes back."

They want out of ALL wars

No they don't. They want out of "Bush's" wars. If BHO says it's worth doing, they're all in. Just don't call it a war; call it support, or contributed defense or some other new-age drivel.

They want the takedown of Guantanamo

Unless it requires the prisoners to come to their state.

They want the end to the Military Industrial complex and a severe cutting of the defense budget

Ubless it comes to their state.

And many other issues that Obama hasn’t come any where near fulfilling, so your analysis is all out of whack

And doesn't your realization of that failure just put the icing on the "incompetence" cake? Your Hope and Change were smoke blown up your collective asses by the beholden MSM, the behind the scenes Journ-List sycophants and the idiocracy who voted for the first time, but forgot to bring critical thought to the election along with their voter-registration card(s).

Now, your pride, sadness, disappointment and regret prevent you from admitted you were had.

Not my fault. I tried to warn you. But, nooooooooo.

Tough luck.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by drinoculateme
Some people call it
*buyer remorse*
There is alot of that
going around with Obama.

I couldn't give you a star becaiuse of the way your post displayed, so I thought I'd just repeat it.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:39 AM
I'm just surprised that no one has tried to shoot him yet. I figured after all the bull# that he is putting people thru, some one would have tried. I figured he would have have the retired vets trying to kill him after he groveled to other countries. Yet he remains, as he will until he is either killed or voted out of office.

I will say this that this country is royally screwed if he wins a second term. Nothing is more dangerous than that man on his last term. He would stop at nothing to tear this country apart.

Than it will be to late to hang him, but when he is done that is what the people will do.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Glinda

At best the pressure has gotten to him; at worst case...something is organically wrong (and 'they' keep him propped up).

He is acting exactly as you would expect from someone who knew he was being extended a faovr, tried to live up to it, then realized he couldn't.

Panic from the realization, anger at those who expose or exploit it. Dithering and delay when it calls for initiative and leadership. Sound familiar? Now matter how deep or strong the narcissism, this has to fundamentally bother him once in a while.

If you read the Milbank link, Obama is getting to where he can't follow even the teleprompter, tries to avoid it and loses train of thought when he does try.

Yet Obama plods along, raising gobs of cash for his reelection bid — he was scheduled to speak at two DNC fundraisers Monday night — and varying little the words he reads from the teleprompter.

He seemed detached even from those words Monday as he pivoted his head from side to side, proclaiming that “our problems is not confidence in our credit” and turning his bipartisan fiscal commission into a “biparticle.”

Biparticle? This is from the "great orator?"

It only gets worse:

He reminded all that the situation isn’t his fault (the need for deficit reduction “was true the day I took office”), he blamed the other side (“we knew . . . a debate where the threat of default was used as a bargaining chip could do enormous damage to our economy”) and he revisited the same proposals he had previously offered to little effect: extending unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut, and spending more on infrastructure projects.

This, he said, is “something we can do as soon as Congress gets back,” along with further deficit reduction. “I intend to present my own recommendations over the coming weeks,” he said.
Over the coming weeks? As soon as Congress gets back?

Various reporters tried to elicit more information about Obama’s economic plans and deficit-reduction proposals, but Carney declined again to take the lead.
“I don’t want to get too far ahead of the process,” he explained to the Wall Street Journal’s Laura Meckler, adding that Obama “will be contributing to that process, not driving it or directing it.”
“Why?” inquired Politico’s Glenn Thrush. “He’s the leader of the free world. Why isn’t he leading this process?”

deny biparticles


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by Reaper2137

Martyrdom would preserve the illusion and become a useful tool to further the progressive agenda.
They would say he was on the right track, but stopped short. Won't someone (competent) pick up wjere he left off?
An inside job?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by jdub297

No one says that about JFK, I think the only think this guy is going to be remembered for is the "change" in their pockets that he couldn't get before he was thrown out of offices...

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Really? White Robes? Jesse Jackson and Harvard Alums, and fellow liberals are now all tossed into the same incorrect, illogical, and scathingly dishonest portrayal of KKK? It was bad enough when you supporters claimed any little criticism from the Tea Party was racism, but now you are going to claim that even criticism from his own party, and own race is still racism?

I'm at a loss. I don't even know how to respond to such drivel.

The ONLY defense for OBAMA is a claim of RACISM. (Notice how often it is used) After all what is "Affirmative Action" ????

It is the liberals saying females, blacks and other "minorities" are incapable of competing in the market place without "Handicapping" those they are competing against.

As one of those "Affirmative Action" types I find it demeaning and demoralizing. Too bad more minorities have not figured out that "Affirmative Action" is just another way of saying "Your not good enough"

The fact that the words "Affirmative Action" are now triggering a liberal screaming fit just proves what I said about it.

It has been 40 years that "Affirmative Action" has been in place. People who were in management before "Affirmative Action" have retired. It is time to kill the program and let everyone stand on their own two feet.

Unfortunately Liberals are not interested in equality or individual freedom. They are only interested in the government dictating every tiny aspect of everyone's life including the food you eat and the air you breathe.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by jdub297

Uhhh,you do realize that Reagan was an actor before he became president. And Bush wasn't anymore qualified than Obama.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by jdub297

Really? Please point me to your defense of the first "Affirmative Action" president, George W. Bush?
The Affirmative Action President's dilemma(2001)
George W. Bush, the affirmative action president(2003)
Commentary: Affirmative Action President(2003)

Actually the first "Affirmative Action" President was JFK although he was not called that. He was the first president who was not a WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

The fact that he was Catholic was very much part of the Presidential campaign at the time.

I remember how jubilant people were that some one "Different" - a Catholic IRISHMAN - made it to the White House.

No one called JFK incompetent, just the opposite. Unfortunately Obama is no JFK. He is called an "Affirmative Action" president BECAUSE many of the votes he received were based on his skin color alone. If Obama had not been wrapped in a black skin Hillary Clinton would be president instead!

His skin color gave him the edge during the primaries not his abilities. I absolutely hate Hilary but there is no denying that the woman is intelligent competent leader. I sure am glad they put Obama in instead

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:58 AM

...he's not living up to the job

The job of what? Being white? I hope in the process of exposing yourself for what you are, you enjoy your comraderies with the other racist. This is a rag of a thread.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by jdub297
Uhhh,you do realize that Reagan was an actor before he became president. And Bush wasn't anymore qualified than Obama.

Whose script are you reading from?
Reagan wasn't only an actor.
He was president of the Screen Actors Guild, a large, powerful union.
He was governor of California, a large, powerful State.
He had executive experience.
He could think for himself.
He sould speak off the cuff.
People supported him.
He didn't have to buy their support.

As for Bush, maybe that's why he was called the 1st affirmative action president.

I don't recall your objections or outrage over such blatant "racism" then.
Where were you? Memorizing the progressive talking points, no doubt.

deny ignorance

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by inforeal

The term applied to Barack is wrong; I could care less what you say about the knave Bush.

Affirmative action has to do with going out and deliberately tying to get minorities into some position, in the case of Obama the only positive thing he did was get the office on his own that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING AFRICAN AMERICAN.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Actually the first "Affirmative Action" President was JFK although he was not called that. He was the first president who was not a WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
The fact that he was Catholic was very much part of the Presidential campaign at the time.
I remember how jubilant people were that some one "Different" - a Catholic IRISHMAN - made it to the White House.

Talk about breaking the mold, and setting new standards! I forgot how his election was so precedent-setting.
He, though, as you point out, had qualifications and a record to stand on.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by jdub297

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by ararisq
You are all wrong.

A white person with Obama's "credentials" would never have been elected.
Prove otherwise.

I suppose you just ignore the last president of the United States, who got into Yale and Harvard because of his family name, and was an 'average' student

You're racist. Have fun with yourself.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Now, even MSNBC can't sweep it under the rug anymore; it is becoming almost pervasive:

Economist Jeffrey Sachs slammed President Obama on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.

"We're almost three years into this administration, and there's never been a plan. And that's what everybody feels. And the president didn't lead.
He waited.

The quintessential image, sadly, of an administration that I supported and hoped for much better, is the president waiting by the phone to hear what Congress calls to tell him.
It doesn't work in this country that way. It's not a matter that it's August. It's a matter that it's August 2011.
So we've been drifting for a very long time.
And we've been drifting down.
And we had a short-term plan that failed.
A short-term stimulus that was supposed to get the economy back on track, but it failed.
And now we have nothing behind it.
And we have no agreements,
and we have no leadership.
And, frankly, I do think it's pretty odd the president's on vacation right now.

Uh oh. Did they not vett this guy? Did he get off-script? Or, more likely, has MSNBC just given up trying, and thrown in the towel?

The former supporters have come to see they had nothing to support in the first place excepts words and lies.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
I suppose you just ignore the last president of the United States, who got into Yale and Harvard because of his family name, and was an 'average' student
You're racist. Have fun with yourself.

The "average" Bush had higher grades than Gore or Kerry. Oops.

Emoticons make it clear that you can't find words or logic to support your post, so you resort to comics. Makes you feel good about yourself, right?

Bush also happened to run an oil company (into the ground). He was an executive in a sports organization ( a loser).
He had real business experience in addition to better grades than the last three Democrats who ran for the office (Gore, Kerry, Obama).

Neither of my parents spoke English before they started school. They spoke their native languages, Spanish and Czech, at home and among friends and family. My best friends and first wife are minorities.

I am not racist, I am an hispanic American and I honor truth and hard work to get ahead.

I am having great fun exposing the closet racists on this site who profess outrage over speaking an incontrovertible truth.
I am having great fun watching the projection of bias and prejudice by those whose disappointment and disillusionment are so great that they must lash-out at those who knew better and had tried to show them the truth.

Read his books. I've asked you to before. You still haven't or you wouldn't publish garbage and then laugh at it, thinking it clever.

It is embarrassing and sad.

I'm truly sorry for you and for our country.

deny ignorance.

edit on 21-8-2011 by jdub297 because: sp

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