posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:11 PM
This is old news I guess, but I just say for the first time Dan Aykroyd "Unplugged on UFOs". First off he never pegged me for a UFO kinda guy, but he
really seemed like he knew what he was talking about. I mean this is a Hollywood star, yet he didn't seem to care at all about his image(not that he
should). Aside from this, what I found very interesting was that he evidently hosted a show on the sci-fi channel, I believe it was called "Out
there". Yes I can find no record of this show on the syfy site anywhere. Does anybody know where on the net I can find it? He claimed that the day
it was cancelled he was on the phone with Britney Spears (who is probably an alien, jk couldn't help it), he saw a black SUV during his conversation
outside of his studio, i imagine he was taking a smoke break since he tends to smoke like a freight train. He claims in the blink of an eye the
vehicle was there and then it was gone, moments later he found out his show was cancelled. Can't help but wonder if he was on to something, or what
the case could have been. I find it hard to believe that SyFy would cancel such a show, they seem to have a hard time getting credible actors as it
is. He also told a story of a night he woke up with an urge to go outside, but he didn't. The next morning hundreds of people had the exact same
urge, and there were military reports of an object in the sky with of course, a cheesy explanation for those that had seen it. I always liked Dan's
work, but this is a new side of him to me and i'd really like to see more on this if anybody can point me in the right direction. For those of you
who haven't seen this documentary, I streamed it off Netflix so it can be seen there.
edit on 18-8-2011 by JonStone because: (no reason