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We have not made contact.. Aliens do not exist..

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by flexy123


Nor is there proof they don't exist. Remember, absence of proof is not proof of absence.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
reply to post by flexy123


Nor is there proof they don't exist. Remember, absence of proof is not proof of absence.

Great words of William Cowper, and the funny part is, they are absolutely true.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:56 AM


In your opinion. It depends on what your definition of proof is. Tell me this.. can people get convicted of murder based on eyewitness testimony? If eyewitness testimony from reliable witnesses is good enough to decide legal matters, why is it not enough for UFO sightings?

There is imo, a mountain of evidence. Very reliable and multiple witnesses in many cases. Radar returns on what those witnesses saw. Military reports of these events. Reports from police and sometimes hundreds of witnesses to some sightings. But according to you, this is not proof. Because.. why? Because you say so?

There is plenty of evidence. If that evidence to you isn't proof, that's your prerogative. But don't have the gall to speak for everyone when you say this is not proof enough. For many, it is proof enough. The evidence is there for anyone who doesn't choose to ignore the cases that are most telling.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Lyrian
Read the opening post, makes me wonder how he knows all of this isn't true, a very high-up "Knowitall"

Or just pied off that he hasn't seen something wierd in the sky!

assumptions will get you no where

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

I was thinking more along the lines of retired military officers (plural) speaking to the National Press Club in Washington DC about the many, separate, cases of UFOs shutting down nuclear missiles. YouTube it, it's there.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:27 AM
Just reading this thread now, but OP is factually correct.

The existence of E.T has NOT been proven by any stretch of the imagination.

That is not the same as E.T does not exist, just that their existence or visitation to this planet is unproven.

But you have such backlash to the OP here because ATS A&UFO has turned into some kind of pseudo-religious "ET worshipping" mega-cult which makes me want to vomit because of the lack of objective intelligence that has befallen this once-great message board.
edit on 21-8-2011 by SaosinEngaged because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by SaosinEngaged because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by flexy123

Eh you what?
What has that got to do with this? I dont believe any particular YouTube vid, not sure where you're coming from or what is your point tbh. Some things appeal to me, some don't...the whole we have never made contact and UFO's don't exist statement is what I disagree with...I was telling the OP that I don't take his statement as correct...he specifically states they do not exist....can he prove that? because I cannot prove they can....that is what I was saying and you took a part of my paragraph and made your own conclusion completely out of the context of what I was talking about! Either quote me, or dont...please dont try and say I beieve or assume things or agree with things that I simply do not.

As for some of the other stuff you mentioned, no idea what you're on about???

edit on 21-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Swills

UFO's yes, but that is not proof that they are Alien in origin. They are more likely top secret military craft and they're probably testing out new technologies, probably the reason why they shutdown their own missile silos to test some new weapon they've developed. That's the most likely scenario.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:32 AM
There is no proof that E.Ts don't exist. In fact the opposite. After viewing your profile, I'm questioning your reason for this anti-alien theory crusade. What do you have against the Idea? Even if people are wrong, whats the harm? You're about as set against aliens as the doctors of the 1800th century were against the idea that you should wash your hands. Spouting the same Rhetoric over and over again about "gullible" people and providing no evidence to support your claims and only rejecting any presented to you. That is closed mind and that kind of think is what gets the human race nowhere.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by fleabit


In your opinion. It depends on what your definition of proof is. Tell me this.. can people get convicted of murder based on eyewitness testimony? If eyewitness testimony from reliable witnesses is good enough to decide legal matters, why is it not enough for UFO sightings?

And there, fleabit, is the greatest bit of hypocrisy existing on this wee rock! T. Humans will allow virtually any corroborated evidence to decide not just the state of One's freedom, but the fate of One's life. Yet the same sort of evidence isn't enough to decide the ET issue.

Although, I have noticed, that virtually all "non-believers" (those who will not accept regardless of reality) refuse to even consider any of the evidence. Heck, I provided a link, neither the OP or his supprters have addressed that evidence. This would seem to indicate that they don't seek truth and reality, and would rather stay in their own little fantasy, and try to argue with those who are capable of rational, logical, thought. The problem is that; One can not argue these issues from a position of abject ignorance and weakness.

Personally, I would rather simply leave them in the hole they have dug for themselves and move on. Unfortunately, they bring a kind of "taint" to your whole species. This "smell" is holding Terrestrial Humans back, it is impeding any real progress and evolution, and, may well be a causative factor in the extinction of T. Humans. Fortunately, there are others, not so bent on the rejection of logical thought, and available evidence, who are beating the otherside of the drum.

Peace and Understanding

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

How is believing that every chinese lantern and balloon is an alien spacecraft, either rationale or logical, as most UFO believers here on ATS tend to believe. Why is it so important to you that everyone must come around to your way of thinking. Whether we believe in Aliens or not isn't going to change anything, especially considering the Aliens themselves appear to have no intention of making their presence known. After 70 years of ufology & thousands of UFO sightings, their absence & the lack of contact is proof of that.

Don't be so eager to uncover the truth, because it might just be the thing that causes our demise.

Alien Contact in History: Battle for Our Souls, or a Culture Clash?

Many have proposed the odd theory that alien abductions are actually representative of a tangible process of removing people’s souls, which our extraterrestrial visitors appear to be “harvesting” in various capacities. In his book Communion, famous author and alien abductee Whitley Strieber described how abductees “experienced feeling as if their souls were being dragged from their bodies.” Strieber even discussed one incident of his own where he had experienced “total separation of soul and body,” and reported hearing his alien captors literally say “we recycle souls.” Another peculiar exchange that points to the possible dubious nature of alien-human contact was reported during an abduction encounter that appeared in David M. Jacobs, PhD’s book The Threat. An abductee interviewed for Jacobs’ book recalls telepathically communicating with one of his extraterrestrial captors, and asking what their intentions were. Rather cryptically, he was told “all they’re interested in… no matter what happens at all, is that they control.”

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by kindred

I've thought of that myself but decided there is no way another country is sending in top secret UFO craft to shut down our nuclear missiles for a few moments. According to the officers testimonies not all missiles were shut down & once shut down they were able to reactivate them no problem. It's as if those who were controlling the UFO were only saying "look what we can do". They weren't aggressive in nature. So you tell me what other country would dare send in UFOs to shut down US nukes and not expect a retalliation? That's because there is no country that has such technology and the gall to temporally shut down US nukes. It's literally an act of war.

Believe what you want but those UFOs belong to ETs, not humans.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

Hmmmm.. Technically you could be correct but what if evidence has been surpressed and what if ETs are smart enough to not leave behind much evidence in the first place? Then again, evidence is in the eye of the beholder. Evidence could be presented to you and the OP but would you believe it? Seems like people need the Govt to tell them there are ETs, tell then they continue to believe the Govt when they say there are no such things as ETs.

And the reason the people "attack" the OP is because the OP attacked ET believers first in his original post. If anything, I'd call the OP a successful troll. How hard is it to post a thread with little thought but a lot of anger and attacks to get responses, especially in the most popular ATS forum, Aliens & UFOs? So thanks to putting down this forum by suggesting the users were once intelligent but are no longer

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
think its cute how many people attack the OP because he is pointing out the obvious!

I don't think you know what you're talking about.. the "obvious"? How is it "obvious"? You're "obviously" not very scientific. Proof turns theory into fact.. but you already are saying it's obvious that there is no eivdence..
look around you friend.. earth is littered with proof aliens were here. Tell me how people were able to lift 350 ton rocks, and cut them to fit each other so tight you can't get a sheet of paper through the crack since you have it figured out.

So..ask yourself..why are UFOs/Aliens not a subject in mainstream media or acknowledged knowledge in mainstream science.

Do I really need to answer this one? If you are on ATS and you don't understand why the MSM doesn't "acknowledge" alien existance then you need to do some research.


Since when did you and the OP become the all knowing scientists of the world claiming what is evidence, and what is not?

If you deny this and instead try to attack the OP or tell him to # off since obviously he has no right to state the obvious, maybe you are a little delusional?

More like shocked that someone could be so close minded and ignorant.. the point is to try and wake up others to... wait for it... DENY IGNORANCE.

There are a zillion points we could talk about now, but as i mentioned above...yes, so maybe start with explaining how the UFO phenomenon manages it to play "hide and seek" for decades already (if we take 1947 as start of the "modern UFO sightings")...or heck even longer since basically the UFO phenomenon goes back THOUSANDS of years already.

I don't think this makes any sense at all.. what are you trying to say?

As for some of his other comments, YES, he is correct, you get lied to by whole bunch of people, but keep getting your information from "Coast to Coast" Linda Howe, David Icke etc..

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
Hate to break it to the person who wrote aliens do not exist....Unfortunatly....they do. This is not because I want it to be so....quite the opposite. I would sleep better knowing that they didn't exist....but that is not the case. I have three of them is in the entertainment buisness. The second is helping my family run several sucessful companies. The third job is another matter.

Because of the cililian/military nature of my family....I got talked into doing a job that was specifically suited to me because of the other two jobs. I am older now but keep getting talked into doing the third job from time to time and sometimes it is unpleasant. But I am a Patriot and even though this taking on of work turns me temporarily into someone I don't want to be....I must admit....sometimes I enjoy the work.

All of that being said...and the fact that my family has unique ties to the USAF and other groups or agencies....I can tell you all this....E.T. is FOR REAL! We have known about several races for quite a while and anyone who thinks that FULL DISCLOSURE of this fact would be a good thing....has not a clue of what they are talking about!

People in general are just not ready....and I think most of you out there that actually THINK and have a BRAIN....would agree. Split Infinity

Quite a story

Not to offend but it appears truly unbelievable

Welcome aboard

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

And, I would submit, that since neither you nor the OP has even attempted to address the available evidence, that it is more likely you who is "a little delusional". But, be that as it may ...

It's funny that you claim "i don't address the available evidence"..i dont know how old you are but there is a likelihood i was already on UFO forums/boards before you even were born.

Needless to say i spent a LOT of time reading a lot of books and theories, be it Aliens/UFOs in general, the various theories as well as all kinds of Abductee stories - i did in fact "address" a lot of the (alleged) obvious evidence.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by CherryV

Is this thread in the right place even?

No, it sould be in the 'HOAX' section for lack of evidence with a wild claim.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Explanation gotta do some serious researh before you jump into your comclusion and post a thread like this. And if you feel like you know the answer then you better keep it yourself.WHY? cause you havent done that much of research that you should have for this particular topic.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by kindred
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

How is believing that every chinese lantern and balloon is an alien spacecraft, either rationale or logical, as most UFO believers here on ATS tend to believe.

I didn't say that the polar opposite was any better. The fact is; the beleivers (those who beleive without consideration of evidence) are equally as wrong as the non-beleivers (those who reject without consideration of evidence). It is only those on the middle ground who have any hope of realizing truth. Without consideration of available evidence (and by that I mean all of it) One remains in a position of ignorance.

Why is it so important to you that everyone must come around to your way of thinking.

Well this is a bit of a convoluted issue for me. Firstly, I don't expect anyone to "come around to my way of thinking" (it is very doubtful that most could), that would be a bit unreasnable. It is, however, reasonable to want, and, expect, yall to use your natural intelligence, and examine the evidence.

Whether we believe in Aliens or not isn't going to change anything, especially considering the Aliens themselves appear to have no intention of making their presence known. After 70 years of ufology & thousands of UFO sightings, their absence & the lack of contact is proof of that

You might be very surprized at how much disclosure would affect your day-to-day life. And, as to whether you beleive in ET or not; you will all beleive eventually, there is no other option.

What lack of contact? In the views and history of my people (species) First Contact with Earth (T. Humans) occured mid March 1947. As for absence of ET; according to the history of your sector of space, ET has been here for a very long time. Some observing from a distance, and others living amoung you. There are only two reasons ET does not make his presense known widely; 1) some are here to exploit you, 2) the "non-interference" protocols employed by those species that do not exploit. Personally, I feel the "exploiters" are the more honorable ETs.

Don't be so eager to uncover the truth, because it might just be the thing that causes our demise.

Truth is truth, what ever the consequence!

Many have proposed the odd theory that alien abductions are actually representative of a tangible process of removing people’s souls, which our extraterrestrial visitors appear to be “harvesting” in various capacities.

This enters a difficult region for discussion. You should find and read the book "Enochian Physics" by Gerald J. Schueler. He can do a much better job of explaining how, and, why "soul harvesting" is, quite frankly, impossible.

But, here is my attempt. The Universe is composed of a field of elementary particles. Your ancients called them "Fire", "Water", and "Air". These particles tend to form hierarchies in a variety of combinations. When one of the hierarchies becomes stable it gains the fourth elementary particle "Earth". Course, this "Earth" isn't really a particle per 'se, but rather is more like a property. This will allow the hierarchy to continue and perhaps gain "exerience". With enough experience the hierarchy can gain another property: "Spirit". Allowing it to experience even more, and, most importantly, to experience "life".

Life is a simbiotic relationship between two Hierarchies; One is the base animal, the other is that "animals" soul. To remove the soul, if it were possible would result in the absolute destruction of both the animal and the hierarchy that is its "soul" (or spirit). Thus making the whole idea of "soul harvesting" impossible.

Strieber even discussed one incident of his own where he had experienced “total separation of soul and body,” and reported hearing his alien captors literally say “we recycle souls.”

And, herein is a problem. ET doesn't speak any Terrestrial language, so, the use of the "term" "literally say" becomes very misleading. It is far more likely that this was the interpretation of a fragment of telepathic communication, or perhaps reading a bit of the aliens mind (still telepathy). We'll get to those issues in a moment.

Another peculiar exchange that points to the possible dubious nature of alien-human contact was reported during an abduction encounter that appeared in David M. Jacobs, PhD’s book The Threat. An abductee interviewed for Jacobs’ book recalls telepathically communicating with one of his extraterrestrial captors, and asking what their intentions were. Rather cryptically, he was told “all they’re interested in… no matter what happens at all, is that they control.”

The problems with telepathy are that the receiver tends to "color" the true comminication with their very own experiences, knowledge, fears, and expectations. This is especially true for the inexperienced. In successful telepathy there is never anything "cryptic". In fact, I prefer telepathy simply because it allows me to "experience" a wee bit of who I'm talking with. I can get a "feel" for how honest they are, what their motivations may be, these are things that can not be hidden except by the most experienced telepaths. It is how I "know" that the Greys are "only doing their 'job'", or that the Reptilian types are some of the coldest bastards in this sector of the Universe.

Peace and Understanding

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by anjan
reply to post by Explanation gotta do some serious researh before you jump into your comclusion and post a thread like this. And if you feel like you know the answer then you better keep it yourself.WHY? cause you havent done that much of research that you should have for this particular topic.

This appears to my reading to be the height of arrogance.

Assuming that you and your fellow believers know better than all people who wish to have concrete substance of UFOs being from outside earth regardless of the level of intelligence.

There are many here that have many decades of research and like myself see events what were thoroughly researched and identified many years ago re dragged back into the limelight and claimed as evidence of ETs and therefore we as the original researchers are part of a cover up or like yourself accuse us of not doing research.

Why should a person not be able to state his views based on the known evidence and personal experience?

To silence the skeptics when they point out that we have no smoking gun is paramount to burning heretics for non official belief of God.

You are acting the same as what you seem to wish to divorce yourself from.

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