Hello Members of ATS I have enjoyed my time here reading and interacting with you all. ATS has helped me in so many ways in my journey so I would like
to thank you all for making ATS what it is today.
I would like to share some information with you all. I would like to state now that i have no physical sources or links to give besides the ones
posted. The information I’m about to release will resonate with those whose hearts and minds are open. If it does not, you will understand in due
A very old Society has recently resurfaced. They have revealed themselves only once before when the United States drop the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. Coincidently they have resurfaced again due to the recent events of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in japan. The Order of Melchizdek,
better yet known today by the name Council of Immortals (COI).
This ancient order has been silently observing the happenings of this planet’s surface dwellers since the 1st dynasty of Kemet(Egypt).To let you
know how old this order is,it was created by THOTH Ruler of Atlantis, who is also Thoth(tehuti)in Egyptian pantheon, Hermes to the Greeks, Melchizdek
in the bible. Just to name a few. This lets you know how old this order really is.
The Council of Immortals is a group of earthlings (human and non-humans) who have attained a state of immortality of their physical bodies and
perfection of consciousness. Being immortal allows one to discover the secrets of the human mind, body and soul. To give you a better understanding
some can shift densities from physical matter to spirit at will. They have governed this planet and its activities from the shadows as carefully as
possible not to disturb your evolution. This can no longer happen due to the increasing nuclear activities which threatens both terranean and
sub-terranean civilizations.
The cities of Shamaballa(under Tibet),Andorran(under brazil),New Belgium(an illuminati city),New Avalon(under Scotland) are a couple of cities housing
different immortal groups and cultures. The COI is much like the UN. The 8 Chinese immortals and The Siddhas of Tamil Nadu are a part of this
organization. The beings you know as Li Ching Yuen and Babaji are associated with the council as well. When it comes to the hierarchy the
COI(immortals) are at the top. Then you have many different lodges that stem from them, all the way to their 3rd Dimensional counter parts. Ex: the
Dark lords(a totally different organization) has 3rd dimensional counter part,they are the Illuminati.
As the planetary quarantine is lifted off the planet, this world and their world will merge. This means creatures of myth, immortals and aliens will
all share the same dimensional space. The psychological trauma will turn society on its head by itself. Not to mention everything else that
will/continue to go on (War, Famine, Disease, Earth changes etc).
You might be asking why am I’m sharing this information and what is my point. My point is the shenanigan of what has become 2012 is really about
revelation, that which is hidden in the dark coming into the light.You taking that which comes out of the light and transforming yourselves.This is
not about what makes you feel good.So often what makes you feel good doesn't help you survive.The Time is coming where the world behind the world
will reveal itself to you. The Egos of your leaders (spiritual and political) have grown beyond insanity. My job is only to be an initiator at this
time. This is not about who I am or how I’ve come to know this information. This is about knowing and being aware of the players in the game.
I’m not here looking for believers. I’m only here to share knowledge.