posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 12:39 PM
The Good unsuspecting prophet..?
or a planned savior.!?
The threads of the skein are thick and shadowed here, yet the light of Pauls truth falls thunderously, even tho he speaks only with gentle conviction
of his veteran insights.
The Fates ride high in our time...I implore you all to become active..get registered...make voting in these crucial times a moment in your life when
Truth, Love and Courage can shine...
These are precious not let them slip quietly into the night...make it an event to remember...the silent whisper of the voting ballot is
that same thunderous voice...
Iv'e posted this Prayer/Meditation before, but I would like to post it again for the people involved, (and that includes you), in this marvelous piece
of history...
A prayer for our Human Principles
Truth, let it touch us with light...
Shine upon the minds of the thinking...
Call out to the ears of builders, and guide us
to the fruition of being...
Love, let it nourish us in growth...
Bring union to houses divided...
Mend gardens careless feet have trampled,
and give aid to the unfortunate and discarded.
Courage, let it bring the desire we need;
To hear the truth when spoken...
Stand counted for compassion in creed, and be
a true vision of Humanity in motion...
"May we all find our well spring of Human Virtue...and walk the ways lit in Truth..."
(Kudos to S.O. on this op)
edit on 18-8-2011 by Khurzon because: spelling