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My Thoughts On Ron Paul, and This Coming Election

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Hello everyone. I am authoring this thread because of my recent ruminations on what is happening in this country that have led me to come to conclusions dealing with where we are, and where we indeed are headed. Everything taking place seems to be precipitous of something big. I don't know what it could be, and this certainly isn't a prediction thread, but I have my own musings that I thought I might share.

Congressman Ron Paul for the entirety of his career has been preaching and practicing a methodology many politicians seem to have given up on. In stark contrast to the status quo, Representative Paul has defended the Constitution of the United States of America and done his best not only to preserve what the founders of this nation saw for the future of their people, but to listen to those people and vote for legislation based solely on whether it would be prosperous for them, and not himself. Although one could argue that things have been on a dangerous path for some time now, and Ron Paul certainly would, since September 11, 2001 things have become increasingly unstable in the world, and specifically this country. With continuous wars and the taxpayer funded bailouts of wealthy corporations and banks that seem to be in cahoots with the government, the people of the US of A have followed suit in exponentially becoming angrier and more disenfranchised. People are starting to get “hit where it hurts”. Many like to say that Americans are 'waking up', and they very well may be. More and more people do seem to be connecting the dots. But the majority of people are angry and scared, and those people will always run to whom they deem the most suitable to help fix the problems.
During the 2008 election. Ron Paul, representative of Texas, came along and at once many people who had already seen the tidal wave of disastrous issues headed our way had someone who was speaking their language. His warnings on never-ending wars and financial bubbles predate everyone else who did or could have known the truth. This go-round at trying to secure the Republican nomination for president was not successful, but much was taken away from that campaign and I think we see the positive effects today, coupled with the fact that things have not gotten any better. Because Washington has been SO BAD, Ron Paul's message comes off as even more momentous, because he is effectively the ONLY ONE saying it. His campaign for the 2012 nomination has picked up speed to put it lightly, and with more and more followers the mouthpiece Media has demonstrated that they would try their hardest to censor Ron Paul and his message. It has not worked. I believe they are realizing that Ron Paul has become the voice of the people, he has tapped into the vein of Mid-America, those suffering the most, and there is no slowing him down or ignoring him any longer. After Jon Stewart’s 'expose' on The Daily Show the other night about how RP has been marginalized by the media and following the Iowa Straw Poll, of course Fox News had him on for a very fair and balanced interview. It was quite good, actually. This got me thinking about them changing their tune, and if we will see more of it in coming weeks/months.
The Powers That Be, if you will, have seemed quite in peril in recent history, to me at least. They seem disjointed. Allowing the proverbial 'cat out of the bag' many more times than I can remember. I suppose a case can be made that these people have always been sloppy to an extent, but many of history's biggest secrets have been kept. I cannot figure out if they truly do not have a tight grasp on everything, as it seems so often, or this is all another ploy to set us up for the big fall. After all, if I were them, I would want a plan that was bulletproof. That had absolutely no chance of failing. No loopholes, no loose ends. So if they were really trying to exert their control over us to the utmost degree, I would then assume that their plans would be so far complicated, so far down the line, that not even the best of our far-sighted thinkers could imagine what was coming, or could predict and plan some sort of way of stopping it. In other words, we would be trapped way before it came to light. Maybe this is already the case.
Though I don't subscribe to the idea, this made me entertain the thought of Ron Paul being TPTB ace in the hole -- as in, their most manipulative puppet and con man. To me, he is far too honest and seems to be speaking how he truly believes. I don't think he is trying to con anyone. But you really never know. Watching the media, and assuming that they will begin to give Ron Paul more airtime because they have to, gets my mind churning towards the idea that possibly they know something that we don't. But not about Ron Paul. My biggest fear is that they will give Ron Paul his time because they know something is in the pipe line. Something is in the works. Maybe there won't be a 2012 presidential election? I do think that it is quite possible we will see another attack on our soil before the elections, most probably a nuclear attack, though I don't think it would have to be that bad to get people stirred up again. Or maybe the predicted collapse of our dollar and the global financial system. I also still worry there may be some sort of Project Bluebeam inspired teledrama aired from our skies, either having to do with aliens, or returning Messiahs. This, of course, would change everything. Literally.

But these are just my thoughts. No links. No sources. Just from the middle of my brain. Care to discuss anyone?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:00 PM
quite honestly...i'm astounded someone has yet to link him to the second coming of Christ!

i mean...i like the guy. i think his ideas could create actual change. and not just more change in the pockets of the fat cats. but come on..there's no way he could win. unless....the people don't vote. don't give the computers the chance to rig it. and we all go down to our city halls and tell them who we want and what we want.

we can't beat the system. we can, however, walk away and start our own...

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:54 PM
I don't disagree with you. I think Ron Paul is someone who will inspire the person or people who actually make great change. It all starts and ends with us. We give these people their power, because we truly are the ones that wield it.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Could Ron be the cause of something big if he gets in?
I mean what if his plan was to get high up and release as much info as he can on all the lies and deceit of the past governments. It would send people in to riots if we found out what has ben going on

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by PatriotGames2

The Powers That Be, if you will, have seemed quite in peril in recent history, to me at least. They seem disjointed. Allowing the proverbial 'cat out of the bag' many more times than I can remember. I suppose a case can be made that these people have always been sloppy to an extent, but many of history's biggest secrets have been kept. I cannot figure out if they truly do not have a tight grasp on everything, as it seems so often, or this is all another ploy to set us up for the big fall.

I believe I am certain how to reply to this. Two words. The internet.

The PTB --always-- relied on the MainStreamMedia to keep the people asleep. To their detriment, and possibly their own demise, they did not foresee or they underestimated the explosion in/and accessibility of the World Wide Web. I just don't believe there is -one- internet "kill switch".

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