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TSA New Profiling Test....If you thought flying couldn't get any worse.

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Originally posted by yourmaker
I would just make small talk and have a conversation, show them i'm not really a terrorist.

Just go to the airport looking like you want to go home as quick as possible, don't draw attention to yourself, or maybe you should depending on how you do it, the right kind of attention and you might get the right response, which is nothing, and that's good.

That's the problem, you accept it as OK, then the next thing , you accept that as OK and so on.. IT just continues on and on and on because it is just OK.

I agree, we shouldn't accept it, by all means if there was a protest i'd be front and centre.
but we are a lethargic society at large and have been conditioned to be as such.

all we can do as aware subjects is go with the flow, for now. if it were up to me i'd have us take the capital right now and rewrite everything back to the way it should be.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:28 PM
So now the retarded theives and child molesters are given the ability to violate the bill of rights. Wonderful! More of Obama's change. Hope everyone who foolishly voted for the nit does it again. People get the government they deserve. Hope all the suckers who voted for him are happy.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:33 PM
I am not keeping score, but weren't the last three attempts stopped by passengers?

Let me keep my shoes on...I'll take my chances.

My impression was they are adding this as an extra layer.

Certainly not restoring the right to keep your shoes on.

I am not willing to easily give up any more "Freedoms" in my life

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

I am beginning to think this has more to do with harrassing the public to where they simply don't leave the US. Less than a third have a passport. Most that do involves people who are originally from another country or are traveling for work. Americans are made fun of because they seldom travel to other places. Does anyone believe that they will now? Anyone thinks that police state don't hold people in and out simply don't know their history. It is always part of the mentality.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Great... next time I go to the airport I will be arrested and dragged off to the dark inner rooms and held before interrogation ...

Because if I ever have to go through this circus, I will be beyond angry, hostile, sarcastic and mean. I hope they know the difference between pissed off Americans and "terrorist". Though ... I don't have much respect for TSA intelligence..

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by whyamIhere

I am beginning to think this has more to do with harrassing the public to where they simply don't leave the US. Less than a third have a passport. Most that do involves people who are originally from another country or are traveling for work. Americans are made fun of because they seldom travel to other places. Does anyone believe that they will now? Anyone thinks that police state don't hold people in and out simply don't know their history. It is always part of the mentality.

They also think Europe is swarming in Nazis and we are communists.

Funny, last time I checked, I have yet to meet a nazi ont he street and I don't have to go through those interrogations or fondlings to board a plane.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I feel the exact same way.

What about a fear of flying?

That would give the same signal.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Wow, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Now we get the highly trained and oh so pleasant TSA goons deciding if we look nervous. I have a group of buddies that I've traveled with several times and we have way too much fun in airports. Next time we go, we're probably going to end up on the news, for the wrong reasons

BTW, who screens the TSA people when they come to work each day? They have been given a task of great importance, I say anal probe daily, just to make sure they have a good outlook on us passengers. Any sign of discomfort and it's a day off without pay.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:07 AM
Flying can get worse. it gets worse when the very thing the TSA is supposed to prevent happens again. But, the thing is, There never has to be another incident involving a passenger flight being used as a weapon of mass destruction, because the objective of the first one has already been achieved. The seed of doubt has been planted in the minds of the American public.The government "creates" the TSA, probably because some consultant or congressional aide thought it ":might" be a good idea!, Another thing, people mention flying into/out of Ben Gurion in Israel. How many internatinal flights leave/arrive there every day? How many "international" airports are there in Israel? You can appreciate the problem I'm getting at. There is an "international" airport in Bangor, Maine. I live about 20 miles from Denver International airport. How many "international" airline ports of entry into the US are there? And I'm pretty sure they screen ALL ticketed passengers, so the whole "security" sham affects passengers flying domestic routes as well. That's alot of "Screenin" to to, especially if your metrics are based on totally subjective "tells" like an adams apple moving! And who says the next "incident" will involve a passenger that's on the plane? why can't "terrorists" just use a shoulder mounted SAMS to pop any airliner they want? It's not like you can't get close enough to the business end of an active runway!, with most metro areas, you don't even have to go near an airport to get in range of the flightpaths! What are we going to do then? "Chat Down" every person coming into the US, over every border, on every conveyance, every time? Yep, flying commercial sucks, but trying to use an "excuse" of an agency like the TSA is just plain stoopid! like government stoopid! if the issue is keeping passengers safe, just give them what they are getting now, the illusion that it's safe, and statistically, hey presto, it already is! until "next" time. Thats how it works, thats how they get you. its all about rolling the dice isn't it? and we all do that evertime we get out of bed in the morning, if we do! So who needs the TSA? We don't. But trying telling that to a politician who's got that whole gotta get the vote at all costs attitude!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Terrormaster
I'll take profiling ANY day over scanners and freedom pats. Profiling works but people in this country are too damn afraid of it because of historical racism. Profiling would have been the RIGHT way to go out the gate instead of patting people down, scanning them with dangerous radiation, and violating our rights.
I am not so sure. You DO realize most of these people were your ex bathroom cleaners at the airport because they have very limited education ? I know first hand as a former Reservations agent/ticket agent.
Scary. Amazing thing is if you think about it, they are perfect for the job of profiling. Some day they will be our wardens at camp.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Originally posted by Terrormaster
I'll take profiling ANY day over scanners and freedom pats. Profiling works but people in this country are too damn afraid of it because of historical racism. Profiling would have been the RIGHT way to go out the gate instead of patting people down, scanning them with dangerous radiation, and violating our rights.
I am not so sure. You DO realize most of these people were your ex bathroom cleaners at the airport because they have very limited education ? I know first hand as a former Reservations agent/ticket agent.
Scary. Amazing thing is if you think about it, they are perfect for the job of profiling. Some day they will be our wardens at camp.

You are absolutely correct.

I have employed several TSA agents in my former business.

These people are not vetted. They are barely trained.

They are underpaid (they all needed a second job to make ends meet).

These agents I knew were of very questionable backgrounds.

They are nice people but I've heard them talk.

We do not want these people profiling us.

Let's get some real professionals.

Better yet, let the Airlines take care of their own security.

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