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Banning the \

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Now we have a campaign to try & spread the word to ban \"retard\" from being used. The commercial is a must see. We are no longer to call anyone by this word. What next? Can we no longer use \"stupid\"? We all know there are stupid people out there, you probably know more than one. \"That is an educationally challenged idea\" shall replace this revolting word. What about dumb? Well we shouldn\'t use that either then cause you know.... Think of your favorite word to use in an unfavorable situation & chances are it would offend someone, somewhere, somehow. Let us all live in a land of lollipops & puppies where no negativity exists. Remember, the PC police are watching & maybe they\'ll see you participating in this hanous act.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Thats retarded.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 03:39 PM
Anyone recall the good old days when 'offending someone' required you to *deliberately* take actions to hurt a specific person or group? Now it's the mere possibility that, based on yaddah yaddah whatevers, someone might be the over 300 million OTHER people need to adapt their speech for that one thin skinned goober who is theoretical all too often anyway. We live in a world gone mad!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 03:59 PM
The thought police they live inside of my head
The thought police applauding at this thread.
I would think this is why they are doing it - to set precidence for the preventive crime police.
I wanna island.....,.

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