posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Ronald Reagan was one of the worst presidents in the 20th century, I can't figure out for the life of me why people loved him so much.
Reagan more than tripled the national debt and sent the deficit skyrocketing, growing faster in real dollars than under any other president, including
Obama. Budget deficits grew from about $20B in the late 70s to about $150B in the mid 80s.
He catastrophically lowered taxes in 1981, creating debt so bad he raised taxes each of the next six years (1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987)
and still didn’t make up for it. Reagan’s streamlining of the income tax created the largest-ever shift of tax burden from the wealthy to the
middle-class and working poor, resulting in expanding the income gap, which continues 30 years later.
As Governor of California, he cut social spending to the bone and created the homeless problem by turning hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people
out on the streets, then moved to the big-time and put tens of thousands of mentally ill people out on the streets by curtailing federal funds to the
He ignored AIDS — the biggest health crisis of the century — while tens-of-thousands of people died. He told Surgeon General C. Everett Koop to
produce a report detailing the long-term physical and emotional trauma a woman suffered as a result of having an abortion. Koop, an abortion foe, but
a good scientist, discovered that, in fact, a woman did not suffer long-term physical or emotional trauma as a result of having an abortion. Reagan
suppressed the report.
Reagan traded arms, money, drugs and hostages between Iran and the Nicaraguan rebels, gave chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein and spent billions on
the boondoggle of an "anti-missile shield". Which, incidentally, violated the ABM treaty, in addition to wasting a lot of money.
I'm not sure how many people remember the air traffic controllers strike in the 1980's but Reagan stepped in and essentially fired them all and
hired replacement permanent workers. That one act set the ball in motion for union busting and began what we now see as diminishing workers rights.
Reagan was probably the worst president for average working class people many of whom had risen to middle class status based on great union jobs that
provided adequate living wages and decent benefits.
Ronald Reagan changed America, and -- with all due deference to his dedication to principle, his indomitable spirit, his affability -- not for the