This is an excerpt from a multi-part article I wrote for another website. For what it's worth, I've laid in supplies and such to prepare for possible
stupidity from the general public and the outside chance we get sideswiped with debris or something more, but I'm nowhere near the point of clearing
my savings or taking other rash (and foolish) steps like that. The objects passing us in succession over the coming months are things to be aware of,
not freak out over. Even worst case is perfectly reasonable to handle and look back on years from now if people don't get stupid about things.
Note: The numbers and data here either came directly from or have been checked against NASA, the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Ca or Naval
Observatory data. Whenever possible I located and verified numbers through other sources, but the above are what I considered the bare minimum for my
own level of satisfaction to accuracy. I last checked data 48 hours ago.... Forgive the lack of more recent checks but I needed a break after swimming
in this subject night and day. Oh one final note...If somewhere in all this I missed a typo, blame me for a wacky number I failed to catch and
correct, not JPL.
II. The Players
Name: Elenin. Official Designation: C/2010 X1 Discovered: Dec 10, 2010
Class: E Comet (Long Period)
Size: Very rough estimates at 3-5 Kilometers in Diameter
Most recent Coma measurements: 200,000 Kilometers
Unknown Tail Length - Estimates from 10-19 million miles.
Unknown Speed - Estimates are all over the place and make no sense
Composition - Unknown - Thought to be Ice Comet but behavior creates uncertainty
Dates of closest pass: Oct 16-17. Distance: .234/.233AU at -6.7 Degrees from Earth Orbital Plane
Earth Enters Debris Field: Nov 2-6
-Note: I find this piece of trivia to be interesting, but irrelevant. However, the RA/DEC of Elenin at around the point of closest path is 9 11 in the
JPL charts. This number sequence isn't one I found anywhere else. That just means I didn't see it again on other objects, not that it's unique. They
just happened to jump '11' in the 9- sequence of RA/DEC numbers for viewing on others I looked at.
Name: YU-55. Official Designation: 2005YU55 Discovered: Dec 28 2005
Class: Apollo Asteroid
Size: 400 Meters in Diameter =/- 25ft.
No Coma, YU55 has an Asteroid Designation
Speed: Not Listed
Composition: Believed to be rock, nothing unusual
Dates of closest pass: Nov 8-9 2011. Distance: .0027/.0016 respectively. Degree off plane not listed.
-Note: The above distances are AU. For those interested, the latest figures I read put it at 324,000 Kilometers from Earth on Nov 8 and 239,000
Kilometers from the moon on Nov 9. All are estimates that are changing.
Name: Honda. Official Designation: 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Discovered: Dec 3, 1948
Class: Jupiter-Family Comet
Size: 1.6 Kilometers in Diameter
Coma: Compressed and Tight - No diameter estimate available yet.
Tail: Described as stubby and short - Estimates vary on length
Composition: Believed to be Ice Comet
Dates of Closest Pass: Aug 15, 2011. Distance: 0.0600AU at 82 degrees off orbital plane
Date of Outbound Pass: Sep 2, 2011. Distance: 0.2388AU at 15.36 Degrees off orbital plane
- Note: Honda has passed Earth 11 times in the last 100 years. This is the closest it's been or is predicted to be within current projected
Name: Levy. Official Designation: P/2006 T1 (Levy) Discovered: Oct 2, 2006
Class: Jupiter-Family Comet
Size: Unknown - Previous Coma observations between 90,000 and 200,000 kilometers
Coma: See Above
Tail: No solid numbers at this time
Date of Closest Pass: Jan 21, 2011 - Distance: 0.183AU at 35 degrees off orbital plane
-Note: This object has little data compared to others. JPL and NASA don't seem to have reliable size figures for the comet itself.
Name: Apophis. Official Designation: Asteroid 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4) Discovered: June 19, 2004
Class: Atena Asteroid
Size: 0.27 Kilometers
Coma/Tail: N/A
Date of Closest Pass: Jan 12, 2012 - Distance 0.612AU at 5 degrees off orbital plane
Date of plane transition: Oct 19 2011 - 1.08 AU - Transition from Neg to Pos plane positions
-Note: As mentioned before, Apophis is just giving us a small hello and look at it. It will be back in 2029 and 2036. Some estimates have it
impacting, some have it just kissing our atmosphere. Either way, these dates are the next ones people will focus on after this period passes.
III. Events
Okay, the next 2-3 months will be very interesting. I want to say exciting, but like that scene in Independence Day, I don't think exciting would be
appropriate. Here is a basic list of events to start with.
August 15, 2011 - Honda Passes - 8.9 Million Kilometers
August 3, 2011 - Elenin Crosses Earth Orbital line - Inbound to Sun
August 17, 2011 - Elenin Crosses Earth Orbital Plane - Pos to Neg
Sept 2, 2011 - Honda Passes Outbound - .0265AU at 15 Degrees
Sept 11, 2011 - Elenin opposite side of sun and aligned w/ Earth
Sept 16-20, 2011 - Elenin Reaches Brightest Magnitude
Oct 16-17, 2011 - Elenin Passes Earth - .233AU - .150AU (estimated) at 6.7 Degrees
- Note: The above distance min. varies from object data set above to show the inner range of current estimates.
Oct 19, 2011 - Apophis Crosses Earth Orbital Plane - 1.08AU
Nov 2-6, 2011 - Earth Enters Elenin Tail and Debris Field
(Earth - Mercury - Venus align)
Nov 8, 2011 23:28 UT - YU55 Passes Earth - .0027AU (324,000k)
Nov 9, 2011 07:13 UT - YU55 Passes Luna - .00160AU (239,000k)
Nov 9, 2011 - Levy Passes Earth - .5228AU (78 Million k)
Jan 12, 2012 - Apophis Passes Earth - .612AU (91 Million k)
Jan 21, 2012 - Earth and Levy Pass - .183AU at 35 Degrees relative to orbital plane
I hope this helps someone a bit... HARD DATA seems to be something very lacking in most of what people are posting right now.
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edit on 16-8-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason
edit on 16-8-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)
edit on 16-8-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no
reason given)