posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 02:30 PM
Ok, so I watched the Discovery show Curiosity the other Sunday, about "Alien Invasion:Are We Ready". I thought it would be a bit of comedy, but it
might hold some useful information.
Anyway, at the beginning of the show, it shows the alien spacecraft at the outer part of our solar system, and it says at the bottom, "main asteroid
belt, 390,000,000 miles from earth, 301 days until arrival". I thought, "that's kind of odd. 301 days until arrival? Why not 300 days? Why not
312 days.
Then I did a quick calculation, and the 301st day of the year is the famous 10/28/2011.
Now, I'm not one to believe in the wild things that people do with numerology, because you can do fun things with mathematics to mold numbers into
what ever you want. But this was really strange to me.
I'm not saying this show is telling us anything, or that TPTB had influence over it or what. I just wanted to let everyone know about this strange
coincidence, and work it out for themselves.
Oh yeah, and another strange thing about that show was the "concept" of what the craft looked like. It was the "winged" image that Nibiru is
supposed to be shaped like.
So maybe the writers of this show are ATSers, or maybe ATSers are on to the truth?
Peace All!