posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Talltexxxan
Well actually a black hole is what's left when a star that was more massive then our Sun collapsed.
Stars fight a constant war against gravity, the mass of any star is so immense that it pulls everything in, but...
Stars fight this pull by fusing hydrogen, and Helium and heavier elements until nothing but iron is left. The fussion creates such enormous
outwards energy the star can exist.
The bigger the star the sooner it looses its battle. Cause a bigger mass means a bigger pul which demands a more rapid fuel fusion. That's why stars
like Eta Carina only get 5 to 10 million years old... But our Sun which is pretty small with less gravity it has to fuse far less to maintain a
stable state. Red Dwarfs can get way older then our Sun can
A star looses its battle it collapses triggering a gigantic explosion called a hyper nova. When its mass
was high enough it leaves a black hole. A singularity where gravity has ripped a tiny hole in the fabric of space and time pulling everything in
that is close enough to get caught by its gravitational field.
Well that's about what they say...
To answer your question. The star does not collapse because it burns enough of its fuel to maintain a stable
.state, although it runs out in just a few million years. Where our Sun can last like 10 billion years
It could just as well be something else all together
edit on 8/16/2011 by Sinter Klaas because: (no reason given)
edit on
8/16/2011 by Sinter Klaas because: (no reason given)