posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Hello Dear Humans(or other),
I only just discovered this forum back in March, it took me a while to get the courage to sign up. I'm glad I did, its not as frightening
as it seems when just lurking. So hmm, what to post about myself? I'm one of those people that look for magic, but always looking for ways to explain
it. I love ATS because I get those two parts in almost every thread. I also believe that (almost)anything can be real depending on who is perceiving
it. Well anyway, I am a 26 year old mom that hails from a small town in Oklahoma. I'm afraid I'm much more of a feeler than a thinker, so I don't
make for good logical debating. As a right brain dominant person, I see the whole picture first and rarely the small details. Its wonderful to read
the back and forth between opposites, I gather so much from it. So yes, its nice to be here and officially introducing myself! I hope to make
contributions from an optimistic point of view, spread good light, and make new friends (like-minded or not).