posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:41 PM
They are part of the Illuminati, but they are pretending like they are trying to speak out against it through their music. Its all smoke and mirrors.
Satan knows all of the prophecies and constantly corrupts them and plants counterfeits to fool well meaning Christians. Satan knows that the Bible
warns about a world encompassing New World Order. How will he deceive Christians if they know that a New World Order controlled by the Beast is
Biblical prophecy? Satan has to create his own New World Order with the help of his Satanic puppets and then sacrifice it so his Antichrist can claim
to be the defeater of the ‘Satanic’ puppet New World Order. Once he has ‘defeated’ and sacrificed his pawn New World Order he will be free to
set up his own New World Order since most Christians believe the Antichrist was already defeated.
The celebrities will pretend that they have been freed from Satan (the counterfeit antichrist) and embrace and thank the messiah (who's really Satan)
for saving them