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911 The facts and the proof only.

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by -PLB-
What I find extremely odd is your completely unreasonable attitude. You actually have the gall to say you have no agenda? Child, please. Do you think I'm an idiot?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by dillweed

Sorry for trying to stay on topic. That is my only agenda.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by -PLB-
reply to post by waypastvne

Your attempt is futile. You will now hear that it is odd that identifiable plane parts survived.

Yeah I know that. I just like teasing Truthers. If you tease them enough you get rants like the one below and that makes my day.

Quote dillweed
Thanks Cass, well said. There are those whose sole purpose is to confuse and obfuscate, who have no desire to pursue the truth about the events of 9/11. And then, there are people like me. I'm like a bad rash, that just won't go away. I have no expertise in explosives, but I know what an explosion looks like. What bothers me the most about the topic of 9/11 are the debunkers. It is so obvious that they are phony, and they continually harangue anyone who questions them. I have no respect for them, their snide and defamatory remarks and wish them all an untimely demise. It's one thing to feel passionately about something, but to blindly pledge allegiance to an obviously flawed premise is criminal. There can be no punishment too great for these fools.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by pshea38

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by MrJohnSmith

I believe you,re wrong. Is it not a fact that the desecreted the crime scene? Commiting a host of felonies
in ordering the immediate clean-up of the world trade center ground zero without any investigation.

There was that whole thing where the terrorists said they did it, so what forensic evidence would you need to confirm their admission of guilt?

What a crock! 1st of all, all the supposed 'hijackers' died in their 'suicide mission', so how
could they say they did it. And the first thing osama bin laden did was deny any connection
to the events, and advised people to look closer to the US government for an explanation.
In any criminal investigation, an apparent confession does not negate the need for
a thorough investigation. (just on the off-change that a false confession is made, i suppose).
Are you really still falling for this BS, even now, 10 years later? pffftttt!

Osama Bin Laden and his buddies admitted they planned it. Srsly? You think they'd bring down the full weight of the US Military upon themselves if they hadn't?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:32 PM
The underpinning idea that

1) Bush as a total idiot, EXCEPT
2) He was so diabolically brilliant that he manufactured an elaborate scheme that would involve thousands of people to do what happened on 9/11.

Occam's razor, sir. The terrorists did it. All this flailing about is just silliness.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

How many of the serial numbers of the parts found on the scene were matched to any of the planes?

Do they match the serial numbers of the planes that were in the "wheels-off" database?

I could be wrong, but I am am under the impression the murder weapons were never forensically matched to the crime scene.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:45 PM

911 The facts and the proof only
reply to post by randyvs

That's damned sure an interesting question and a novel way in dealing with the dysfunctionality of it all.

For instance, the OS holds the physical proof in various pieces of evidence that doesn't really prove a lot... along with videos that have never been released of the Pentagon event.

On the other hand, the facts (not being core truths) say that a large jetliner hitting the side of that Pentagon, should have left something more in the way of physical scarring and debris.

So, balancing as if on a compass pin, nothing changes. The proof is not proving and the facts are only factual to those who don't buy the proofing.

Oh, as for the truth? It is probably being held in an undisclosed location...

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by waypastvne

How many of the serial numbers of the parts found on the scene were matched to any of the planes?

You think that aircraft parts have serial numbers ? Well you are wrong. They have batch numbers. Can you figure out what the difference is Truther. I have 2 aircraft in my hanger right now every single number on them is exactly the same except for the N number and the engine serial number.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by pshea38

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by MrJohnSmith

I believe you,re wrong. Is it not a fact that the desecreted the crime scene? Commiting a host of felonies
in ordering the immediate clean-up of the world trade center ground zero without any investigation.

There was that whole thing where the terrorists said they did it, so what forensic evidence would you need to confirm their admission of guilt?

What a crock! 1st of all, all the supposed 'hijackers' died in their 'suicide mission', so how
could they say they did it. And the first thing osama bin laden did was deny any connection
to the events, and advised people to look closer to the US government for an explanation.
In any criminal investigation, an apparent confession does not negate the need for
a thorough investigation. (just on the off-change that a false confession is made, i suppose).
Are you really still falling for this BS, even now, 10 years later? pffftttt!

Osama Bin Laden and his buddies admitted they planned it. Srsly? You think they'd bring down the full weight of the US Military upon themselves if they hadn't?

Come on!

All indications are that bin laden died in december 2001, and all later
videos released showing 'bin laden' are faked!

The US military (industrial complex) brought down the full weight of
the US military on the middle east. No-one else!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:23 PM
seriously? You think he died in 2001? dude.

I'm speechless (that's saying a lot).

You really believe that? dude.


posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

I'll disagree on that one. Here are a few that will have unique serial numbers.
Each radio
Each electronic sub assembly such as radar.
Each computer.
APU units.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

Must be hard to be you, with all them prejudices...
Using the word "truther" as an insult, wonder how much more retarded can you get...

OT: fact is, retarded OSrs cant proof anything either because all evidence was destroyed(that is not suspicious on itself...)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by waypastvne

How many of the serial numbers of the parts found on the scene were matched to any of the planes?

You think that aircraft parts have serial numbers ? Well you are wrong. They have batch numbers. Can you figure out what the difference is Truther. I have 2 aircraft in my hanger right now every single number on them is exactly the same except for the N number and the engine serial number.

You spit out "truther" as if that's a bad thing.

Thanks for your generous correction. Since you seem to know so much about planes, were any of these aircraft parts, serially numbered or otherwise, ever forensically matched to the planes that allegedly left the airports, and if so, please provide a URL so I won't make the same mistake again.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Can you prove this part is not from N 612 UA Truther ?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by waypastvne

So, no URL to the site that shows the forensic method used to match the parts to the flights that allegedly left the airports?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Commander Ralph Colstad who happens to have 23000+ hours of flying time. He knew the captain, "Chick" who was flying flight 77 (Pentagon) and says, He would have never given up his plane to "crazies" and he also asks these questions....

Where is the damage to the wall of the Pentagon from the wings? Where are the big pieces that always break away in an accident? Where is all the luggage? Where are the miles and miles of wire, cable, and lines that are part and parcel of any large aircraft? Where are the steel engine parts? Where is the steel landing gear? Where is the tail section that would have broken into large pieces?

AGAIN, this site ( ) has MANY professionals all saying the same thing.

It was a SCAM!

Some pilots seem to believe they were missiles. You cannot possibly think these Hijackers with their measly little 500 hour aviation time could precisely do something like what they "supposedly" did on the morning of 9/11/??? HAHAHAHA! Come on....even if you do believe this stupid BS.....don't tell anybody!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:06 PM
Careful mama, you will end up being called "truther"...
So I guess as you use that word most the time, we can use "I take it all" for addressing to you right? @waypastretardness

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
Commander Ralph Colstad who happens to have 23000+ hours of flying time. He knew the captain, "Chick" who was flying flight 77 (Pentagon) and says, He would have never given up his plane to "crazies" and he also asks these questions....

Where is the damage to the wall of the Pentagon from the wings? Where are the big pieces that always break away in an accident? Where is all the luggage? Where are the miles and miles of wire, cable, and lines that are part and parcel of any large aircraft? Where are the steel engine parts? Where is the steel landing gear? Where is the tail section that would have broken into large pieces?

AGAIN, this site ( ) has MANY professionals all saying the same thing.

It was a SCAM!

Some pilots seem to believe they were missiles. You cannot possibly think these Hijackers with their measly little 500 hour aviation time could precisely do something like what they "supposedly" did on the morning of 9/11/??? HAHAHAHA! Come on....even if you do believe this stupid BS.....don't tell anybody!

I watched those planes hit the towers with my own eyes. There is extensive video of the event.

Just. Stop.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by tangonine

Hes talking about the pentagon plane, reading the post itself helps a lot...
None of us true seekers believe the holographic hogwash, just dont go there.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by Yankee451

Can you prove this part is not from N 612 UA Truther ?

Why so angry OSer?

Plane parts prove nothing. Whether there were planes or not, the three buildings were not natural collapses. There is far too much evidence for anyone to refute that claim.

You can all argue all day about irrelevant points, but there is this huge pink elephant in the middle of the room that keeps being ignored. The actual collapses were obvioulsy controlled demolitions, does it really matter if the planes were real or not? Does it matter if it was thermite, or space beams? No it doesn't, all that matters is the government, for whatever reason, lied to the world, and used that lie to invade a foreign nation in order to achieve an agenda not related to terror at all.

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