posted on Mar, 27 2005 @ 11:44 PM
I studied for years with different Eastern Masters, Zen, yoga, and such. I was quite fine before that. Afterwards, I became possessed, by demons.
Eastern mediations open one up to demonic possession. They teach you not to question the thoughts in your mind, just watch them drift by as passion
ships. Not put, labels on your thoughts, of good or evil, just allow them. That is a very bad idea. Bad thoughts, can be just as damaging to a
person as bad drugs, or bad air. Think happy thoughts.
I opened my third eye, it was cool, but no big deal, you have real eyes, they are better. I have no solid opinion or facts if it is evil, in and of
itself, but Satanist’s teach it, so it would seem, to be a way to allow possession. It may very well be, a demonic mind trick. Even, if you do open
it, you still have to go to work in the morning. If you want to be a better person, work on being loving, honest and generous. Being honest with
others and yourself it first place to start. It is very hard to be honest with yourself at all times.
Crowley, was a full blown Satanist, he called himself “the beast”, said rape is expectable if it furthers the cause. He endorsed human sacrifice.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law is his motto for OTO. In practice, for Crowley this meant rejecting traditional morality in favor of
the life of a drug addict and womanizer. ("I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend" is a line from one of his poems. Diary of a Drug Fiend is the
title of one of his books.) He claimed to identify himself with the Great Beast 666 (from the Book of Revelation) and enjoyed the self-appellation of
"wickedest man in the world." Crowley inherited a fortune and worked hard at being strange. He was especially alluring to dysfunctional women
(Gardner 1992:198).
He may have been smart, but evil.
I would find a new hobby, like oil painting, or scubadiving.