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Half Of Americans Believe Austerity Will Lead To Violent Unrest

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Half Of Americans Believe Austerity Will Lead To Violent Unrest

Almost half of all Americans believe that government spending cuts will lead to civil unrest on a scale recently seen in London, according to a new survey.
48% of respondents in a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey indicated that they believe it is at least somewhat likely that if austerity measures are enacted there will be violence on the streets.
According to the survey, those under 50 years of age think unrest is more likely, with a majority of 58% believing cuts will make it likely.
Less Americans are convinced that tax hikes and stock market woes will trigger unrest, however,
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 12:57 PM
The riots are the result of long term problems. Austerity measures are only put in place when Government excesses by the powerbrokers and government officials have exhausted an economy. Rather than reduce their greed, Governments reduce any spending that does not provide those same powerbrokers continued and ever increasing revenue. Because the process of economic decline is not instant the contraction of population friendly spending is a slow one. Disaffected numbers grow slowly spreading the fuel for unrest until a tipping point where an event, no matter how small, clearly demonstrates the lack of power of the average person. This event coupled with the perception of government indifference born by the long period of decline while the wealthy have become more enriched sparks the unrest. Those with the energy of expectation and a lack of long-term conditioning to the status quo are most likely to riot first – the youth
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Surfrat

I would say half of America is right.
I can see this happening.
It is those who have little more to lose, who will be first to take up arms and fight.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:23 PM
I think austerity would work in America if there was one key component: Faith that our politicians would live by it as well. I know that I, for one, would accept the challenge to pay much higher taxes and live a frugal life if I could trust that the politicians were as committed to spending cuts and limited government. I personally would suffer that in order to repair the future for my children and future generations.

Most Americans I think would buy into a plan like that, but sadly we have zero faith that the morons in Washington would uphold their end. I think we can all agree that it would quickly lead to them taking advantage of us, pissing away all the added tax monies wherever their corporate masters told them to.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:28 PM
Just so we are clear... this is a report on a survey of 1000 people. Here are the actual survey questions....

National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted August 10-11, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports

1* How closely have you followed news stories about the rioting in London?

2* How would you rate the way the British government has handled the rioting in London….excellent, good, fair or poor?

3* In terms of techniques used for dealing with the rioters Prime Minister David Cameron said that “nothing is off the table”. Does this kind of statement incite more rioting or does it serve as a deterrent?

4* How likely is it that violence in London will force the Olympic Committee to move the 2012 Olympics to another city?

5* How likely is it that cuts in government spending will lead to violence in the United States?

6* How likely is it that tax hikes will lead to violence in the United States?

7* How likely is it that a crashing stock market will lead to violence in the United States?

If you carefully read the progression of questions and think about the evoked answers you may see a disturbing 'trick' being used.... but then Rasmussen and the other corporate pollster outfits all do it..... all the time.... for those who pay them to do the polls in the first place....
edit on 15-8-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by Surfrat

I would say half of America is right.
I can see this happening.
It is those who have little more to lose, who will be first to take up arms and fight.
It's not necessarily those who have more to lose take up arms first.It is those who understand that freedom and liberty are what we stand to lose.Forget material things.They are easily gathered when their is freedom.Freedom is the ultimate expression of life,and without it we are reduced to minions doing the will of the oppressor.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
Just so we are clear... this is a report on a survey of 1000 people. Here are the actual survey questions....

National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted August 10-11, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports

1* How closely have you followed news stories about the rioting in London?

2* How would you rate the way the British government has handled the rioting in London….excellent, good, fair or poor?

3* In terms of techniques used for dealing with the rioters Prime Minister David Cameron said that “nothing is off the table”. Does this kind of statement incite more rioting or does it serve as a deterrent?

4* How likely is it that violence in London will force the Olympic Committee to move the 2012 Olympics to another city?

5* How likely is it that cuts in government spending will lead to violence in the United States?

6* How likely is it that tax hikes will lead to violence in the United States?

7* How likely is it that a crashing stock market will lead to violence in the United States?

If you carefully read the progression of questions and think about the evoked answers you may see a disturbing 'trick' being used.... but then Rasmussen and the other corporate pollster outfits all do it..... all the time.... for those who pay them to do the polls in the first place....
edit on 15-8-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

Agreed.That is why I do not like polls.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:49 PM
of course people think there will be violence . if you start doing away with food stamps public housing social security medicare . the poorest majority will rise up against the haves . and yes it will be bloody and the people in washington will rely on military for defense and when they realize gov crapping on them to that will be it for washington

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

These surveys are a total joke. Half the folks they spoke with likely can't find England on a map nor watch the news other than whats on the E! channel and ESPN.

Should there be violence in the US the consequences would be grave. The US is not England. Unrest will be relatively isolated to urban areas and people and companies will simply move, turning many of these cities which are already partial urban wastelands into Detroits.

There will be absolutely no appetite to invest in those areas to replace the lost tax base. If there is violence it will destroy urban America and those who don't live in major cities will not care.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Surfrat

Frankly I believe.... Half Of Americans Believe Austerity Will Lead To Violent Unrest
and... the other half... "Knows"... it will lead to Violence...

I mean think it over... cut food-stamps or welfare and that will only turn those folks to committing crimes just to stay alive... what about the millions who are on unemployment....what happens where their funds get cut off...

Look at my peers... cut our Vet bets and retirement checks and whats gonna happen???

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 02:08 PM
The people have a right to be angry, the violence excepted. They were FORCED into paying into things such as Medicare and Social Security (or their country's equivalent. Promises were made. Promises were broken. Trust funds were illegally raided. Shady deals were made. The money disappeared; the same money the people could have used to assure their own futures. Now there's nothing left for them to do except work until they die... and continue to pay into these ponzi scemes! If you're not angry, you're in a coma

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Daedal

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by Surfrat

I would say half of America is right.
I can see this happening.
It is those who have little more to lose, who will be first to take up arms and fight.
It's not necessarily those who have more to lose take up arms first.It is those who understand that freedom and liberty are what we stand to lose.Forget material things.They are easily gathered when their is freedom.Freedom is the ultimate expression of life,and without it we are reduced to minions doing the will of the oppressor.

I might agree with you and it is true enough but sadly no.
People will stand by and watch their freedoms eroded and taken away if they are duped into thinking it makes them safer.

It is when you have nothing invested in the system that you can take a chance on toppling it.
Otherwise you are just stirring up a lot of dust, for show.

Middle class hang on and the poor are used to it. It is only when the middle class falls below poverty levels we will see a revolt. The rest is pretty much a dog and pony show for the viewers.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Surfrat
The people have a right to be angry, the violence excepted. They were FORCED into paying into things such as Medicare and Social Security (or their country's equivalent. Promises were made. Promises were broken. Trust funds were illegally raided. Shady deals were made. The money disappeared; the same money the people could have used to assure their own futures. Now there's nothing left for them to do except work until they die... and continue to pay into these ponzi scemes! If you're not angry, you're in a coma

Add all of these together and it is a drop in the bucket compared to military spending.

And Medicare and Social Security aren't going away soon. Not until the last baby boomer is dead since they already paid into it and are about to use it or are using it now. After that it's anyone's guess.

And if trust funds were illegally raided nothing is done with out a signature and a paper trail.

We can sue to recover the money back and seize existing assets of who ever you are accusing here. Make them liquidate and pay up. UNLESS you go all postal on the government and give those that took advantage of the system a chance to burn up that paper trail. It was not the government per se. Do I have to tell anyone there is a plutocratic oligarchy within and sharing power with this republican democracy and it drives all wars?
It is a bitter root entwined with the powers that be, like the strangle hold the Church has on England this is our Monkey. The cancer that drains the purses every time there is a profit to be made, that steps in and scoops it up. Actions should be done because they are in the peoples interest, not so a stock will rise. We are fair game and a market share, nothing more noble than that. The government is pathetic and ineffective because it shares it's Throne with an unseen and hidden authority. We play out like we are electing people and have a say in anything when this is largely just a farce. Anyone that tries to prove otherwise turns up dead.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 11:07 PM
What we can do
1. Keep standard emergency preps up to date. First thing to do is make sure all our typical household preparedness supplies and plans are current. backup food, water, and other supplies are our mainstay for everything from bad storms to long-term unemployment, from power outages to social breakdowns. During civil unrest, we might not be able to get out to buy things we need—or we might consider it more prudent to stay at home. .
2. Don't fall into foolish complacency. We who live in the country tend to have an "it can't happen here" attitude toward political violence or social upheaval. We see those things as urban pheonomena. And mostly, they are. But there's no ironclad rule that says they have to be. If anything disrupts the supply chain, for instance, rural areas could be the first to be cut off from food, medicines, fuel, or other necessities. If government breaks down to the point where it can't deliver food stamps, housing vouchers, social security, or bureaucrats' pay, the rural poor and unemployed could become just as restive as their urban counterparts.
3. Watch your health. Few things inspire public panic more quickly than contagious disease, and once again rural areas are not immune. Take all the standard recommended precautions like frequent handwashing. Make sure your preparedness kit includes surgical masks and disposable gloves as well as a selection of frequently updated medications. And be ready to lay low at home for a long time in the event a serious plague gets loose.
4. Make common cause with your neighbors. I've said it before, but establishing a strong bond with people in your community—right now—is vital to every sort of emergency preparedness. these are the folks who could come to your house to make sure you're okay. They might give you a ride out or a place to sleep if you accidentally end up in a "hot zone" of riot or protest. In a deeper or more long-term emergency, they could pool resources with you to make supply runs. They can advise you if they've spotted a roadblock. They might let you cross their land to avoid a route that has become dangerous.
5. If you grow crops or raise food animals and the unrest is due to a food shortage (or something has driven city people out into the countryside), prepare to protect your resources day and night. Here again neighbors can do each other valuable services, like taking shifts guarding fields, barns, private roads, and gardens. Yes, this is an apocalyptic scenario. Not a likely one. .
6. Get advance word on local conditions when traveling. We're used to hoppig into our vehicles or onto airplanes and going wherever we want to go. But as the worldwide economy deteriorates, it's wise to keep an eye on our destination. Right now, this warning pertains more to overseas travel than jaunts within the U.S. If you plan to go abroad, visit online sites like They'll have bulletins about adverse conditions in areas you plan to visit; you may even be able to receive alerts via email that will warn you about anything from political protests to disease outbreaks in places you plan to go.
7. Watch for signs of trouble when in an unfamiliar area. Sometimes the only advance notice you get is the notice your own senses give you. When walking, driving, biking, or otherwise traveling in unfamiliar places, stay in what gunfolk call "condition yellow." This is different than the meaningless colored threat levels the Department of Homeland Security puts out. It just means "be alert!" Never simply allow yourself to slouch along obliviously. Always be aware of who's nearby and what's going on around you. If you spot trouble developing, turn. Avoid it if at all possible.
8. If you stumble into a "hot zone" of unrest, be prepared to think on your feet. Not many people are qualified to give you advice about how to behave if you unavoidably find yourself in the midst of trouble—a riot, a mass protest that suddenly engulfs your familiar downtown, a spot where police are bashing heads or hurling tear gas seemingly at random. That's because not many people have ever been there and every catastrophe is different. If street-level chaos surrounds you, do your best to keep a cool head, move away from the worst of it if you get the chance, and get inside if possible.
9. If you're swept up in mass arrests during a riot or demonstration, the officers probably aren't going to be listening to your protestations of being an innocent bystander. You'll only tick them off and possibly get a charge of resisting arrest. The best advice I've received from my friends who've been busted during out-of-hand protests: Go along as best you can. Usually, all charges in such cases are either dropped or reduced once calm is restored. Only if we've reached the extreme point where police are rounding people up and throwing them into detention camps or "disappearing" them is fighting cops on the street likely to be worth it; then...fight like a demon.
10. Have a good lawyer and carry his or her card with you. Once again, in the heat of chaos it may not do you much good. But that card will come in handy later. Besides, if you and a police officer have an encounter in calmer circumstances, a lawyer's card, along with your calm assertion of your legal rights, will help you to be taken seriously. Police officers are like anybody else; they're more likely to go after easy targets than ones who are obviously knowledgeable and prepared. My lawyer has a helpful little list on the back of his card of the things you should do—and not do— when accosted by a police officer.1 I'd trust that more than my own nerves in a tight situation.
11. Be careful of roadblocks. This is a hard one. If we reach Level Three or Four of unrest, we may not only see the obnoxious police "checkpoints" we're burdened with today. We might also see two other things. One would be expanded police roadblocks, with warrantless searches, harsh questioning, and possibly mass arrests. Another could be "freelance" roadblocks—roadblocks set up by anybody from political protesters to highwaymen. (Just as gangs of home invaders now masquerade as SWAT teams, highwaymen might masquerade as government officials to rob the unwary.) If it's humanly possible, avoid roadblocks. It's not illegal to turn away from them, as long as you don't disobey any traffic laws. Police do consider it suspicious behavior and may come after you, even if you've done nothing wrong; but in a time of civil unrest, avoiding a roadblock could save your skin. Of course, both police and freelancers will set up their blockades to make them as hard as possible to avoid—all the more reason to be alert, know where roadblocks are likely to be, and have a mental map of alternate routes. If, in a time and place of unrest, you're in a line approaching a roadblock, watch what happens to the people ahead of you. If you see any sign that the motorists ahead are being abused, get out of there.
So far, we've talked mostly as if civil unrest is something apart from us—something we might have to be wary of, something we might stumble accidentally into. But the fact is that as our country becomes less free, we might of course be the civil unrest.
We might resist having our premises tagged for NAIS or having our herds slaughtered for real or bogus health reasons. We might end up fighting evictions (as farmers and many rural dwellers have for centuries during hard times). We might be the ones who say, "Hell no, we won't go!" when the mobile vaccination van comes to town, or the ones who try to keep our neighbors from being rounded up and sent to camps. Times are uncertain. We simply don't know.
But in every case, preparedness, foreknowledge, and a cool head will come in handy.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Americans have been lied to big time. The rest of the world is moving on without us and if you don’t believe it check out technology in E. Europe. High tech farming equipment and lots of eager young men ready to feed their nations. Clean, beautiful cities, yes…America we’ve been left in the dust while our country has been been seized and desecrated right under our noses. Everything else is just a distraction to keep us from seeing the big picture. The good hard working people in this country did not deserve this. So the elite think it is someone else’s turn to shine in the sun while we sink into a third world backwater?

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