I suggest you listen to this song while reading this.
Hey guys I've been thinking about this forever. So I guess I'll vent my current views on, pretty much everything. I apologize for the length, I
have a lot to let out. Before you continue on, please do so with an open mind.
The Fear Agenda
I have been starting to feel like I have been waking up. Waking up to this dream we have draped over our faces. You go to the store and see all
these ridiculous tabloids that are centered around ridiculous gossip. Then you turn on the news and they talk about raising crime rates even though
the crime rates are at an all time low.
As I stop watching the news and giving a # about stupid gossip I have definitely started changing. I'm starting to look into things i'd probably
never think about like the Mayans and other ancient civilizations and the universe. Thousands of people die every day from starvation.
An average of 62 Americans die a year from terrorism related activity while 450,000 die a year from heart disease. Yet we all hate terrorists and
give not one # about the staggering amount of people dying from preventable problems. So many people are ignorant about what really matters.
It feels to me that this terrorism stuff is just a scare tactic to keep us from thinking about the real issues. It's staggering how much money is
spent on military defense compared to scientific research.
How can we possibly define reality? Reality is defined as anything that has existed or does exist. If I imagine a huge spaceship than that
spaceship exists in my imagination.
Wouldn't that imaginary spaceship, since it exists, be a part of reality? Every time you have a dream, isn't that world, even if imaginary,
existent? Or at least existed for that time you were dreaming in it?
I have these weird experiences (especially at school) where I stare off to something and have no thoughts at all and I almost pass out. Those
experiences are part of what make me question reality. (This has happened a few times). If anyone knows why that happens to me, I'd love to hear your
The Spiritual Awakening and 2012(Apocalypse)
I know 2012 has been massacred to death by all kinds of theories but I think that if anything it will be a spiritual awakening. I've researched
into Mayans a lot and plenty of other things regarding 2012 and I feel like it will be a spiritual awakening. I've been feeling more and more like
something big is going to happen and a mass extinction doesn't seem right.
The universe and everything it contains exists for a reason. Why? I have absolutely no idea. But I feel like we are close to finding out. I don't
follow a particular religion of belief set but I am on the spiritual side. I feel like their are things out there that can't be heard or seen, only
The Truth
I think we have all been drawn away from the real truths and amazing capabilities we as humans have. I have had amazing experiences that defy
anything a News channel or a tabloid can possibly give. Life is so beautiful don't waste it away.
Go out and do something. Help the world and it's inhabitants. Make your own truth and don't let someone on CBS tell you how things are. The world
is so beautiful but so many of us get caught up in this ridiculous society and it's ridiculous way of operating we forget to stop and look at
So, I guess this brings me to the conclusion. If you take anything out of this have it be that you are YOU and nobody can take that away. We are
all beautiful individuals. We all are the same and should work together to help each other. We all are able to think for ourselves and choose our own
path. Don't let it be contaminated and diluted by others greedy gains.
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this madness and I wish everyone luck on finding The Ultimate Truth.
The mind is everything. What you think you become.
edit on 15-8-2011 by Se7enex because: Fix