posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 06:42 AM
Wars are not something that an intelligent race should be doing. Lives, money, resources, and what ever else lost to a pointless destructive cause. To
me, war is a backward step in humanity, and it makes me wonder, would ET's really invade?
I know some of the massive technological advancements came about in war times (medicines, planes, and what ever else) but is it worth it?
$1,250,000,000,000 is what the American government have been spending on the War on Terror. That's a lot of cash, that's a lot of resources, and
it's possibly a giant waste? I know this is cliche when I say, if everyone got along the world would be so peaceful and what not but why would a
super intelligent being feel the need to "conquer" other planets that harbored life. They could probably build something similar to the deathstar if
they wanted, seeing as they are hypothetically able to cross galaxies. The thing is, they could be more like us than we think, maybe they are
warmongers. People say we have changed as a species in 1000 years (culturally). No more medieval styled battles, just the ANP shooting at children
without caring.
Imagine if all that money went into something completely amazing, imagine if they were able to fund huge projects that could possibly redeem us from
ruining this planet and even jetting off to a new one. We waste a lot of our greatest minds in trials of destruction, war and power. It's inefficient
for the species.
Just my outlook on the whole Alien invasion thing.