posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 04:06 AM
""history" was written by a creator.. IN REVERSE...... so as to say ""yes"" YOU have FREE will.. but it has already been accounted for...
he knew our choices as he wrote our time.. like winding up a rubber-band airplane..
history was written backwards from the ""GOAL" --ultimate-- to our future--- to our present-- to our past...
to our "beginnings"
what a strange way to live life.... knowing all MY acts were counted-on,, planed and arranged..
yes i say i can choose to go right.. and i do.. but it was Written-out for --all of us.. from our end -- to our start
where ARE we going?????
EXACTLY where we're supposed to go..
all the creator had to do was,, WIND IT UP-- and LET IT GO..
what do you think about THIS theroy?
edit on 8/15/11 by darrman because: spellenglish