posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 01:56 AM
I'm sure there's a lot of us that can relate.....
You're looking through a cool thread and then you realize it's cluttered up by really bad one liners. Now I know ATS has rules against one line
posts, and personally I feel that sometimes I can express exactly what I would like to in one line so it's not that brevity of the posts that bugs
me, it's uselessness and redundancy. I have specific example in mind that I see ALL THE TIME mostly in the UFO forums, but recently in a bigfoot
thread as well.
Example: I find a UFO thread with a cool video or something and I start reading through it. Hopefully most of the comments are adding something to
the thread, but eventually you always...almost without fail run into this comment: "it's just swamp gas nothing to see here..."
So dumb.
Now, if someone actually believed that swamp gas was a the culprit for UFO's then that would be fine, but it's always somebody who thinks they're
being funny, because one time long ago project blue book used this horrible explanation for some sightings. IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! It's just lame, and
it makes people look dumb to be "that guy" in the thread who has to say it. It's like when you go to a concert and there's always some idiot who
yells "play some skinnard!!" it originated in a Beavis and Butthead episode and was only funny in that context.
This is the last straw; next poster I see making a swamp gas comment will be referred to this thread and hopefully reformed or at least made to feel
like a moron. Even worse is the guy who responds to the swamp gas poster...but I'm not getting into that now.
Would like everyone else's thoughts on the swamp gas comment...and of course if they can think of any more pet peeves then by all means post em.