posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 07:52 PM
I'm pretty much atheist for the most part but find stuff like this to be going overboard as well. I do have a problem with organized prayer/church
services on school campuses but this type of thing doesn't bother me at all.
A lot of this is happening, I think, because of Christian groups or organizations trying to cross the line of seperation of church and state, its a
form of retaliation by over zealous people bent on irritating the religious right.
I think both sides need to take a chill pill and let it die down. Religious activists need to realize that although we call ourselves a Christian
nation, Christianity is not the official state religion. They have gone out of their way to get federal funding for their endeavors and to force
Christianity into public schools. When they are legitimately opposed, they get indignant and act like the sky is crashing because they can't hold a
church rally on public school grounds, etc.
The other side of this argument needs to realize in turn that some references to a god in the Christian sense will occur from time to time and there
isn't much that can be done about this. We never had these problems until the early 90's when the Christian right began infiltrating the Republican
party with aims of turning the country into a religious state. Everything that is going on now is simply petty 'tit for tat' squabbles aimed at
silenceing one side or the other from the public arena. We will never get back to a middle ground if this continues.
Either way, this situation by no means the country is about to fall apart, thats too silly for me to imagine. The paranoia displayed is
[edit on 19-8-2004 by Weller]