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Causes of crashed alien craft

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posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 04:15 PM
I remember a UFO documentary in the late 80's with two supposed government agents going by the codenames Condor and Falcon. I think they stated the reason for the crash was because of experiments with linear motors that the military were doing on the ground.

The frequencies emitted from the coils in the linear motor interfered with the propulsion system of the alien craft.

I've even read other stories over the years of craft diliberately being brought down by this technique.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 04:58 PM
A bit off topic but I thought it would be interesting...

Falcon was the code name used by the CIA agent Richard Doty I believe, and Condor should be former USAF Capt. Robert Collins.

Their names are quoted very often in the text "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities", link here. This text is I think quite famous on the net now. I'm not sure who the actual author is, though a certain Michael Corbin made it available on the INFO.PARANET.

Another very good document about CIA and its role is "An uncompromising publication - THE ROLE OF THE CIA IN UFO STUDIES, 1947 - 1990", by Gerald K. Haines, though Collins or Doty are never mentioned. A full version of this text can be found here.

These are long but very interesting reads...

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 09:22 PM
maybe they are being shot down because we dont know if thy are friendly or not?

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 12:42 AM
Tourism is the biggest reason they crash. Their electro-grav-mag propulsion systems seem to fail over tourist traps.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Zero Point
Tourism is the biggest reason they crash. Their electro-grav-mag propulsion systems seem to fail over tourist traps.

I don't know if you're being serious or not. Odd coincidence if you're being serious...another point for the UFOs being govt controlled as a cover up of some kind but let's not go there.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 08:39 PM

you ever hear people that say we only use 2% of our brain. that 98% of it goes unused but if we were able to tap into the rest of it, we would be able to move mountains and such.

that is untrue, humans use all of the brain, anyhoot, perhaps aliens use hydrogen fusion reactors to power their ships because UFOs can be seen frequently near a volcano in mexico thats is spuing water vapor with a third hydrogen atom (heavy water) and they found a way to split atoms use the hydrogen for gas and the oxygin as oxygin if they are carbon based or if they do experiments with it. also, a lightning storm supposedly took down the roswell ufo

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
Shadow is pretty accurate. A true gravitic drive produces a field around the craft that both inhibits intertia by effectively seperating the craft from the normal energy fields around the shell, and simultaneously produces an effect akin to 'rolling downhill' in front of the craft. This causes the craft to be continually 'rolling downhill' producing exponentially faster acceleration. once the desired speed is achieved, the field is balanced to allow continued movement at the required speed, without further acceleration. Deceleration is achieved in the same manner, just reversed. The strength of the field determines rate of acceleration and deceleration.

I tend to think that Everlastingnoitall has the right track on this. My own theory on the roswell crash as well as the corona crash, is that the army air corp�s were testing a new radar in the area. It is well known that a strong radar can ionize the air within the beam, and that ionized air can bleed off an electrical charge. Its my belief that the craft were cruising to close to the ground, flew into the radar beam which bleed of just enough of their hull charge to cause them to kiss dirt before they could compensate. You can bet they watch close for such things now.
My 2 cents.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by everlastingnoitall
Recent experiments on the element Bismuth reveal it has certain properties that could actually be useful in a gravitic drive. The gravitic drives used in the UFO craft (ala Bob Lazar's 'sport model', although he was very off in several areas), have a harder time navigating an atmosphere because of the need to use only one of the drive 'engines' in order to not put out too much residual radiation. The resulting reduced maneuvering power cause an instability in some craft and pilots who may not be as skilled at atmospheric navigation can in fact, lose control. Kind of like a rookie driver on his first icy road. In addition, navigating an artificially generated gravity field through an already thick atmosphere causes an enormous amount of friction between the perimeter of the field and the surrounding air. This can cause field and hull integrity breakdown from heat because the field is merely strong enough to move the craft, not the required full strength for interstellar travel.

I think it�s interesting that the element Bismuth keeps popping up in the ufo research. Here�s a link to the Arts parts story.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 12:14 PM

There is also mention in one of the links (don't remember and I didn't take time to go back in that in details, sorry) of the Bismuth and of its properties, compared to Uup.

Bismuth is known for it's diamagnetic properties. It's used in many science lab "levitation" experiments, and even some home do it yourself kits. You can easily find directions on how to make these on the web...

Uup if existing, would be in line with Bismuth on the periodic chart, and thus is likely to have diamagnetic properties as well. If the ideas that Lazar put forth are accurate, then it's intriguing to say the least...(of course, believing/not believing Lazar is up to each...)

As for causes of crashes...

Looking at the timetable...the majority of these were around the time of early implementation of radar. Many are guessing (and some alleged government documents confirm) that early radar waves somehow disrupted their gravity drives, and caused some crashes. Soon after, this seemed to be overcome by the EBE's. Perhaps it was even a bargaining chip at the Holloman meeting (if it took place)....?

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 02:10 PM
I was reading the article on the material from Art Bell's show,

and interestingly, in addition to Bismuth, another material is mentionned which I often see in relation to ufo landings, magnesium!

See this thread in which magnesium is found in the shot down ufo from Washington, DC, in July 1952.

Do Magnesium and Bismuth hold the key to ufo's?

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by senshido
I was reading the article on the material from Art Bell's show,

and interestingly, in addition to Bismuth, another material is mentionned which I often see in relation to ufo landings, magnesium!

See this thread in which magnesium is found in the shot down ufo from Washington, DC, in July 1952.

Do Magnesium and Bismuth hold the key to ufo's?

I remember reading a UFO report about 30 years ago, from South America.
Seem �s that a saucer wobbled into sight, almost crashed. While wobbling and struggling to stay airborne, the craft dribbled some white powdery material. Then seemed to recover and sped out of sight. Testing of this material reviled that the powder was indeed magnesium

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 11:45 PM
So many little evidence. Is there anywhere they haven't crashed?

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Zero Point
So many little evidence. Is there anywhere they haven't crashed?

My backyard

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:55 AM

My backyard

It's only a matter of time.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 10:01 AM
I got 2 points: Bob lazer is a big liar! Wondering how hes got his Masters grade? HE DIDNT, he's talking alot of bull.
Second: Roswell isnt a ufo crash plenty of evidence! Read the internet guys, roswell is fake!

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 03:30 PM

I got 2 points: Bob lazer is a big liar! Wondering how hes got his Masters grade? HE DIDNT, he's talking alot of bull.
Second: Roswell isnt a ufo crash plenty of evidence! Read the internet guys, roswell is fake!

1. There are conflicting details surrounding Lazar, that DO indicate there was some attempt to wipe his history. He has an authenticated W2 from his pay while out at the Area 51 facility, paid by the Department of Naval Intelligence, even with the coding of MAJ. (Majestic?) Though Los Alamos denied him working there, he is listed as a physicist in one of their phone directories. Funny, didn't know Los Alamos hired non-degreed physicists...I think I'll go apply!
The schools he attended seem to have no record, yet the teachers remember him well enough. Hmm??? Numerous other examples of this, but I think you get the jist. Does this mean I believe him? Not necessarily, but I DO believe his claims of someone wiping his history are accurate.

2. Really? I wouldn't rely on the Internet as your only research tool. Personally, I've read just about every book, and seen every special on Roswell. I've even had the opportunity to talk firsthand with some of those researchers, such as Schmidt, Randle, etc. Though I've done this too many times to count, I'll make it real quick again. For us to believe the Mogul explaination we'd have to....

a. ignore the fact that no Mogul balloon's trajectories would place it in the area of the Brazel ranch.
b. ignore the fact that the SENIOR intelligence officer of the base housing the ONLY atomic bomber wing in existance, and an EXPERT in identifying aerial objects could somehow mistake balsa wood and tin foil for a crashed spaceship...
c. ignore the dozens of eyewitnesses, who handled the bodies, the debris, etc.
d. ignore the US Army's own press release of the recovery of a crashed disc!
e. ignore the fact that the dummies that the USAF claimed were mistaken for bodies, weren't used until about 5 years after the crash, and not in the Mogul project's scope of purpose.
f. ignore the fact that any FOI requests for documentation of Roswell come up as "record missing" even though Mogul is WAY past being declassified.
g. ignore the fact that Marcel admitted that posing with the ballon debris was a coverup ordered by General Ramey.
h. ignore the Ramey memo.

I could go on, but quite frankly, my fingers are tired, hehe....

I remember a UFO documentary in the late 80's with two supposed government agents going by the codenames Condor and Falcon.

One of my favorite specials...there were actually two of these. UFO CoverUp Live was the name of them...and the other's info is correct as to identities, etc. Strawberry ice cream anyone?

[edit on 24-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 04:05 PM
Youre telling me that i should ignore alot of stuff but you aint givin me facts that you can garuentee there true bro! And about Bob you cant confince me thats he not a liar, read this

[edit on 24-8-2004 by Minor Illuminatos]

[edit on 24-8-2004 by Minor Illuminatos]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 04:10 PM
We are all aware that we are "electronic" so maybe they use themselves as a power source.. (Just a thought)
but our brain is electrical, and it is stated that we use VERY little of it..
maybe if we used more we would have a more positive charge .. I'm not scientist so I have no theories on how it might work, but we do have "auras" of energy surrounding us.. maybe theirs is much stronger/brighter

and no we don't use all of our brain .. (at the same time) we use several different parts.. but if we used them all at once.. maybe then ...

[edit on 24/8/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 05:15 PM

Second: Roswell isnt a ufo crash plenty of evidence! Read the internet guys, roswell is fake!


I don't care what happened with roswell right know. If I did I would have started a thread on Roswell. This is a thread on possible reasons UFOs might crash.

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 05:02 AM
Sorry about that!Well, I think they crash because there's something in the air of the Earth that those alien spacecraft can't handle, or(really freaky) the US goverment shoots them down. But that would be really strange

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