posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Haha! Great so far
Ok, well I can tell if people have had many jobs or just 1 job for a long time. I can tell if there are a lot or a few relationships, and at roughly
what age each relationship lasted for. I can also tell any problems with teeth, or if they just had dental problems. I can also tell of problems
with their knees! And lastly if they have children and what sex they are, but not the ages.
I would love to say this is all spiritual, but sadly, it isnt a talent which is why I call it my party trick. I also think, a lot of it is to do with
the hands showing medical signs, which is why doctors look at your palms to see if you're a heavy drinker etc.
ETA...I can also tell if females are using birth control!
Must add, i do have to 'feel' the palms for a lot of this.
edit on 14-8-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)