This morning at about 10:50 A.M. I was talking to some family members near a window downstaus in the dining room in tulsa, oklahoma while my wife was
upstairs getting ready when all of a sudden the windows went black all around us then the sun shined through again. We all stopped talking because of
the shock of what just happen. Now take into fact that it was like 80 degrees outside and the sun was shining. It was like a dragon flew by in a
split second as if you had blinked for a second is what it felt like. My wife even came downstairs to ask us what that was. I am thinking in the back
of my mind something that big to just completely block out the sun should have made some kind of sound but there wasn't anything. I joined today
because i am searching for the truth of many things and i have been to this website many times but this is the first thing that has ever happened to
me that just gave me chills all the way down my spine and i wanted to know if anybody had had this experience today or ever?
Large flock of birds would be my guess. I get that around here sometimes. I can't really know how complete the blackout was and how long it lasted
though, since you didn't specify.
From what you are saying, it sounds like more than just a passing shadow. You said the windows went BLACK, meaning more than a shadow. I have no
explanation for that, because it would be far more than something passing in front of the sun. Even during a total eclipse, the windows would not be