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Sun Symbolism - Solar Manipulation

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posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 04:48 AM
Manipulation of human consciousness through the use of symbols and numbers -

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 04:50 AM
The sun symbolizes the Patriarch, whereas the moon is Matriarch.

The sun is left brain, moon is right.

Which society do we live in?


posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

i disagree, maybe in some cultures, but:

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:41 AM
^ There are generally obvious clues in the language you use -

For example, male heir = son/sun - Christians worship the "sun" of God who just so happens to be male, and is reborn by one degree every year after the winter solstice on 25th of December.

Look at the Catholic church which won't allow female priests of any kind into any of its orders, and forbids its "suns" (male priests) from having intimate relationships with a woe/man (no marriage).

The 333 frequency is symbolic of the lunar/divine feminine/right brain - while the 666 frequency (not Satanic) is the solar/outer masculine/left brain.

Both merge to form the complete and balanced Christos human 999. The reason we have religions such as Catholicism is to keep the division of man/woeman intact. Have you ever asked yourself why there are no woman priests allowed within Catholicism?

edit on 14-8-2011 by Uncle Benny because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Uncle Benny

in german its "die sonne" the sun (female) and "der mond" the moon (male). so its cultural, the "germans" were called barbaric by the romans, because they had other believes. the early christian roman empire saw them as infidels. so the sun and the moon in reality are not feminine or maskuline, it depends on the interpretion of a religion or culture.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:03 AM
This is a pretty fancy shrine

It's for a sumerian moon god Sil or Nanna

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by icepack
reply to post by Uncle Benny

in german its "die sonne" the sun (female) and "der mond" the moon (male). so its cultural, the "germans" were called barbaric by the romans, because they had other believes. the early christian roman empire saw them as infidels. so the sun and the moon in reality are not feminine or maskuline, it depends on the interpretion of a religion or culture.

An interesting point you've made, however note -

"It's not the actual person, place or thing that has gender in German, but the WORD that stands for the actual thing. That's why a “car” can be either das Auto (neut.) or der Wagen (masc.)."

^ With the above in mind lets examine the German word for sun. Like you said, it is "sonne" - son/sun - Again solar masculine connotations.

edit on 14-8-2011 by Uncle Benny because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Uncle Benny

It's not the actual person, place or thing that has gender in German, but the WORD that stands for the actual thing. That's why a “car” can be either das Auto (neut.) or der Wagen

that is because wagen and auto are two different things, they have different roots. wagen had to be pulled, auto pulls itself or drives on its own (automaticaly).
i hope you understand my point, the sun and the moon cannot have any gender. it is the interpretation of religions or cultures what gives them these images. there are religions and cultures, which see the sun male/female and see the moon male/female and vice versa.
how can we judge which interpretation is the right one ?
my suggestion is to stay neutral on this topic, to not go on a path of prejudices like sun=male so males are more important than small moon=female.
i am male and no feminist, but i learned that you cannot judge a human by gender, race, religion or culture.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by icepack

that is because wagen and auto are two different things, they have different roots. wagen had to be pulled, auto pulls itself or drives on its own (automaticaly).

Guess I should warn my friend about his volkswagen lol.

i hope you understand my point, the sun and the moon cannot have any gender. it is the interpretation of religions or cultures what gives them these images. there are religions and cultures, which see the sun male/female and see the moon male/female and vice versa.
how can we judge which interpretation is the right one ?
my suggestion is to stay neutral on this topic, to not go on a path of prejudices like sun=male so males are more important than small moon=female.
i am male and no feminist, but i learned that you cannot judge a human by gender, race, religion or culture.

Yes the sun and moon are obviously not gender specific. What happens is (as you've pointed towards) certain religions/cultures create symbolism using it for their own ends. If you take a group like the illuminati, they've drawn up their system of control by associating the grounding earth/feminine shakti energies with the moon, while the incoming celestial shiva/masculine frequencies are associated with the sun.
By creating a schism or conflict (so to speak) between the masculine and feminine, solar control groups like the illuminati keep mankind in a patriarchal state of separation, always looking "out there" for the answers (to leaders, priests, doctors etc), instead of us hooking into our right brain intuition and finding our own solutions.

Some of the elder tribes of humanity such as the Kogi, Dogon and native Americans are naturally more right brain orientated (in touch with the grounding earth energy) than robotic, left brained "western man."

What I'm simply pointing out is the energetic control associated with specific symbolism. I agree we should remain neutral/detached. First however we must see the manipulation in our lives for what it is - whether it be through religion, music, media, art etc.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 06:38 PM
Some interviews which may be worth a look -

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 03:53 AM
Interesting site also -

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:56 AM
it might be interesting for everyone to check this frequency videos, I guess that have to do something with all those talks of sun cycles and sacred geometry.. -

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:29 PM
Thanks for that merovingian23. This next video from Jordan Maxwell is a must see for anyone interested in how human consciousness is being manipulated through solar symbolism -

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 02:57 AM
I notice how someone just connected "femininity" with divinity, but "masculinity" was only connected to being "outer". But I will let that particular bit of misandry slide for now.

i hope you understand my point, the sun and the moon cannot have any gender.

This is not only wrong, it's double wrong.

First, yes, they CAN have a gender.

Second, they DO have a gender.

Oh, not in the sense that they would have penises or vaginas, but those are just physical manifestations of YIN/YANG anyway, and it means feminine/masculine, OR "expanding" and "contracting".

The sun is clearly expanding in energies - it is directed outwards, and it is yang in the most absolute possible sense. Thus it is MALE in gender, absolutely, independently, without caring what earth humans think, or what their religions or other similar 'tools for the blind'-systems say.

The moon is a planetlike piece of matter, which means it is a 'negative' in it's energy direction. All energy is either expanding or contracting, there is always a direction in everything. A moon or a planet is a negative creation, because it is not expanding, but instead it is contracting, becoming more and more tight mass over time.

Space is masculine, because it's freely-flowing expanding energy, while asteroids, moons and planets are feminine, because they are contracting 'disturbances' in that freely flowing energy.

Thus, moon IS feminine, and sun IS masculine, no matter how much ignorance people express in ATS.

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Shoujikina

sorry, but i have a different opinion.

The sun is clearly expanding ...

no, it is actually shrinking untill some day in the future when it will expand before it shrinks again and become a supernova.

there are cultures, which see the sun as male, some cultures see the sun as female. do you think one culture just got it wrong ?


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