I seen a couple of fire balls in my time!! Just last year, we saw a huge one just over my town! We could hear it breaking up, and it was alll
sparkly like fireworks!! AMAZING!!
'wow that looks so cool, wow its getting bigger...... RUNNNNN its coming right for us!!!!' haha, australia is pretty boring for anything happening
in the air, no meteors no chemtrails all we got is this clean blue sky lol
My dad and my little siblings were driving on the highway, me and my ma stayed in town! They were cruising along around 100 kms/hour and they noticed
something in the sky. It looked like a meteor, and then they lost site of it behind some trees! A few seconds later a huge fireball flashes right in
front of the vehicle, almost hitting them, (like fractions of a second) and it continues down a hill they were driving on! They got the bejeezus
scared outtta them, and continued on the journey!! I wish they went back to collect their lucky falling star! Woulld of been worth some real bucks!
havent had one in years, miss them so bad, will get one once i decide on a place i wish to live longterm, i miss having a dog they are so happy and
Man, its been ridiculous down here in Florida. I walked outside and it felt liked i walked right into an oven, even the shade was warm. It's been
raining the past week though so I guess its time we got some of this heat.
If I was there I would have made them go back, and let me get the stuff! But oh well, maybe if i was there, we would have gotten hit by the damn