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Sikhs seeking exemption from motorcycle-helmet law

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by hypr2011

Sikhs seeking exemption from motorcycle-helmet law

... his faith does not allow him to cover his turban or remove it outside of his home.

Put the helmet on instead of the turban, do it inside your home and don't take it off 'til home again.

Problem solved.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...helmet laws for adults is invasive buttinski crap...
...feel the same about seatbelt laws for adults...

good. Go qualify for a Darwin award, and skip the stats showing declines in auto crash deaths. family owned a multi-brand motorcycle dealership for decades... i've known quite a few people who were killed in motorcycle accidents but i've known more that were killed or left in vegetative states due to auto accidents...

I agree with that. But one has nothing to do with the next.

...its a myth that wearing a helmet will protect your brain in the event of a crash... it might help or it might not - lots of unpredictable variables...

Not true. Stats show two things. 67% of motorcycle fatalities are due to brain injury. A study of 2003 death statistics of motorcycle crashes involving two riders, 3661 deaths were recorded. An estimated 1158 were not killed due to proper helmet wear. 640 died wearing badly fitted helmets. This study indicated a 37% increase in overall survivability, including crashes with major body trauma and massive injuries.

So - a general increase in survivability of all types of crashes, even with majorly bodily injury factored in - puts the lie to that argument
link -

...helmet manufacturers spend a lot of money producing stats that seem to prove their product is always a life saver... they also spend a lot of money lobbying for laws that promote their merchandise and thats really all the helmet laws are - lobbyist induced legislation, which = bs, imo...

Nope. A Raider helmet that meets DOT is $40 at the local military surplus store. No big cost there. MSF safety courses generally meet the guidelines for a helmet exemption (at least it does in TX) and if you mean why Snell-rated helmets cost more - Snell updates their standard every 5 years to take advantage of the tech advances of construction materials. DOT hasn't upgraded since 1967.

If you don't want to wear your lid, then by all means don't, be a statistic. I believe that my head is valuable, and don't mind dropping a few hundred for a quality lid. I also believe in darwinism, so I'll be nauseated when your dome is splattered and some cage has a small dent in it, thank you.
edit on 13/8/11 by MagoSA because: I forgot to say something

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:57 PM
As long as he is willing to sign his organ donor card I say let him do it.

He will be one more Donorcyclist.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by MagoSA

...oooh, so hostile - but - then again, you believe a government report is the absolute truth... so, yanno, whether you wear a helmet or not doesnt matter - you're already brain dead...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

Originally posted by i8miceb4
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Why would you need to wear a helmet in a convertible?? You're surrounded by a shell (the auto) and wearing a seatbelt. would depend on where your head was...

Hehehe..I like the way you think

As far as i'm concerned, almost anything you do during the day could kill you. Heck, I could cross the street tomorrow and get hit by a car. Personally, i'm pissed that people immigrate and try to change the laws to suit themselves. Screw Happy Holidays...I say Merry Christmas. I'm so sick and tired of political correctness I wanna puke!!
BUT in Ontario wearing a helmet and using a seatbelt is the law. If ya don't like it, let me help ya pack....

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:32 PM
The problem imo is that immigrants feel as if they leave their country of origin and integrate into a new one that their old ways are still in effect. By the contrary, by integrating into a new society/country one MUST!!! follow said countries rules and regulations. Instead these immigrants think they are nonobligatory to their new society/country. If one gets away with this then why the hell can't I get away with this mentality, I myself being an immigrant from the US to Canada follow the rules and regulations set forth by my new Country, why should another think other than that. You efin' moved here for a reason, the country and the culture, so deal with it. I have no ill feelings towards those who practice their religions/beliefs, but when you try to change law and regulations to fit "YOUR" behalf..perhaps a change in mind should be made and get the EF out and go home.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Well it’s one thing to have the wind rushing through your hair, but it’s another to have the asphalt rushing through your hair. If you are not smart enough to put a helmet on, there really is nothing to protect to start with.

The real bad part here is religion dictating law, nothing ever good can come from that. What’s going to be the next challenge in the name of religion ? Where will it stop ?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 04:11 AM
Not wearing a crash helmet when riding a motorcycle, scooter or pushbike is stupid, selfish and ignorant.

What happens when another road user has an accident with them and they have serious injuries or even die from the accident?

The other road user gets prosecuted for causing injury or manslaughter. All because of a selfish person who thought they had the right to be different and put their own safety in other people's hands and taking no responsibility themselves.

No helmet, no bike. Simple.

It is this man's religion that is affecting his life, not life affecting his religion.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by nerbot

I addressed that in my mostly ignored post above.

Helmet on before walking outside; helmet off when back home.
Problem solved.

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