posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Who here watches southpark?
Personally I think Matt stone and Trey parker are comical geniuses who deserve medals but that's just me.. Southpark seems to be like marmite. You
either love it or hate it. You either get it or don't get it.
A lot of people are often offended by southpark as they think the show attacks their personal beliefs, race or religion. I couldn't disagree more.
Southpark takes the piss out of both the British and out of black people. I am mixed race and British. I have never taken offence to southpark. One of
them has Jewish heritage themselves before you complain about the extent of apparent 'Anti Semitism' on the show. (Can't remember which of the
Matt and Trey don't pick on one demographic and discriminate against them. They find funnies in anything and everything and ignore social taboo. I
think this is exactly what our society needs.
You see at the core of 'SouthPark' is notion that all Human beings are the same at heart. We all laugh. We all cry. Some people just don't see
Personally I think SouthPark is one of the if not the best cartoon/program to ever come out.
Your thoughts on SouthPark?
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)