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Do you see it the way i see? (openminded ones only)

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posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:19 PM
I have read tons of material including books about ufo's and ET's and this is what i've come up to, my grammar is a bit shaggy, but that's because im russian, no hard feelings, enjoy folks..

On May, 26 this year the President of the Russian Federation V.Putin has announced the annual Message to Federal Assembly of the country. It was - not simply next Message.So, it was possible to expect, that V.Putin (it is clear, not disclosing all secrets) even will shortly tell and that is the most important today: about forthcoming World Cataclysm and about the Mission of Russia connected to it.

It, however, has not taken place. Why?

Perhaps, the management of Russia does not know neither about ET presence on the Earth, nor about forthcoming Cataclysm?

Russian (in days of the USSR) as well as the USA, having in space the general interests, keep abreast, since time of formation MJ12 (= since the first post-war years), also came to unity of sights long before the termination of Cold War.
Having started in space - first the Satellite, and then station " MIR ", they, certainly, observed (ET) spacecrafts and, without any doubt, many decades have been well informed about ET presence.. Therefore they consulted on Americans and, even being enemies on the ground - economically and in cultural sights - at the highest levels they with each other conferred � they observed in the observatories the Planet X with its satellites; and the same as NASA and Pope, See ours a prediction concerning a trajectory and speed of the approach carried out.

So in what put? Let's understand. But for this purpose I shall absolutely shortly remind essence of a problem.

Right after II World war first strictly confidential contacts of official circles of the USA - with representatives of one of ET civilizations have taken place.Then to Americans for the first time it has been informed about fast world accident: as a result of passage near to the Earth a huge heavenly body, or "Planet - X" and the most powerful gravitational influence connected to it - the corner of rotation of our planet will change, and terrestrial poles will move.

During these contacts the administration of the USA has been informed on an opportunity of rescue of a small part of the American and world elite. In particular, it was offered:

- Construction in different regions of the Earth of the huge protected underground bunkers with stocks of means for maintenance of ability to live during the moment of cataclysm and in the first weeks after it; destruction / dump from a trajectory of the Planet - X explosion super-power thermonuclear warhead / several such warheads delivered by special equipment, and-or beams of the lasers developed on space platforms;

- Maintenance of evacuation of an assorted part of the American and world elite to bases, which (with the help and on technologies made contact to Americans ET groupings) will be specially constructed on Mars and-or the Moon.

Soon strictly confidential works on these directions in the USA have begun. Operation "concealment", the purpose was in parallel developed - to conceal from a world's population any information about ET presence on the Earth.

However today the American elite (not without the help alternative, assisting to humanity ET a grouping belonging to �so called� orientations by "service-other" = worth on altruistic positions) all realize that more:

A) Their contacts have begun and proceed almost exclusively with aliens Orientations of "self-service";

B) The purpose of the last from the very beginning was the destruction of the basic part of humanity and capture of the planet Earth after cataclysm.

And consequently ways of "rescue" once prompted to Americans actually would become a trap.

Therefore, even the most protected underground bunker will not sustain displacement of terrestrial layers during terrible earthquakes. And in fact still will be bursted main oil-and gas mains; torn off wires of high-voltage electric mains; at least, the damaged arsenals of the chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapon. (However, all this only on that part of a land which will not leave under waters of world ocean �)

Besides, co-operation among world leaders before the person of Cataclysm (in particular, at carrying out of operation "concealment") till now was reached, only due to assurance (certainly, false!), that pass of Planet X will take place only with big consequences, than small earthquakes, flooding and meteoric downpours. And also - due to "caution", that if to tell to people the truth, the panic which has arisen among weights, left the workplaces, to maraud, plunder and make to the management reckless demands, represents much more the big threat. Leaders have agreed as to achieve from them it, threats and payoff were applied.

Meanwhile today, the damage rendered by growing quantity of earthquakes all over the world, and also blowing up gas pipes and the whole deposits, breaks of the water highways, falling structures and bridges and the high flooding internal territories even when the ground there does not fall, became everyday business.

And - co-operation of world leaders gives failures. For American administration all becomes more complex to persuade heads of the conducting countries �

Therefore, there are all bases to consider: the new stage of this "co-operation" today begins.

Solvent American elite, which, due to the huge riches and that the elite (bribing or intimidating) in essence supervises over the world - has reconciled to impossibility of the runaway from the Earth during forthcoming cataclysms. Having stuck on the Earth at growth of number of proofs, that underground caves are not so safe, they (elite) now have sharply become interested in the areas planned for groups of a survival on which they can rely in the future as on starting base for origin of new economy. Thus, after decades of uncertainty a small part of mankind which knows about approach of this monster (about the Planet X) and about probable date of its arrival (not later than 2013) has concentrated only on a question on how to benefit by this destruction.

The first idea - how to reach the shelter. The second idea - how to sustain disasters in the bunkers, it will not be safe to leave yet from them. The third idea, - how to become kings..

In other words, the decision - to create " the New world order " is accepted. Naturally, led by economic elite of the United States of America.

The rule of participation in this "order" for the others is extremely simple: " you are not able - we shall learn; you do not want - we shall force! ".

In a new fashion formulated purpose of the American elite - about the latest days (before Cataclysm) to avoid a panic and to ruin all over the world hundred millions people living in coastal cities and in cities, the rivers located in pools, ensnared them there under the pretext of the Martial law to reduce mass hungry revolts. Survived in internal territories which, probably, more useful labour skills, than spineless city inhabitants have, will be driven in labour camp because the elite will possess food stocks, and it will transform them into slaves.

Here that the former high-ranking officer of military investigation of the USA, "Commander X" disappearing nowadays under a pseudonym, speaks: " there Is completely confidential war. Elite conduct the Secret government and his allies belonging both to mankind, and to ET races. War is conducted against inhabitants of the Earth � Though in newspapers you will not read about it and will not hear in news, from it war does not become for earthmen less real or less menacing."

In the majority those people which take part in this fight for our planet, are completely unknown to you as, to hide from us the names, they refuse glory and public popularity. They do not borrow posts in the state bodies or the government more often. However it does not mean, that they do not possess huge authority which scales cannot even present themselves those who are not devoted in their improbable secrets.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Do you see it the way i see?

ummmm...ok...(rubbing eyes) What was all that about again?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

ummmm...ok...(rubbing eyes) What was all that about again?

If i put it simply - we are doomed, earth is going to be wiped out .. Thats about it

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by RealityBites

Originally posted by mpeake

ummmm...ok...(rubbing eyes) What was all that about again?

If i put it simply - we are doomed, earth is going to be wiped out .. Thats about it

[edit on 18-8-2004 by RealityBites]

I thought that may be the theme. So my answer would be, no.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:50 PM
I got the general gist . Well I hope RealityBites is either a really creative person or his sourse are. I've heard inclinations of such things here and there. Sh*t all this paranoia is gonna give me a brain tumor.

" Where's that cabage joice. "

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:53 PM
The problem with trying to see the big picture of aliens, coverup, etc. is that it's like trying to put together a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, with about 100 pieces, and some of those 100 pieces may even belong with another puzzle, but you can't tell which ones...

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:53 PM
We are not doomed... the UFOs will save the world for us.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:54 PM
to Gazrok /

Right to the point

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Istvan
We are not doomed... the UFOs will save the world for us.

''us'' is ment to be an elite group of people, not more .. that's the problem.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 05:36 PM
I'm always all about finding more out about conspiracies and the like. It always interests me to see what conclusions others have come to regarding these things. Personally, I am really close to believeing the whole Draconian(reptilian)/ Zeta Reticulan connection to the Illuminati or whatever secret society you call them manipulating world governments in an attempt to prepare the world for a public first contact and subsequent consolidation of power under a single ruler/organization, culminating in the establishment of a one world government, church, and military.

Again, my opinion only, your mileage may vary.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 06:12 PM
I don't think I'm open minded...

I just can't see the point. If the world is doomed, let it be. If we have to die, well there is nothing to stop that.

The US Power Elite would be the first to hide from any attack either from other countries, or from the outer space. There is contact between top officials and aliens, I am sure about that. But if the aliens live here on Earth, then it is their aim, to avoid any war that can affect the climate or the nature. They breathe the same air, they drink the same water. What's the use of an unwanted nuclear pollution? Nothing.

Some say, that there are fifteen alien civilizations on Earth. Well, that is huge.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 06:20 PM
If and when there is an all out invasion from space, I doubt it will be nuclear. A nuclear exchange is much more likely between the United States and China, or the US and a united Arab League who decided to attack Israel. I think that if you believe biblical and mythological prophecies, you almost have to believe, like it or not, that the US's future rests on our level of alliance or support of Israel. I am by no means a Zionist, but I do believe that there will be a war involving the Arab nations against Israel in the near future (5-15 years), and the resulting conflict will bring the US into the fray, almost certainly on the side of Israel. This war will go nuclear, at least partially, and those behind the NWO will use this as incentive to assert power and bring about the revelation of EBE presence on Earth, if they haven't yet. The resulting shift and consolidation of power will be used to prepare the world for an impending invasion. The preperation will be handled by the coming world body and the Grey race ( Zeta Reticulans and variants). The supposed invading force will be the Draconian forces (reptilians). The resulting war will be the 'Armageddon' battle prophesied in the Bible and elsewhere.

Again, my theory only, and a work in progress at that.

Your mileage may vary

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Mother Earth is going to cleanse herself...RealityBites is right...

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 08:41 PM
If there is a way to stop it, and this is reality, then we must do something to stop it! We can't sit back while the social elite live, condemning us to death and slavery. We must fight back with all our might and resourcefulness and pray that is enough! I believe something is about to happen in this world and it is not going to be good. We must not be sheep led to the slaughter!

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Sigma
If there is a way to stop it, and this is reality, then we must do something to stop it! We can't sit back while the social elite live, condemning us to death and slavery. We must fight back with all our might and resourcefulness and pray that is enough! I believe something is about to happen in this world and it is not going to be good. We must not be sheep led to the slaughter!

no man...This is something that has to be have no idea in what kind of world you are living in...this goes beyond your imagination...that's why no one knows about this...people laugh at those things, it was created so that people would laugh at it...little do they know...on the other hand...we are all being 'prepared' for whats coming...mystery's are only hidden knowledge! the world is become in almost a 'hell' state for Mother Earth, she had to decide to cleanse the is already begon, but it's going 'slowly' first...
Mother Earth also asked help from intelligent loving beings from space, to save the 'good' creaters on this planet...So that the Earth will have a new era...a gold age...

EVIL will perish soon!

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Italiano]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:13 PM
You really have no faith in humanity do you? Sure there is a lot of evil, but there is also a lot of good! I think this good is worth fighting for! As long as I am breathing I will never give up on Earth! What kind of Benevolent beings would destroy intelligent life, when there is a chance to help it?!

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:17 PM
Mother Earth asked for some assistance. She asked to help those who would seek help. She asked to help in the most loving ways to make the Earth�s transformation into a higher dimensional being a most pleasant and swift one, at the same time offer the same loving assistance to each on the Earth who will accept these beings.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Sigma
You really have no faith in humanity do you? Sure there is a lot of evil, but there is also a lot of good! I think this good is worth fighting for! As long as I am breathing I will never give up on Earth! What kind of Benevolent beings would destroy intelligent life, when there is a chance to help it?!

Humankind has been placed under some spell or received a virus, that somehow altered the normal human perspective of �himself� and the universe. In fact, the term �himself� took on significant meaning at this time, as the alteration included a focus on male dominance. There seems to be contradictory information as to the virus as �beamed� here by some forces outside of the Earth, and those beings who tampered with humankind�s DNA structure to make humans forget and feel guilty about everything.
It is no secret to humankind that there is �good� and there is �evil� or �bad�. Humanity�s understanding of this, in general, is based on the teachings from the Bible or other similar sources. It should be no surprise to humankind, then, that the universe as a whole contains good and �bad�, or as we say, positive and negative. I say this also with the understanding that humankind as a whole, may be able to accept some form of existence beyond the physical realm.
Humankind will be given a choice. The Earth has made her choice to move into a higher realm. But it cannot easily do this with the harm created by humankind. This includes physical and vibration harm.
Therefore the Earth must cleanse herself of the different levels of negativity. It will do this in a most natural way, by means of water, wind and indeed all the elements. Much of this is not necessary as humanity alone can change into a more loving vibration. There are many physical Earth changes that must occur, regardless of what humankind does. These are for the purpose of realigning the Earth�s balance for its new orbit around the Sun. But there will also come a time when humankind must temporarily leave the Earth so the final cleansing can take place. The Earth will return itself to its true and pure natural state. It will be a place of harmony and love, of lush green forests and clean waters. It is during this period of transformation that humankind must leave, for humans will not be able to withstand the cleansing powers as well as the dimensional vibration changes.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 10:48 PM
everlastingnoitall, on any other forum, I'd think you were Illuminati, heh. That theory of yours is not only yours mate. It seems to be the Grand Plan. I can't really explain the processes that showed me that, so I'll echo you and say that's just the way I'm seeing it.

I see the World Government already (they're calling it Governance) the World Court's already there, the World Bank.. NATO may as well be called the World Army, and check this out, and get the shivers:

And indeed, the middle-east has been constantly re-arranged to suit the powers-that-be over the last 100 years, and an Israel/Islam battle is definitely being set up. The new Iraq flag even looks like an opposite (opposame) to the Israel flag.. I really think the Illuminati love it. It's a game to them, and they don't care a bit about humanity.

They're like that mischief maker in school who'd whisper in Bill's ear "Jim says your mama has hairy armpits" and then goes and whispers in Jim's ear saying "Bill says your mama sweats gravy", and then sits back and enjoys the chaos he's made.

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 02:27 AM
i dont see it the way you see it, but good effort.

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