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Limbaugh: Ron Paul is "nuts on parade"; will destroy Republican party

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+16 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:39 PM
Today, i listened to Limbaugh on the way to work (which i never do)...just to hear what he had to say about the debate last night. Didn't take long for him to go after Ron Paul. Also some things about individual military donations to GOP candidates that some of you may like to see in this vid. Paul has doubled the donations of all other candidates combined. Michael Savage also trashes Limbaugh in this one as well.

I don't know how much more he went into it with Paul....i only heard the first 15 mins of the show which included this clip. Regardless, you can guarantee Limbaugh will be consistent if RP continues to hang around.
edit on 12-8-2011 by David9176 because: (no reason given)

+31 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:44 PM
rush, oxycontin freak.

Ron paul makes more sense than any politician I've ever listened to.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Aaah zooplancton, ya beat me to it...
pop another pill rushie, or twenty - the commies are comin'

HA the freak

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Win Dr. Paul wins the Iowa Straw Poll.

They will really try to make him look crazy.

They will dust off the Perot Handbook.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by zooplancton

Dr. Savage nailed it again!. Good Clip...

+8 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Glenn Beck trashed him and I suspect Levine will trash him.

What a bunch of phonies. They can't see the forrest through the trees.

They're intellectually dishonest and as offensive as the "Left" they claim to despise.

They talk a good constitutional game and mouth a love of liberty but wouldn't know either if they bit them in the a$$.

They should be tried for treason.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by robyn

Glenn Beck trashed him and I suspect Levine will trash him.

Listened to the last segment of beck before rush came on. All i heard him talk bout was how great Rick Santorum was.

They've all trashed RP before...levine, hannity, etc.

It will happen more if RP continues to stick around in the race....they have to at least acknowledge him...but they can't completely ignore him or it would be to obvious.

+35 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:15 PM
"will destroy Republican party"

Good God I sure as hell hope so.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by David9176

I believe that the last 10 years of Republicans and Democrats has done a good job at destroying themselves without outside intervention.

America has lost their trust on government.

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by marg6043

The GOP has been taken over by the religious right funded by big corporations and intent on turning America into a fascist state of the very wealthy vs. the serfs.

The new feudalism is upon us.

edit on 12-8-2011 by whaaa because: Judith call me..

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I believe that the last 10 years of Republicans and Democrats has done a good job at destroying themselves without outside intervention. America has lost their trust on government.

I agree....actually the last 30 have been pretty damned terrible. Too much money is flowing into Washington...and until it's fixed we will continue to be in this mess.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by whaaa

The GOP has been taken over by the religious right funded by big corporations and intent on turning America into a fascist state of the very wealthy vs. the serfs.

The best thing about Ron Paul, that it might wake some people up to how completely F'd up the Republican party is. Yes the democratic party is a mess too...but my god the Republican party is corrupted to the bone.

It's getting quite bad over at Fox News isn't it? Many more are seeing it now.....

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:28 PM
In order to be a Republican in the modern sense you have to be either a greedy, money hungry corporatist or a mentally divergent, mouth breathing Jesus tard.........or in some cases both.

The one man with a real actual political platform that has experience and values the Constitution...and HE gets labeled as crazy and dangerous.

Yet Rick Perry has an official stance that "Jesus" will fix the damn economy.

The Republican party is a sunken ship of superstition, back stabbery and stupidity. It is currently gasping it's dieing breath. Probably all for the best.

We need a viable third party and we need it now.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:29 PM
i heard that to this morning.. i wasnt surprised though.. however it did piss me off to no end... it was open line fridays and he told his call screener that he didnt want any Ron Paul calls... i thought that was week.. i only caught the first hour of the show.. but the tone was set imho..

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by SkidRow

i heard that to this morning.. i wasnt surprised though.. however it did piss me off to no end... it was open line fridays and he told his call screener that he didnt want any Ron Paul calls...

Yes I heard that as well...said he didn't "want to deal with them."

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by marg6043

The GOP has been taken over by the religious right funded by big corporations and intent on turning America into a fascist state of the very wealthy vs. the serfs.

The new feudalism is upon us.

edit on 12-8-2011 by whaaa because: Judith call me..

Palin and Her Free Republic Friends Are Facists
This is a terrific little article that fully supports your contention. It examines the exact tenets of the fascist doctrine relative to the MCain?Palin platform. I think one could easily substitute the names Beck/Levine/Hannity. I don't listen to Limbaugh so I can't say.

Summary of themes:

The State should not be engaged in owning and operating businesses. Economically speaking, it should be a tool equally shared by trade guilds, business associations, and individuals in order to bring about economic harmony and moral civility.

It supposedly brings about economic harmony through regulation of industry, the enforcement of regulations that cartelize industry, and economic programs that support individuals and industry through handouts/guarantees/contracts/regulations.

It supposedly brings about civility by imposing traditional moral values and derives its legitimacy from the “collective will” of society to impose such traditional moral values.

It exists to promote courage and nobility through perpetual war, and in so doing, uplifts the moral character of its own society and the world.

edit on 12-8-2011 by robyn because: format

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by David9176

American politics has ventured into the realm of political surrealism; entertainment just like a TV show where people can vote for the best ****** dancer thru their www. connection. The best I can do sit back and enjoy the show . But I do like to tweek the conservative noses on occasion because they take themselves so seriously.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:47 PM
Bunch of dildoheads.

I did not know Savage was still on the air. They cut him here and we have whiny nasaly Mark Levin.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:48 PM
You know, back in the day people were labeled crazy/insane when they wanted to start lots of wars and wipe out millions of people. Nowadays you get that same label for advocating peace.

... and I think to myself 'what a wonderful world '

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Rush has always been a nutjob, just like that scumbag bill o'reilly and a bunch of others, but i suppose they have their retarded audiences to keep them on the media tit

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