posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:55 PM
I recently watched a documentary, hosted by Ben Stein. In this documentary Mr. Stein would question intelligent design and Darwinism proponents as to
why the subject is so divided.
The intelligent desgin crowd has a very good argument. How did a cell develop from no life at all?
What happened to give the spark need to align the first protiens in such a way that they could be jolted to life and what exterior power could jolt
them to life?
It seemed highly possible that a single cell organism would evolve, given the trillions of different opportunities and the massive amount of time
available to trigger such an evolution. However, once I started looking at the numbers, I found that the probablility that a single cell organism
would evolve at all is very small, if not non existent.
If the number is absolute 0 and there is nothing in nature that can be a variable, then the number must remain absolute and 0.
I mean, with absolute 0, there are no odds at all that life could spring forth from thin air or thick mud.
I listened more and heard a number that was incredible, to say the least. Odds of 1 in 1 tillion, trillion, trillion, trillion have been assigned for
the chances of aligning the protiend in a correct order and then jolting them to life, naturally.
The odds are so staggeringly high that the chance of the occurrance taking place is essentially 0!
Now, this is not an absolute 0, no odds statement. This statement reveals to us that, when including variables, the chances for life to srping forth
are still essentially 0!
So how did life ever manage to beat basically impossible odds and hit the genetic lottery with the first single cell organism?
Scholars and amateurs alike search for the answer to this unrelenting question - so far with no avail to an solid answer. The more they study, the
less and less they seem to agree on a possible spark of life that jumpstarted the evolution process.
Without consciousness and facing such terrible odds, why would there ever even be a need for life to spring forth in the first place. The rest of the
universe seems to get along just fine without life - that we know of anyway - so why here, why now?
This could be tied into several different topics, such as the matrix theory, the spiritual theory, the Gd theory, the theory of alien intervention and
so forth.
The numbers are so dificult to even fathom, the chances so small, but yet - here we are!
When I thought about the odds in my head and tried to reconcile my own idea of the origin of life with the information I recently learned I was
stumped. I could think of no way, logically, that life would erupt on our planet, or anywhere else for that matter.
So, I continued to think about it and theidea that came to mind is one I am going to share with you now.
It is short and simple and I have never heard or read of this idea being put forth as an option for human evolution - and there are many roadblocks to
the idea.
Is it possible that a single cell organism did not evovle from a primordial soup? Instead reach the right conditions to come from a dormant state?
Is it possible thatwhen all of the matter was clumped together as one, just before the big bang, and this matter was organic, carrying the building
bloxks of life within itself?
Could everything we have been looking for be as simple as the proteins being on Earth and what makes up the Earth from the inception of our home
Could these proteins be present in an unknown form - hibernating - until the conditions are right for them to develop from a single cell into life as
we know it?
Every single thing you see is a product of our Universe, including what you can't see. Radio waves, microwaves, etc., even consciousness is a product
of the Universe.
Knowing this, is it feasible to think that the Universe nudged us along, with life inherent in every particle of matter in the Universe? We are not
here now because we asked to be here as individuals, same can be said for all living beings.
So it must be that we are the Universe and we have been worked into delf conscious being - not to be individuals or as a gift to us - but so that the
Universe can see itself and know what it is.
Afterall, our consciousness is the Universe's consciousness - we are the Universe studying ourself!