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Independant Grocers bought out by Indians who sack locals to hire their this Ok?.if its true

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posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:40 PM
Copy cat crime finally reaching Australia.

Indians working at 7/11 and other convenient stores is nothing new in the states.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by drakus

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by drakus

I respect your beliefs and your right to hold them(how gracious of me )....but the equation is simple , and Iam quite clearly not talking about conventional emigration or immigration, I have staed that in previous post, iam talking about the replacement of a nations workforce by people coming on temporary visas to take jobs , that has been made vacant the sacking of the said nations citizens.

I would like to think , citizenship means something as does the sacrifices the young citizens fathers and grandfathers ect made fighting wars , and the hardships their mothers and grandmothers endured in the past, to ensure their nations citizens had a future.

I will go far as to say it is totally reprehensible in my opinion , to employ a recently arrived temp visa worker over a citizen or permenent resident.
Espescially as the temp visa workers send a good proportion of their wages back to India.

In 7/11 shops portable electronic wire transfers can be made direct, guess who is running that show?

I see.
I agree that that practice is wrong.

No worries, sometimes what appears to be a thread based on unfair racism is actually the reverse.
I don't care what race or color or religion a person is , but I do believe in caring about Felow citizens and fellow permanent residents, who have contributed and committed their future to a nation
People seem to suppose in Australia everyone is well off, it used to be the Luck country, before Free Trade and off shore out sourcing ie closure of Australian manufacturing and IT companiess in Australia , and relocating the factories to China, where you can treat people like slaves.and get rich.
There are people here over forty who may never get another job, yet more and more temp visa workers pour in doing jobs believe it or not they apply for day after day.
I am llucky I still have work, but not everyone is so lucky and I have been there.
I actually care.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:45 PM
This is the glory of capitalism, Would you think it more fair if someone dictated to you who you can hire in your company?

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by byteshertz

I have been an employer but now simply work independant, but if someone wasn't a citizen nor a Permanent resident regardless of race I would give the job (regardless of original race) to a Australian Citizen or Permanent resident even if it cost me more to pay Superannuation, work cover, and a higher hourly rate.
Because I value my fellow citizens, over temp visa opportunists mainly from middle class Indian backgrounds who send the money back to mother India.
Yes that is what its all aboutt folks.
Buying up Aussie businesses and wiring the profits back to India.
No wonder national debt is on the rise.
It is almost criminal, if th elaw wasn't an ass.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Ok I respect your opinion, hope you are so forgiving of Governemnt policy when it happens to you or your children,
When you find out the person who has taken the job is on a temporary work visa and has only been in the nation for two weeks, broughthere specifically to take that job you aor your child has lost, not because they are better , or can even speak english properly but because they are cheap labour.

If that is racist then this world is potty.

I didn't say you were racist. I said you don't like immigration. Everything you have said backs that up.

I certainly hope my children have higher hopes than working in a 7-11. If not, they deserve to have their jobs taken.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Ooh how elitist and what I would expect from someone who may have never experienced life, in its full spectrum.

Some people would be thankful for any job, can we appreciate that?

I was unemployed for six months once , and I applied for almost seven hundred jobs within that time (before the internet).
So a person working at seven /11 deserves to be unemployed?

No person who has ever experienced real life (unless they are a silver spoon) would even think such a spoliled thought.

Those who have experienced life and its contrariness know anything can happen to anyone including menial employment and unemployment.

I hope your kids become what they aim for, but sometimes for some the inn is closed.

I would be proud of me to get up every day and work at a seven /11...not everyone has a rich spouse or Parent, to bludge off if they lose their job.

God snobbery is rife in this world.
Oh for the elitists to walk in the downtrodden shoes for just a day..but they would probably throw them off and run to their bank accounts?
Please note the elitist and snobs in this post Iam referrring to are hypothetical and this is not aimed at any member.

edit on 12-8-2011 by Dr Expired because: brackets

edit on 12-8-2011 by Dr Expired because: spellin and spacin

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Ooh how elitist and what I would expect from someone who may have never experienced life, in its full spectrum.

Some people would be thankful for any job, can we appreciate that?

I was unemployed for six months once , and I applied for almost seven hundred jobs within that time (before the internet).
So a person working at seven /11 deserves to be unemployed?

No person who has ever experienced real life (unless they are a silver spoon) would even think such a spoliled thought.

Those who have experienced life and its contrariness know anything can happen to anyone including menial employment and unemployment.

I hope your kids become what they aim for, but sometimes for some the inn is closed.

I would be proud of me to get up every day and work at a seven /11...not everyone has a rich spouse or Parent, to bludge off if they lose their job.

God snobbery is rife in this world.
Oh for the elitists to walk in the downtrodden shoes for just a day..but they would probably throw them off and run to their bank accounts?
Please note the elitist and snobs in this post Iam referrring to are hypothetical and this is not aimed at any member.

edit on 12-8-2011 by Dr Expired because: brackets

edit on 12-8-2011 by Dr Expired because: spellin and spacin

You don't know anything about me. I grew up in a trailer in the mountains. When we first moved there, we did not have electricity for awhile. I definitely am not a "silver spoon", and have never asked my parents for a dime after I graduated from high school. I bought myself my first car. I had student loans through college. I worked in fast food, then moved up to waiting tables. I have sold electronics at a major electronics store. I bartended. I have ALWAYS worked hard. Now I'm a teacher, but for years (before kids) I taught school AND worked at restaurants on the side.

You may consider me spoiled, but I consider myself to be hard working. I do not have a rich spouse, either. We got married 20 years ago, when we were 20 and 21. We waited for 7 years to have kids, because we couldn't afford them while we were finishing school. Now we are solidly middle class, but neither of us started with anything. We NEVER got any handouts from anyone, including the government.

I have also watched my 3 siblings work their way up from the bottom at their jobs (none of them finished college initially, although my sister did go back and finally finish later) and they have all worked their way up. My sister's first job was cutting meat at a grocery store. She worked as a bank teller for awhile (very low paying) but worked her way up to branch manager. One of my brothers started out collecting money for a title pawn company. He worked his way up into upper management. My other brother works at Wal-Mart. He's a good bit younger than the rest of us, but I expect him to end up in management.

So no, I do not consider 7-11 to be a goal for my kids. Yes, they may start out with jobs like that (just as I did), but I expect them to have higher aspirations. I have seen in my life that when people work hard, are honest, and are good at their jobs, they move up.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:22 PM
As I stated in my post it wasn't directed at you asa person just the hpothetical viewpoint, so lets get that clear.
Iam glad you are honest and you have bettered your circumstances by hard work and honesty.
Iam also pleased to hear you have instilled these beliefs and traits into your children

But as I have said there is only so much room at the inn.

For every story of success there are also at least one story of poverty and unemployment.

Even if the people who suffer it are hardworking and honest just like people like you.

I learned during six months of involuntary unemployment never to be smug.

Just because things work out for one doesn't mean its because you are special.

Just as unemployment doesn't mean you are bad and a loser.

In Australia they call it a "fair go" if a person is given a even break, its only that not everyone is given a even break.

And if we believe that is not true we haven't experienced life truly.

Just ask the starving in Somalia.

Wasn't it draughty in the trailer? I hope you had a tarp?
edit on 12-8-2011 by Dr Expired because: added words

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Copy cat crime finally reaching Australia.

Indians working at 7/11 and other convenient stores is nothing new in the states.

This is what I was getting at, did not realize the OP was in Australia. But yep in the states this is how it works most of the time, oddly though I see it in mostly northern states in The USA with the 7-11's, here in Florida most are all home born either african american or caucasion citizen owned beleive it or not, it's the only state I ever could have gotten a clerk job at 7-11.
edit on 14-8-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by byteshertz
This is the glory of capitalism, Would you think it more fair if someone dictated to you who you can hire in your company?

That's just what they do, though.... I mean, unless you're not white.

Racism is the most racist thing ever.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by ldyserenity

I guess Iam trying to draw attention to the number of jobs dissapearing for low skilled or young people in Australia who were born here or who have emigrated here.
What most replies are failing to acknowledge is that it is morally wrong to make a citizen of any nation unemployed to give that job to a foreign national.
I think any fair minded person would agree.
I love all races, and colours but not to the detriment of my fellow citizens.

I must not be fair minded, because I disagree. Why shouldn't one hire foreign nationals? I'm sure nationality is not the SOLE reason.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by 547000

They are hired by their own fellow foreign nationals and receive no benefits,they are cheap.
It is also rife in the Security(sic) industry where they work for less than the supposed minnimum?
I regularly ride in cabs living down in Byron bay and I have learned that a Aussie cabbie who works the Day shift for 60hrs a week will average less than twelve dollars nett per hour over a year.

He will receive no Holiday pay, no sick pay, no superannuation, no work cover, has to pay GST and Tax.

I asked a cabbie why it is so, when the minimum wage is $15 per hour approx in Australia and most workers get at least Super and workcover?

He told me a few years ago they had a rally on the Gold coast qld (australia) and soon after they brought in hundreds of Indian kids 18 to 25 years old to drive the cabs9 the rallys against the exploitation were silenced).

This is just one example of the government policy to erode working conditions of Australian Citizens by allowing foreign nationals( not immigrants) to work in Australia.
I work for myself after doing a few varied jobs in my life, I just believe this is grossly unfair.

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