This is the vision I had concerning the Future Californian Earthquake, from: estimatedprophet
In my dream I was standing in the midst, of the great city in California, Los Angeles!
There was rubble everywhere and houses and buildings completely destroyed, it looked like the footage in the Hiroshima, Japan explosion from the
atomic bomb!
I seen in my vision a group of family climbing the tops of the building to reach the roof. I followed them in my vision and one person turned around
and was angry with me thinking it was my fault. They were angry with me because they thought I was the cause of the disaster because of my
The reason for the family climbing the roof of the structure or building, was because of the water that followed the earthquake! I seen in my vision
from a birds eye view, high up in the air, or the earth's atmosphere looking down at myself and the destroyed city and watching a wave, after another
wave of water, coming into the land from the coast of the sea!
So after this massive earthquake, a great tsunami will proceed, bringing inland, a wall of water into the land!
In the vision the waves of water keep coming in, covering the entire city from all sides with water, reaching almost to the foot of the San Gabriel
I then look up into the sky and I see about three halo circles, that resembled rainbows and they were beautiful to look at! I think that these circles
in the sky could signify or be the electromagnetism disturbance, from the ground being radiated up in the air, or atmosphere, causing these strange
anomalies, or it could also be the same theory but in a man made, artificial occurrence by using microwave technologies, in-order to produce the
earthquake and causing the strange anomalies in the air by using such advanced devices! ("HAARP?")
Anyway, the families that do survive the earthquake will then have to start worrying about the incoming tsunami's and or flood, coming inland! That
is why in my vision I saw a family climbing the rubble of a building to reach the top of the roof, or the highest level of ground to avoid the
Did you know that some of the Californian mountains in the San Gabriel Valley, have structures built inside the mountains? Yes there are bunkers
inside the mountains. This information about the tunnels or bunkers is well hidden from the public!
To find out about this evidence and where several ones can be located, is in the Azuza Canyon. Going or driving up the mountains, you can clearly see
on the side of the road next to the mountains, "air shafts for a ventilation system." (They look like huge pipes sticking out of the ground from the
side of the mountains, layered with holes all around them, made of metal!)
The Dams in the mountains were the water flows in the bottom of the canyon, they also have openings to the elaborate tunnel structures inside of the
There are several Dams that also power and generate electricity all throughout the canyon. These Dams produce there own electricity to feed the masses
living inside of these mountains!
("In plain words, there is an entire city inside of these mountains!")
Almost all of the populace is not aware of these secrets and they are kept secret from the public eye from the government elite groups, or secret
societies in L.A. and California!
("The governments are also secretly storing food and weapons, inside of these places for them and there elite. In reality things like what I am
describing here are happening all over the world not just in California!")
So that means that the people living in Los Angeles are oblivious to these secrets and are doomed for upcoming destruction! Even after the people who
are lift behind, that survived through the earhquake and tsunami's, or flood of water, then they will have to start worrying about one more thing?
(That's right people, if you read this be ready, for after one wave of destruction shall come another, and the ones who survive this apocalypse,
shall have to flee like fugitives from there captors. Some people will be shot on site, still other people will flee, and those who get caught, will
be thrown inside prison camps, were they shall await there final destiny or fate!)
"You See, I Have Warned You Ahead of Time, So Be Ready!"
When will this event occur? "It can happen any day from now, so worship God with all your heart and turn to Him for forgiveness of sin. And if you
are a sinner, turn to Him like that, as the way you are in sin, because He will forgive you and wash yours sins, just Worship and Trust in Him!"
Lord Jesus Christ will love for you to, follow Him into glory, for He is coming soon! The Lord has sent his messenger to prepare once again the way
for his coming! Be Ready, Be Awake and Faithful up until your death!
For those who believe and die in the flesh, shall never perish, and in-spirit you shall live forever and ever! "Amen!"
"I'm Warning You Saints, That There Is No Rapture! ! !"
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