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Anti-gay Indiana Lawmaker Caught in Rent-boy Sex Scandal

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Top 10 Anti-Gay Activists Caught Being Gay

I was trying to think of what it is that makes people with these tendencies pretend they are something exactly the opposite of what they portray?

For example Phillip Hinkle pretends he is a "straight as an arrow" family man in one of the strangest and most bizarre encounters I ever heard ...and I have heard a lot of them.

1. Are they all liars who do not even know themselves?

2. Does he feel his party will abandon him if he is what he wants to be?

#. Does he feel he has to be and do what his party expects of him?

Isn't that a little gestapo?

Here we go again.... More great hypocrisy from the GOP that claims to be the party of family values. I have no problem with people doing what ever they want in the privacy of their own bedroom. However I do have a problem with people telling others what to do or not to do and not following their own advise.

Yes exactly!

They ARE the same people and do the same things...Democrats and Republicans.

Only Republicans lie about everything.

They pretend to be PURISTS and pretend to be against everything.

Sounds better when you are trying to get elected.

They are the loudest voices against the things they do themselves.

Republicans are gay too, they have abortions and they spend money hand over fist!!

In one year they will spend 20 times what they complain about Democrats spending in four.




edit on 13-8-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:42 AM
Let us not forget one of the worst gay-sex scandals to hit the White House was the Gannon affair:

Conservative White House "Reporter" was a GOP Plant, Bush/Gannon Affair Denied

Bush White House Gay Sex Scandal Stars Jeff Gannon


Then there was the child-sex ring operating from the White House:

The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse


This has been by far the biggest scandal in history of either political party, yet few people have heard of it. More media attention was paid to Anthony Weiner sexting pics of himself in his underwear than to child-prostiution ring operating from the WH or the fact that a fake reporter was smuggled into the WH for gay-sex prostitution - both of those scandals which took the collusion of Secret Service and WH personnel to allow it to happen.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Blackmarketeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

The thing that must sting for the gay community is that, along with being a closet homosexual, the man is also a deviant. His behavior is not indicative of the overall gay community, but unfortunately, the stigma will be furthered.

Deviance can be a subjective term. Perhaps the 'rent-boy' tag is throwing you...but he was 18 (legal, I assume), advertising as 20. Not particularly admirable an activity, but I'm not sure it's deviant in a clinical manner. But we digress...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Personally, it would be tough for me to care less about the sexuality of those in government. What concerns me is how well they govern. So in this case, as in so many others, I put the blame on those who force others to lead hidden lives, not those who get caught in them. And if all of those closeted gay 'family values' advocates were able to quit being 'more ant-gay than thou', what a lot of energy could be applied to things that actually matter.

I agree with your post, but for one issue. This man is a politician who votes against same sex marriage. He is not going to help his "cause" any by this. He was getting rent-boys, paying them $$...I know it isn't the norm, but isn't Barney Frank gay?


Yes Barney Frank is openly gay. The difference here is that Barney Frank doesn't go around advocating homophobia. This man is being criticized for his hypocrisy, not for his sexual preference. It would help if you didn't get the two mixed up.

The real problem lies with the Tea Party/GOP platform which evidently mandates that we do as they say and not as they do.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

I agree with your comments entirely...his behavior was deplorable, both off and on the legislative floor. I'm simply commenting on the particular social process that determines a gay, especially one in the public eye, should hide or deny his sexuality and sneak around instead.

Mind you...just cuz he's gay doesn't mean he can't be a hypocritical creep, either.

Everybody is ignoring the elephant in the room. These guys aren't hiding this during their public careers, they hide it, or attempt to, their entire lives. RELIGION did this to him. I don't blame the guy at all, mind you I find it hilarious that a lot of the anti-gay rhetoric that came out of his mouth probably happened just minutes after...

semantic joke involving "mouth" and "came." they write themselves.

I'm digressing. Yes, religion is the problem here. Imagine being a child, and from the young age of about 5 you couldn't help but LOVE the color blue. However, you've been told for as long as you can remember that loving the color blue is evil, and it will cause you to go to hell. That doesn't change the fact that you think that blue is awesome, and all it does is serious psychological damage.

You see, being gay IS NOT a choice, and religion is, in many cases, NOT a choice, as parents force their nonsense on their children right out of the womb ( Actually I don't think that belief is EVER a choice, but that's a topic for another day). Personally, I don't understand how people just accept such bizarre brainwashing. I have a clear memory of being about 9 years old and hearing that in order to go to heaven, you HAD TO believe. I recognized that as a tactic of manipulation and was done with religion. Unfortunately, many people either do not have such a hard wired analytical computer between their ears, or don't have the chutzpah to abandon a social and familial institution (I'm a loner and always have been, so I didn't care, integrity is so much more important that phony interpersonal relationships), and are now presented with two completely contradictory beliefs.

"I am gay"

"Being gay is evil"

I can't really guess what happens next. I've never been terribly close with any of the gay people that I've known over the years and even then they weren't very religious. All were closeted at one point, some dated women, and even some of my older step-relatives were married with children

The bottom line is that this somehow leads to crusading against homosexuality. Do we have any gay people on the board that can shed some light on this?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Homophobia is suspect. Not really, it's just people like you and me being latent caught up in their interpretation of the norms of contemporary norms.
Nobody is 100% straight, or slidesexual. This is a fact.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skittle because: Added sentence.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

I agree with your comments entirely...his behavior was deplorable, both off and on the legislative floor. I'm simply commenting on the particular social process that determines a gay, especially one in the public eye, should hide or deny his sexuality and sneak around instead.

Mind you...just cuz he's gay doesn't mean he can't be a hypocritical creep, either.

Everybody is ignoring the elephant in the room. These guys aren't hiding this during their public careers, they hide it, or attempt to, their entire lives. RELIGION did this to him. I don't blame the guy at all, mind you I find it hilarious that a lot of the anti-gay rhetoric that came out of his mouth probably happened just minutes after...

semantic joke involving "mouth" and "came." they write themselves.

I'm digressing. Yes, religion is the problem here. Imagine being a child, and from the young age of about 5 you couldn't help but LOVE the color blue. However, you've been told for as long as you can remember that loving the color blue is evil, and it will cause you to go to hell. That doesn't change the fact that you think that blue is awesome, and all it does is serious psychological damage.

You see, being gay IS NOT a choice, and religion is, in many cases, NOT a choice, as parents force their nonsense on their children right out of the womb ( Actually I don't think that belief is EVER a choice, but that's a topic for another day). Personally, I don't understand how people just accept such bizarre brainwashing. I have a clear memory of being about 9 years old and hearing that in order to go to heaven, you HAD TO believe. I recognized that as a tactic of manipulation and was done with religion. Unfortunately, many people either do not have such a hard wired analytical computer between their ears, or don't have the chutzpah to abandon a social and familial institution (I'm a loner and always have been, so I didn't care, integrity is so much more important that phony interpersonal relationships), and are now presented with two completely contradictory beliefs.

"I am gay"

"Being gay is evil"

I can't really guess what happens next. I've never been terribly close with any of the gay people that I've known over the years and even then they weren't very religious. All were closeted at one point, some dated women, and even some of my older step-relatives were married with children

The bottom line is that this somehow leads to crusading against homosexuality. Do we have any gay people on the board that can shed some light on this?

You're trying to apply common sense to religion. Faith without proof is irrational, it's hard to be rational with irrational people.

The religious are indoctrinated, it's kind of pointless to get them to see another perspective.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Skittle
Homophobia is suspect. Not really, it's just people like you and me being latent caught up in their interpretation of the norms of contemporary norms.
Nobody is 100% straight, or slidesexual. This is a fact.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Skittle because: Added sentence.

Yes. Sexuality is a spectrum, not all is black and white.

I actually feel sorry for all these self hating hypocritical closet cases..their existence must be miserable..

Also..the squeaky wheel is always looking for the grease..for their behind that
edit on 13-8-2011 by Stovokor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 02:47 PM
whaaa, another thread about conservative groups' dirty tricks in the Wisconsin recall elections, which totally undermine the sacredness of the vote in a democracy, points to the moral failure of groups that were involved in this trickery: Wisconsin Right to Life and Wisconsin Family Action.

Groups like these sprung up decades ago in reaction to perceived "liberal moral relevancy". The moral relevancy of these conservatives has popped up since the late 1980s, when Christian candidates for public office were told to be "stealthy", and we now see the personal moral relevancy of Mr. Hinkle.

Here is a very interesting read about Wisconsin Family Action's fight against domestic partnership law. Protest served with a twist.

For certain conservatives, the Rosa Winkel is for the other person.

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn
I'm digressing. Yes, religion is the problem here. Imagine being a child, and from the young age of about 5 you couldn't help but LOVE the color blue. However, you've been told for as long as you can remember that loving the color blue is evil, and it will cause you to go to hell. That doesn't change the fact that you think that blue is awesome, and all it does is serious psychological damage.

Sadly, IMO this is the case with Mr. Hinkle. Plus, when your religion says that masturbation is bad and that, in a gesture of accepting that homosexuality is not bad, if you are gay you must remain chaste forever, because sex is reserved for procreation only, then the mind of many a young man suffers a cognitive dissonance.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Is anyone surprised anymore?

I read a study where homophobic men were proven to be more aroused by homoerotic images than non-homophobic straight men. (Measured in the pants, if you know what I mean.)

If you go around gay bashing, you might as well announce to the world your secret, self-loathing love of the sausage.

Why not just come out of the closet and be happy?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by Skittle
Homophobia is suspect. Not really, it's just people like you and me being latent caught up in their interpretation of the norms of contemporary norms.
Nobody is 100% straight, or slidesexual. This is a fact.

Yes. Sexuality is a spectrum, not all is black and white.

Sorry, it's not a fact. For some there may be a grey area...they're called bisexual. Others are 100% gay, or 100% straight. To say otherwise is presumptuous.

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