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Anti-gay Indiana Lawmaker Caught in Rent-boy Sex Scandal

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posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:35 AM

It’s said where there’s smoke, there’s fire which brings me to vicious anti-gay Indiana Rep. Phillip Hinkle.

Rep. Hinkle voted “Yea” on a constitutional amendment to make same-sex marriage illegal in Indiana. Here’s the roll call on the marriage bill for your perusal.

The problem is, Rep. Hinkle has a taste for Craigslist rent-boys. In a stunning report from the Indy Star:

Here we go again....
More great hypocrisy from the GOP that claims to be the party of family values.

I have no problem with people doing what ever they want in the privacy of their own bedroom. However I do have a problem with people telling others what to do or not to do and not following their own advise.

If Rep. Hinkle is a prime example of the trash we elect to represent us taxpayers then I don't know what to do.
If a party is going to claim to be the party of "family values" ....not even smart enough to hide their indiscretions.

OK now we can start the off topic.. "yeah but Obama's the antichrist" rebuttals.

edit on 12-8-2011 by whaaa because: take no prisioners

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:38 AM
I'm considering switching from an independent to a republican, seems like there are more gay legisqlatures in their party.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:45 AM
These sneaky b*****ds will say anything to get votes.. Whether they believe it or not!!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by whaaa

Just hilliarious how they bible thump so hard against the gays and they end up getting caught in scandals like this. Shows you how much they actually believe in "the good book". I'm sure it's not going to happen anytime soon but I'm more then 100% sure that Michelle Bachman's husband is going to get caught with his hands in the gay cookie jar also.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:55 AM
There is nothing worse than a hypocryte.
Ha, Ha, im glad he got busted. Suck it up Phillip . ( pardon the pun
) and deal with it.
I bet ya his face is red

edit on 12-8-2011 by meathed because: i was laughing to much and made mistakes

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:57 AM
It is always the gay Christians that push the anti gay agenda the hardest...They think it will distract others from seeing their gayness.
I love it when their glass houses come shattering down!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Notice It's always the ones who yell the loudest about how gaysex is so immoral that get caught with their pants down and another man's manparts next to them.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by the owlbear
Notice It's always the ones who yell the loudest about how gaysex is so immoral that get caught with their pants down and another man's manparts next to them.

Aside from the usual schadenfreude , which I will confess to myself, there is a larger issue around these sorts of shenanigans. The simple fact that if elements of society, especially the conservative ones, didn't make such a big deal about homosexuality, then folks could go about a freer life...more honest to themselves and those around them...and neither have to sneak around nor worry about 'gotcha' moments.

Personally, it would be tough for me to care less about the sexuality of those in government. What concerns me is how well they govern. So in this case, as in so many others, I put the blame on those who force others to lead hidden lives, not those who get caught in them. And if all of those closeted gay 'family values' advocates were able to quit being 'more ant-gay than thou', what a lot of energy could be applied to things that actually matter.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

It’s said where there’s smoke, there’s fire which brings me to vicious anti-gay Indiana Rep. Phillip Hinkle.

Rep. Hinkle voted “Yea” on a constitutional amendment to make same-sex marriage illegal in Indiana. Here’s the roll call on the marriage bill for your perusal.

The problem is, Rep. Hinkle has a taste for Craigslist rent-boys. In a stunning report from the Indy Star:

Here we go again....
More great hypocrisy from the GOP that claims to be the party of family values.

I have no problem with people doing what ever they want in the privacy of their own bedroom. However I do have a problem with people telling others what to do or not to do and not following their own advise.

If Rep. Hinkle is a prime example of the trash we elect to represent us taxpayers then I don't know what to do.
If a party is going to claim to be the party of "family values" ....not even smart enough to hide their indiscretions.

OK now we can start the off topic.. "yeah but Obama's the antichrist" rebuttals.

edit on 12-8-2011 by whaaa because: take no prisioners

Really??? Evil GOP does not hold the trophy for immorality. I believe this happens in the beloved Dem Party as well.

This guy needs to be bounced out of office. And he probably will.
Yet, if he was Dem, he would be protected.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Procession101
reply to post by whaaa

Just hilliarious how they bible thump so hard against the gays and they end up getting caught in scandals like this. Shows you how much they actually believe in "the good book". I'm sure it's not going to happen anytime soon but I'm more then 100% sure that Michelle Bachman's husband is going to get caught with his hands in the gay cookie jar also.

maybe the demos have the goods on him already, and are just holding back if michelle gets the republican ticket.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Generalizing at it's finest. Give it up, it happens on both sides, he got busted deal with him and move on. More partisan crap on ATS, color me surprised.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Generalizing at it's finest. Give it up, it happens on both sides, he got busted deal with him and move on. More partisan crap on ATS, color me surprised.

Oh please.........

If a Democrat progressive liberal hit the scandal pages you would post it too. You are as partisan as anyone. I have read all of your threads and a lot of your posts. I hope you aren't claiming to be nonpartisan.

And you critizing others on their partisanship rings a little hollow. Color me NOT surprised...

Is this partisan as I apply it to all parties, govt. entities, and individuals....

"I reserve the right to think for myself & not just mumble some phony pseudo-patriotic words to prove my love for my country. Instead, I will show it with my actions: By voting & letting my voice be heard, by taking an interest in the problems around me then doing something to correct them and to not let corporations or multi-billionaires buy elections & unfairly influence legislation."

edit on 12-8-2011 by whaaa because: code 56

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by whaaa

never forget, the GOP tells you what YOU may or may not do -they are exempt.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Ya started out with the GOP thing, yup, partisan, but you planned it that way hoping for a star and flag fest. Yup, I can be as partisan as some here, it'd be foolish to claim otherwise. Back to the topic at hand, if it wasn't partisan explain the need the need for the way it was posted, not that I really care.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Personally, it would be tough for me to care less about the sexuality of those in government. What concerns me is how well they govern. So in this case, as in so many others, I put the blame on those who force others to lead hidden lives, not those who get caught in them. And if all of those closeted gay 'family values' advocates were able to quit being 'more ant-gay than thou', what a lot of energy could be applied to things that actually matter.

I agree with your post, but for one issue. This man is a politician who votes against same sex marriage. He is not going to help his "cause" any by this. He was getting rent-boys, paying them $$...I know it isn't the norm, but isn't Barney Frank gay?


posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Personally, it would be tough for me to care less about the sexuality of those in government. What concerns me is how well they govern. So in this case, as in so many others, I put the blame on those who force others to lead hidden lives, not those who get caught in them. And if all of those closeted gay 'family values' advocates were able to quit being 'more ant-gay than thou', what a lot of energy could be applied to things that actually matter.

I agree with your post, but for one issue. This man is a politician who votes against same sex marriage. He is not going to help his "cause" any by this. He was getting rent-boys, paying them $$...I know it isn't the norm, but isn't Barney Frank gay? CJ

I agree with your comments entirely...his behavior was deplorable, both off and on the legislative floor. I'm simply commenting on the particular social process that determines a gay, especially one in the public eye, should hide or deny his sexuality and sneak around instead.

Mind you...just cuz he's gay doesn't mean he can't be a hypocritical creep, either.

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Back to the topic at hand, if it wasn't partisan explain the need the need for the way it was posted, not that I really care.

Didn't say GOP in the header. And you deny that the irony is not a little richer when the culprit is another one of those Family Values conservatives? That's what makes the entire issue so partisan to begin with. God only ought not to be political anyway. Well, beyond the standard interpersonal go around.
edit on 12-8-2011 by JohnnyCanuck because: ...just because.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

What? I heard they have superpowers...hmmm better check my sources. I agree with you too in that the hostile atmosphere that has been created is keeping many closeted individuals from coming out, and it is defeatist ultimately. The thing that must sting for the gay community is that, along with being a closet homosexual, the man is also a deviant. His behavior is not indicative of the overall gay community, but unfortunately, the stigma will be furthered. This again is not to say that isn't happening, but to your point...


posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 04:12 PM
It's social conservatives who continually go out of their way to vilify gays and homosexuals, including passing onerous laws to legislate what goes on in our bedrooms. When GOP tools like this idiot line up to vote on laws banning gay marriage or other "family values" laws, I consider it sweet justice when one of them get's busted in a gay-boy rental scandal or airport-mensroom soliciting for gay sex.

Plenty of Democrats have goen down to sex-related scandals, but they're usually not of the "anti-gay caught in a gay-sex scandal" variety, that seems to be the exclusive turf of republicans.

edit on 12-8-2011 by Blackmarketeer because: (no reason given)


posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 04:34 PM
You know when things will change?
When people start really looking into a person's opinions and background
before they vote
and I don't mean listening to the sound bites that make up
most of what we hear from the media.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by whaaa

I just saw this story and it floored me..It is incredible.
Talk about Washington politicians being dumb. If this man had booted the kid and his sister out and denied everything, I don't think even the press would have a story. Someone HAS already told this man how stupid he was, how if he had done things differently here, or here, or here, they may have been able to fix it for him, but now that he handed them his Blackberry, IPad, Laptop and a hundred bucks not to tell... it is too late.
After he gives his Blackberry to the kids sister ..his wife calls.
[boy calls his sister for ride when this guy won't put on his clothes]
The sister tells her "Your husband is gay. He gave us the phone" etc... and the wife offers her $10,000 not to tell. Most stories would have ended there and we would not have heard more about it.
This guy staunchly against gay marriage, and a strict family values voter down the line.
This is the YT version of the story and of course Cenk puts a funny spin on this story. Hope you get a kick out of it. Even the movie trailers good- decided not to "skip ad" and now I want to see Conan

edit on 13-8-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

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