"to defend the homefront" OP? Haha, awesome.
Well to defend the homefront, you will want to turn her out as a deep spy inside enemy lines. Selling her body for vital enemy secrets would be what
I would ask of your family, if I were the commander, defending the homefront at the top, and giving orders to families. See, I'd need to know
movements of the enemy, and where their fleets are headed,and I can't assume I'd have airpower after 9/11 so it'd be complete reliance on HUMINT to
get this stuff, and frankly, you know, I need you to be willing to go to the mat for your country, as a family.
So probably few families will be willing to step up like that, and therefore info may be limited, and therefore if your family elects not to serve in
the Information Corp, then you might be assigned infantry level, which without good spies, means artillery may raon down on you. Sorry about that,
but rest assured we as a nation will fight on.
But let's say you are going to run away and flee, and not participate in defense of the Homeland. Well then in that case you should be unarmed,
because our troops will surely have rebels to deal with in some capacity and so its just easier if you will show complete compliance. Being armed and
not defending the homefront isn't really helpful to the commanders of the front, and to have you moving in the rear echelon with arms just makes it
hard for us to retake these counties and cities. I am guessing that in that future Homefront world you describe, there would be sections of berlin
wall type trenches dug so flight itself becomes difficult. Rather than the hassle of a gun, better to think of how people escaped into West Germany
and all that, because know, I doubt the enemy will give quarter. And if they come here, they must be expecting horrendous losses, and if they are
still willing to come, then they will win numerically, eventually. So really I would ask gun owners to have three children for every gun they own.
So if you own three guns I'd expect that family to somehow come up with nine children.
In order to fight this Homefront war you describe, I'll need to fire not just bullets, but humans as well. I am thinking the old mormon way of sister
wives and so forth, will allow family units to produce enough humans but we will have to maintain our prodigious breeding systems for at least a
decade and we'd have to take ground via trench warfare during that decade so it's tough, but as a commander I'd rather have soldiers, than an armed
woman, so breeding would be best.
edit on 12-8-2011 by smallpeeps because: splng