posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Shabbat Shalom (שלום שבת) Wa Alaikum Assalam (و عليكم السلام ) Yes, it's that time again ladies and gentlemen. Today is Friday
for most people around the world. Unless you live in California. I wanted to type something for all the other users to think about for the weekend. We
all come from different backgrounds and most will just probably party or doing something fun instead of religious services. However, we all should do
our best to improve our humility. We all need to know. Now I'm even pointing the finger at myself on this one. When was the last time I donated to
charity or helped someone in need? Don't remember! You see, even I'm guilty. In both Islam and Judaism Hashem (Allah) has commanded his faithful
followers to give in charity and also help people less fortunate then yourself. I know it is easier then it sounds but we can make this happen! We can
make a new friend, smile a little wider, and come closer to Hashem (Allah) because we care. This is not strictly for Jews or Muslims. No, anyone can
do their part. Inside every person is peace. Yes, I said peace. Peace to make life better for yourself and for others. We're all humans!