posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:53 PM
This is Rick Perry’s nomination, simple as that. All he had to do to win was jump into the race. Now with that said, there is still a chance, a very
slim chance, which he will not win. How is that? Well if there was anyone who should have won the party nomination in 1964 it was the ultimate
Bilderberg/NWO inside Mr. Nelson Rockefeller. But he was defeated by Conservative champion Barry Goldwater, that was
not expected. Rockefeller
and his type despised Goldwater big time; many even backed Johnson over Goldwater.
That is the only way I could see Rick Perry losing, this would have to be 1964 repeat. The only candidate who could possibly upset the agenda now
would be Ron Paul, like him or hate him. Over these coming weeks we will see Rick Perry go up and up and up in the polls, national media (owned by
Perry’s handlers) will get a nice tingle in their leg at the thought of him, and the American people will probably fall hook, line and sinker.
All that is without mentioning the people he has surrounded himself with, these people do not hide anything, they proudly are theocrats who have
proudly stated for the world to see their plans are to “infiltrate” (their words not mine) all of the 7 most important aspects of society.
I am a religious man, I believe in God and Jesus, I am a Christian who would love to see more religion in this country, but to suggest it be done from
some kind of infiltration of government, the same government built by our founding fathers and the blood of thousands of men throughout generations to
preserve the right to freedom of religion, to have that taken away by a suspicious religious cult with a member running for President backed by an
anti-American globalist cabal, to hell with that! We cannot let our forefathers deaths be in vein.
Spread the word this man
MUST be stopped.
I strongly dislike both Perry and Obama so if he wins the nomination I will just sit out the Presidential election, there is little chance I could
bring myself to vote for either of these two men.