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Waving hello to visitors in the sky?

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Enough talk, lets see some pictures. Nah, I'm kidding.

But seriously though.... may I/We have a look at the pictures you claim to have taken? Just cause it's nothing we haven't seen before, doesn't make it something we have already seen. Looking forward to the photos!
edit on 11-8-2011 by LeTan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:52 PM
At different times my wife and I have mentally asked if what we'd been seeing/experiencing at the time was real and if it was would they give us a sign... They did, a few times, and it was unmistakable. I don't think I've waved to them yet, though. I'll make it a point to do that the next time! But, over all, I think Jibby is spot on.

Here's a bigger thought, though. You've sought communication with them at a basic level. They know you see them. They respond to your thoughts with manuevers on command and at least one fly by. And since you are probably a friendly approachable person (from your online demeanor), more than likely they are watching you from time to time. Even in your own home. Perhaps right now.

Ever have vibrations in random parts of your body for no apparent reason, especially after seeing these orbs? I'm not talking about shakes or spasms, but literally vibration, like putting your arm on a loud speaker type vibration. Ever get the feeling that someone is in the room with you, and you get that feeling just out of the blue? Ever see moving shadows and faint points of light out of the corner of your eyes? Keep your senses peeled and your mind rational. They might be waiting for you to take it to the next step... If you're brave enough. Expect poltergeist like activity (except friendly and probably in the form of symbolism and humor). I'm being serious here. It's up to you how far you want to take it. Sure, keep a camera with you if want to be prepared, but be prepared for paranormal activity as well, not just UFOs and orbs.

Happy adventure!

Oh yeah, would love to see the pics!
edit on 11-8-2011 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by LeTan

Uploading in a minute! I will crop and zoom in with photoshop, since most of the picture is blue sky. Actually, I'll post the original and cropped!

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by elg3cko

some of those ufo's are living creatures, sylphs, also known as gremlins or foo-fighters, the baby ones are know as critters or rods, the big ones are known as dragons and finally the huge ones are called space-dragons.
so put the laser pointer away
you just have to project positive thoughts and thank them for their keeping the skies clean.

Sylphs may also be called "Wingmakers". In the Encyclopedia of the Occult by Manley P. Hall, the chief Sylph is named Shad and he is very ancient and powerful.

The Sylphs coordinate weather, climate, forest growth, forest fires, land animal migrations, bird migrations and the dissolution of static magnetics (Dor) in the atmosphere. They are INTRA-dimensional existing in both the third and fourth dimensional densities.

I heard about "Powers of the Air" as far back as 1970. I saw a female Sylph above West Vancouver in 1972. In 1984 I bought Trevor James Constable's book on infrared photography of Sylphs in which they have amoeba-like heat signatures on the specially prepared photographic plates. They are actually slender beings as the Greek term sylph means thin. Constable wrote that the USAF as far back as 1960 set up microwave defenses against Sylphs who they blamed for gremlins in aircraft and psychic disturbances against pilots. It is probable that the USAF was in violation of natural law and the Sylphs were trying to correct the Air Force's practises. Crop Circles are a continuation of the Sylph's desire to warn men to stop their environmental, psychic and spiritual crimes.

In Colorado, high speed low light video cameras show activity above thunderstorms during lightning strikes. Flashes move high into the stratosphere. The rapid movements of electricity and light are called Elfs and Sprites, appropriately they should be called Sylphs because the thunderstorms were generated by Sylphs, the ancient, wise, august and huge ones. Regular video cameras and 35mm cameras catch "Rods" corkscrewing quickly around people and through trees. Rods are baby Sylphs and other fauna of the intradimensional realm of the air.

They have been drawing designs in grainfields forever. Indians of North America have interacted with Sylphs in many ceremonies including rain-dances. After a rain-dance there is a circle in the prairie grasses where no feet have tread. These holy circles were marked with stones and called medicine wheels. Within hours rain would fall.

They crop circles of the last few years have become more complex as the Sylphs become more desirous that men stop their abominations. The crop circles are made using the same energy that goes into generating rain storms. The Sylphs are generating a love message to raise the consciousness of humanity, written on the only available tablets to which they have access. The graphics are highly intelligent loving cartouches.


U.S. Air Force versus Wingmakers

[Editor's Note: In 1959, Trevor J. Constable published a book called They Live in the Sky. The book included infrared photographs that Trevor had taken of huge, plasmoid-like living creatures that he referred to as "critters". His 1976 masterpiece, The Cosmic Pulse of Life, also contained a number of stunning infrared photos of critters photographed in the late 1960's with Dr. James Wood. In addition to his own photos, Trevor was able to include many spectacular infrared shots photographed in Italy by the late Luciano Bocconne of Genoa.. These photos reveal long processions of critters flying across the sky, an entire fleet of critters drawing energy from a steel production plant, time lapse photos of critters being drawn to street lights, making sharp turns, reversals, and even materializing/dematerializing. The fascinating essay you are about to read offers new and expanded insights into the subject of Sylphs, creatures which appear to be one and the same with Trevor's "critters"...Ken Adachi]

Sylphs are sylph shaped, like slender graceful young women. Paracelsus coined the term to apply to creatures of the air that he witnessed. Sylphs are male and female and they grow larger over their long lives, yet they retain their willowy appearance. Shad, their chief, is hundreds of feet tall and is approaching the size that he will find it more comfortable to migrate to the belt of comets beyond Pluto's orbit. Sylphs have no problem flying through space even though they are borne of the air and aether. Each comet is a being, an ancient sylph. When Halley's Comet returned in 1986 its magnetic field could be photographed creating a bow-shock and wake in the solar magnetic field 100,000 miles away from the dirty snowball of the 10 mile long comet body. That means the magnetic field of the INTRA-dimensional cometary being is 100,000 miles across. The comet core is like a pearl in a very large oyster.

Trevor James Constable, wrote about the US Air Force sending out Foo-Fighters during the Second World War to photograph and possibly shoot down the wing enveloping lights which were spooking their bomber crews. The German airmen were seeing similar phenomena and they named them gremlins. These gremlins were also known to cause mechanical problems in aircraft. Constable does not cite the bombing runs during which the Foo-gremlins caused problems but knowing Sylphs it was probably during the fire-bombings of Dresden and other cities where innocent civilians were killed. The Sylphs are advanced consciousnesses and they would have deemed such murder as entirely evil. The Luftwaffe may have seen gremlins during their bombings of London, Stalingrad and Leningrad where many people were killed.

Shad who personally witnessed the atomic war of 2024 BC and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 would harrass B-52 pilots and crews in such a way to let them know that what they are doing with atomic weaponry was stupid. Shad would activate or shut down non-essential systems. Also he would find fatal flaws in the systems which could cause crashes and point out where the problems were while the plane was still on the ground. Shad may have prevented the crashes of many atomic bomb carrying aircraft, "broken-arrows". These Sylphs were a pest to the pilots and ground crews and in many ways prevented the USAF from carrying out their missions. So the Air Force developed ways of detecting and repelling Sylphs.

the black triangles are allegedly black-ops technology, jibbyjedi knows more about that, i believe.

you do not want to be pointing lasers at those either.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Flux8

I will just use my thoughts from now on!

I have had many paranormal experiences that I attribute as poltergeist activity. I certainly never made the connection that it could be them further communicating with me. Earlier this year both my room mate and I had experiences with shadows and light out of the corner of our eyes. We share our experiences in our apartment regularly and separately, often not knowing the other is experiencing anything until it comes up in conversations days or even weeks later.

I have not noticed vibrations when watching them, other than a rush of excitement. My heart beats faster and I am genuinely wide-eyed and awed every time I get to interact with them, if they're not just being still.

I would be brave enough to take it to the next level, and had not [like I said] made the connection regarding activity within my own apartment. The question to you, though, is what is the next step? O_o

Thank you for your words and response!

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Here are the original photos:

These are the edits:

The first picture has a pair; the second has a single. There was motion blur for both, as I did not have a tripod and my hand moved the camera to click the shutter. -_- These were taken April of 2010.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by elg3cko
reply to post by Flux8

Earlier this year both my room mate and I had experiences with shadows and light out of the corner of our eyes. We share our experiences in our apartment regularly and separately, often not knowing the other is experiencing anything until it comes up in conversations days or even weeks later.

That is exactly what happened with my wife and I. I kept my mouth shut about the activity because I didn't want to freak her out, but she usually brought these things up. Then we started experiencing things together. We've both had multiple independent and shared experiences.

I have not noticed vibrations when watching them, other than a rush of excitement. My heart beats faster and I am genuinely wide-eyed and awed every time I get to interact with them, if they're not just being still.

Have you felt those random vibrations when you're relaxing in your home or going about your day, not necessarily while watching the orbs but prior to or after a sighting? And if so, have you experienced paranormal activity during that time?

I would be brave enough to take it to the next level, and had not [like I said] made the connection regarding activity within my own apartment. The question to you, though, is what is the next step? O_o

The next step at this point would be to "project" a desire for contact if and when you see the orbs and/or experience paranormal activity. I'd suggest you think about what degree of contact you'd be comfortable with before hand. Be specific and weigh the consequences in a realistic manner, (also consider that you have a roommate that might not desire up close and personal contact). "Project" those thoughts into the night sky even if there isn't anything going on, you might be surprised what shows up.

Also try meditation. Not only is it good for relaxing but it calms the mind. I think it helps us notice things that we normally wouldn't in our noisy day to day life. That was the catalyst for me.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Personally, I wouldn't do anything. I would stand there before I get prison time or sucked to Alpha Centauri

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Yeah, I regard the triangles as black-ops technology, too, after hearing a couple talks from Edgar Fouche.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Flux8

I have not noticed vibrations, though every once and a while I get a feeling of, "You should go outside and look up." Rarely do I ever act on it, though, because I'm quite the computer addict. Also I love my cave, as I call it hehe. I'll easily ignore the feeling or write it off as me wanting to go outside!


Vibrations, though, no vibrations. It's possible I'm not conscious of them, so I don't notice. I get feelings more than physical manifestations. With anything paranormal, particularly regarding the experiences I had that I think are ghosts or entities from... somewhere, it's always an internal feeling rather than a vibration. I feel fear with the ghosts, though, but absolutely no fear with UFOs.

If I choose for further contact, I won't do it at my apartment. Part of me doubts they would try anything like that with so many witnesses at any particular hour; my neighborhood is never fully asleep.

I would like to take a trip upstate by myself if I were to contact them for a closer encounter. I'm quite the wanderer, so this would not make me nervous or unwilling. I'm very much the type to go see a movie alone, for example.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by elg3cko
reply to post by Flux8

I have not noticed vibrations, though every once and a while I get a feeling of, "You should go outside and look up."

If it is an especially strong thought that came to you suddenly then I'd suggest that you do.

With anything paranormal, particularly regarding the experiences I had that I think are ghosts or entities from... somewhere, it's always an internal feeling rather than a vibration.

I've experienced both. I wouldn't rule out that real physical beings can manifest their presence, thoughts/emotions, and actions over objects without actually physically being there. For us (wife and I) the vibrations seemed to happen prior to, during, or after poltergeist like activity, but I don't think it was because of ghosts. In fact I'm sure of it. Now that we don't see them flying in the sky as much and the paranormal activity has stopped, we don't get those vibrations anymore.

As for travelling to a quiet place, that's always a good idea, if not just for yourself. But I would pay more attention to any short specific messages you may get as you go about your day. Explore what those messages may be telling you. For example: "Go outside and look up." Well, go outside and look up and see what happens, since it's not going to hurt anyone. Then try to establish further contact during the event.

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by elg3cko

Have tried this numerous times (more than I can count) with zero results. I see a satellite now and then, an unexpected bird soar by (like a night owl), infrequently a shadow or something cross my field of vision - but nothing I can definitively (or even hopefully) identify as coming from a "Sky Visitor". I wish it were otherwise - just being honest with myself.

Curious though: Your OP asks (why the question mark?), about "waving hello" to visitors in the sky. I tried that recently and have done it in the past - again with no result - but I'm wondering what effect you think the actual physical act of "waving hello" has. Do you believe the 'sky visitors' recognize this wholly human form of greeting? Do you believe they (the sky visitors) also use "waving hello" as a form of communication - or do you think they simply are responding to the act?

Most "believers" or "communicators", on ATS anyway, seem to think that telepathic or meditative communication is enough to elicit a response, and in fact is the 'preferred' bilateral technique.

So, not criticizing or judging you in any way, just curious about your rather primitive human gesture of actually waving your hand at the sky as if such a thing can even be discerned by an observer miles away in a craft zipping about. Perhaps it is just the "feeling" of benevolence you experience and wish to communicate that the physical hand waving engenders within your mind and this facilitates your attempt to communicate. Very interesting. I need to give this a bit more thought. And hey - if it works for you - it may work for others as well...

I any case, thanks for the post - and keep looking up!

edit on 8/15/2011 by Outrageo because:

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Wish that I could share in your enthusiasm, but as I believe they are demonic spirits - waving and calling attention to myself would be the last thing that I do. Hey, couple it with seeing shadows and other paranormal experiences - you are either extremely brave, naive or completely asking for trouble. You might as pull out an ouija board and go whole hog. Actually, just think of that movie scene where all the party people were on their rooftop waving at the ufos and holding up signs like Welcome! Remember what happened? Please be safe.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Outrageo

So many years late on this. I went back to being a lurker hahaha.

SO! My waving is always an attempt at being physically active in hopes of being observed, kind of how I imagine someone stuck on an isolated island and they see a plane fly by. My waving is full body, I stand up if I'm not sitting, and move.

I know a normal person can't see me from their height, but I have no idea what they/it use to see the world around their craft. I've come to speculate that the silver orbs I've seen for over a decade now, are mechanical probes. My reasoning is a visitor wouldn't risk flying lower, so why not send a probe?

Thanks for your thoughts! I have since moved from that apartment. I miss it a lot, especially the frequency I used to see unidentified aircraft.

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