posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:58 AM
Everyone is focusing on the wrong aspect of the recent riots in britain. It's all outrage over the looting and a bit of footage of a malaysian kid
getting mugged.
Wrong focus. just a distraction.
IMO The real issue here is numbers. If half or more of the population had of been doing the exact same thing it would have been talked about
differently. Looting is a pretty standard part of a riot, doesn't make it right but there it is.
people who are angry or have nothing to lose get involved.
The middle-class rarely riots, not enough reason to, they trust their gov system to provide avenues for solving problems and they have contingencies
to deal with financial troubles, hence: thats what being middle-class class is all about, security.
In Britain the middle-class outnumber the dissaffected.
Financial and social issues are not yet effecting the middle-class so they don't yet see the full extent of the issues.
The poor wanna attack the rich but the middle-class are unintentionally in the way.