I am NOT shocked that a journalist for such as newspaper would present such arrogance in what appears to be a very wet, emotional rant; however, I
thought I’d share what I find detestable about her approach to journalism, and politics.
Firstly, there’s nothing abhorrent about boycotting cultural Marxism but it's not just coming from the "left" or the "liberals" - Which Melanie
Phillips cunningly fails to mention.
I consider myself a liberal, but I oppose “ultra-feminist” movements, and believe we need more of a sense of community in Britain, I also yearn
for tighter immigration policies; I don’t think the left/right polarity is so clear cut in modern politics.
The author made some stunningly broad implications in the article; she fails to source any “liberal intelligentsia” – So what the article turns
into is an excuse to voice her political positions, her personal preferences; and an excuse to demonise the perceived “others” (Who don’t think
like her – i.e. the- monogamous and non-homophobic
-A moral collapse of Britain (or our youth)
She simply alludes to the fact drugs/sex education has lead to a moral collapse and conveniently misses out (either by intention or ignorance) all
other possible causes:-
-Teaching methods (Sex/Drug Ed.)
When does the teacher ever say "Heroine? - you decide kids."
It seems in Melanie Phillip’s British utopia, teachers would have a more authoritarian approach; teaching children what they should think rather
than teaching the dangers/social implications. “Don’t think for yourself, we have the answers”
-"sexual free-for-all of ‘lifestyle choice’
Nonsense - paper thrives on reporting on sex; what do a number of aspiring youths look up to; this religious cult of football (or celebrities in
general), and the paper's lick their lips at a good sex scandal, MONEY, NOT MORALS. Again, kids look up to these "demi-gods"
The article conveniently misses out all of the possible causes for the perceived “moral collapse” of Britain’s youth, forgetting the council
estate culture that is behind these areas of Britain, and what has caused these massive wealth gaps and social divides.
Seems this lady is using the mailonline as a pulpit for her personal preferences; marriage, punishment, welfare etc. etc.
I just thought share my initial take on the article; to me it seems to be filled with emotional bias; and is just incessant moaning and needless
finger-pointing. – Poor journalism.
Her book looks awful too
edit on 11/8/2011 by NeverForget because: (no reason given)