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If They Die, We Die

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:25 AM
The Famine that is happening in Africa is the worst crisis in decades
worst then all the wars,earthquakes,hurricanes,flood and fires we have see recently

If the UN dont find a solution to that
millions of childrens and adult will rot in the sun with no food
flies eating their corpes

US gave 100 millions in food aid .. which is far from being enought
the trillions wasted in useless wars should be spend on basic ressources not weapons

UN should reunite all rich countries on that mather
so those poor souls can have proper cloathing, food and water

Second solution we should all pay taxes for a yrs
and the money will go directly to them
for once our taxes wouldnt not be wasted
and we will be proud of ourself

Can we continu living like princes and kings/queens
while others are suffering from malnutrition
can we sleep well while there is the worst food crisis in human history ?
will the UN, US and other rich nations stay idle until they all die ....

If we dont step up and help them up
our souls will die with them

Somalia Drought Is 'Worst Humanitarian Crisis': U.N.

The epicenter of the drought lies on the three-way border shared by Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, a nomadic region where families heavily depend on the health of their livestock. Uganda and Djibouti have also been hit.

The World Food Program said it expects 10 million people in the Horn of Africa to require food assistance. WFP currently provides food aid to 6 million people in East Africa.

The group said it is facing a shortfall of 40 percent on the $477 million needed to address hunger needs in the region.

Somalis desperate for food are also overrunning Dadaab, the world's largest refugee camp in neighboring Kenya, which is seeing some 10,000 new arrivals each week, six times the average at this time last year.

The U.N.'s refugee agency says Dadaab's three camps now host more than 382,000 people, while thousands more are waiting at reception centers outside the camp.

edit on 8/11/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:32 AM
If global politics were not of the Capitalism there would be none of this!

To truly change the situation in Africa, one must annihilate the global political system. And that is Capitalism.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by Ben81

It's our money we can spend it how the hell we want, we dont have to feed the entire country of Africa. We have our own sh*t to worry about and we have gave them more aid than any country in the world.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:36 AM
Why does is matter WHERE people starve to death? What if the US did send trillions of dollars of aid...except to its own starving citizens, or the starving children of Europe? Would you still be on this site calling for more aid to Africa?

We send them books and they don't read, we send them education and they mock it, we send them money and they squander it. What more do you think we should do? How do you propose we instill tens of thousands of years of our culture onto them?...because just giving tends not to work.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Evanzsayz

Entire country of Africa?

Err yeah, keep your money, I think you need it more than the Africans.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
US... should be
UN should
we should
to them
If we dont...

Ok, sorry I've missed it anywhere, but I'm missing the bit about what THEY should be doing over the previous many decades and into the future about helping themselves avoid such problems.
Could you please repeat that part?

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:50 AM
The problem is corruption and the vile dictators and warlords that run these countries.. That is what needs to be looked at before sending them billions in cash.. (mostly the aid never goes to those who truly need it)

Ya know op, if this problem concerns you so much, there are plenty of volunteer programs where you can help these people directly..

A couple of months out there and you will be praying to go back to your life of living like a king or queen.

It's very easy preaching to everyone how to save the world, on your computer when your sitting in your comfortable home..

Just want to add, after reading your post again.. Is your suggestion to this problem, to give a years worth of tax to these countries?
If so, that is ridiculous.. Are you aware of the current economic problems around the world? There is no money left!
If we Listened to That solution.. Maybe in a couple of years it will be us, who will be sitting there starving..
edit on 11/8/11 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by Ben81

It's our money we can spend it how the hell we want, we dont have to feed the entire country of Africa. We have our own sh*t to worry about and we have gave them more aid than any country in the world.

We are so spoiled
living like kings and queens
we have everything and much more
they dont ask for internet or shiny cars
just need food and water .. basic values that ANY human being diserve
wouldnt you feel proud to help them up with ur tx ?

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Ben81

Onto more serious matters...

There are 1 billion starving people in the world, that's 1/6th of the worlds population.

The US are the biggest spenders of foreign aide, some will say that they should spend the money on their own and in a way they're right, corrupt African governments sit pretty while the average citizen wallows in poverty, Zimbabwe comes to mind here...these governments need to do more themselves.

But there's another side to this coin and it's an issue found everywhere, from third world to first world...and it's the poor people, who can barely afford to feed themselves, that keep popping out children.

You can get away with it (grudgingly) in first world countries but in third world countries it just creates more problems.

Ok so I understand one of the reasons, namely the more members in a family the more potential income is available, since many third world countries are rife with underage labour a young child can be put to work early but that bubble if you can call it that has well and truly burst.

Famine is a form of balance, as morbid as that sounds and it's why countries like China restrict the amount of children a couple can have...the feared population control...these famines are what happens when demand outweighs supply.

I'd rather have these restrictions than see my child starve to death...but then I wouldn't bring a child into this world in the first place if I couldn't support it properly.

And that's the crux of it all and it comes down to education and proactive governments.

Neither of which will happen for a very long time.

edit on 11/8/11 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:00 AM
The Catastrophe at the Horn of Africa has striking similarities with the problems in Israel:
because "There is no Solution"!

1. first we save the Children
2. than the Parents, later the Singles and older ones
3. we stop the Christian and Islamic "Missionary"
4. we build Houses and Gardens
5. Schools and Universities

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Continent, who really cares dude...

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

It was my first though
not really a solution
but it would certainly help them with their basic need

In my world that would have been possible
but people care to much about their own arss and how much money they own
we have made our own hell on earth
if we continu like that .. everything will fall down on our heads

Solution #3 cut the military budget for a yrs
if you are not ready to give your taxes money to them

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:18 AM
They have Billions of dollars to solve their own problems.

It's just held in off-shore tax free havens,
under their dictators, military generals, and corrupt govt officials personal signatures.

Abolish tax-free and off shore havens and you will make a change.
They serve no purpose but to promote corruption and crime.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:22 AM
Let africans deal with africa.. Its time they grew up and took control of there own destinies.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
reply to post by Misterlondon

It was my first though
not really a solution
but it would certainly help them with their basic need

In my world that would have been possible
but people care to much about their own arss and how much money they own
we have made our own hell on earth
if we continu like that .. everything will fall down on our heads

Solution #3 cut the military budget for a yrs
if you are not ready to give your taxes money to them

Maybe everything is easy in your world, but I can assure you it is not like that for the majority of people on the planet.
Most people are struggling to survive.

The only solution is to rid Africa of the corrupt officials and dictators.. Then maybe the people will have half a chance.

If you do a little research, you will find alot of Africa is rich in natural resources.. They have the potential to feed everyone with what they have.
A good example as pointed out by chadwickus is zimbawe (Rhodesia) that country was completely self sustainable before Mugabe took over.. Now look at it.. Completely Destroyed.

And Mugabe is rich beyond your dreams, by giving money directly, you will just make scumbags like Mugabe richer and more powerful.. I'm afraid it is not a solution to this issue.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Let africans deal with africa.. Its time they grew up and took control of there own destinies.

Thats selfish to say

This is the problem with the world today
everyone care only about their little life

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:49 PM
We are here to survive and spread our genes. Yet we say we are humane...

I'm sorry to say this but I think most people are lying to themselves if they say the are humane.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Ben81

No the problem with the World is that we try to protect every single life when it only makes the situation worse. If we feed Africa and Water Africa then their population explodes (since all they can do is multiply) then the next year there are more starving children. So we feed them again. So that the next generation starves more frequently.

Africa can only hold so many people.. and since their people are unable to formulate governments and societies to produce infrastructure to handle the population that number is limited.

Let Africa deal with it .. if they starve to death it's ok .. the population will rebound almost instantly.

The REAL problem is the ignorant bleeding heart imbeciles that go into those areas and feed them. It's called jacking up an eco system.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Ben81

S&F for holding up a mirror.

the famine and ignorance along with the "witch-hunts that target the elderly [past history] the overly curious and intelligent children [the future], and gays[easy scapegoats] has all been engineered:

Kissinger plan to transform North Africa and Middle East into Turkmenistan

here is the infamous kissinger memo in all it's gory details:

that said: reply to post by hyperion.martin

reply to post by alfa1

read the memo.

reply to post by Misterlondon
the corruption and the evil dictators are much closer than you think mate. and i'm afraid the "charities" have a hand in it.

i am now regretting not posting on a thread i saw a 2 weeks ago where a poster informed us of a german fellow who put his money where his mouth was and went to africa, taught people successful agricultural methods, only to have all his work undone by a "christian charity" that started a aggressive campaign in the states falselyclaiming there was a famine in the area, flooded it with "free food", and destroyed the germans efforts to teach the people how to fish, causing a real famine later when the free food was all gone.

reply to post by Chadwickus

1st OT: welcome back big man [i hope so]

But there's another side to this coin and it's an issue found everywhere, from third world to first world...and it's the poor people, who can barely afford to feed themselves, that keep popping out children.

this is true and includes the economic reasons you post re greater income, however i would like to point out that the majority of these children will not become teen-agers, let alone adults, they are merely trying to improve the odds that some of their children will be around when old age comes around.

reply to post by Rockpuck

i see you are a few degrees short of being enlightened, or having a heart, also read the memo and increase your knowledge of history as well.

and since their people are unable to formulate governments and societies to produce infrastructure to handle the population that number is limited.

they are certainly able to formulate governments and societies to produce infrastructure, if the west weren't so greedy that it continues to throw stumbling blocks in there way.

here a few history lessons in the interests of denying the ignorance of the " africans never put 2 rocks together, until white man taught him" crowd:

[pdf] African civilizations. An archaeological perspective. SECOND EDITION. Graham Connah. Australian National University. Canberra. Drawings by Douglas Hobbs

After the Sahara became arid, the most prominent sub-Saharan peoples were
Negroid speakers of diverse but related Bantu languages. Originating in west
central Africa, between the savanna and the forests, the Bantu began migrating
after about 1000 B.C. For centuries, they moved south and east, ultimately
spreading along the east coast. By A.D. 1000, they had reached central Natal,
in what is now the Republic of South Africa. During their migrations, the
Bantu absorbed or displaced other Negroid peoples of eastern and southern
Africa, driving pygmies, Bushmen, and Khoisan-speaking pastoralists into the
southern jungle, the Kalahari Desert, or the extreme southwestern savanna.
Thus Bantu migrants provided most of sub-Sahara Africa with a common cultural

The Bantu migrations were closely related to agriculture and iron-working
in a continuous reciprocal process. Developing agriculture expanded Bantu
populations; iron tools and weapons provided the means to acquire new lands;
and the resulting migrations spread both technologies through the whole
sub-Sahara region.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I appreciate
your POV of the species Ben81 its just sad those in power seem unable to make some of this happen.. Or dont want it too. I see the world today can feed everyone and still exist. There is enough land free to make mega farms to feed those in need. But it again seem to go on deaf ears. Now if the screams and tears and blood is seen from above then above may have a plan to assist these poverish parts of the FAMILY or HERD. Only The CREATOR can know what the plans are for these souls that seem lost in the modern world. again thanks for caring for the species.



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